Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half IN A FARAWAY LAND READ ALL ABOUT IT CHANGES Literacy: Non-chronological reports (information books about festivals, Australia and the moon, travel fact files) Letter writing (letters home from Neverland, writing for different purposes) Diaries (reading diary entries from explorers, writing diaries focussing on chronology and appropriate tense) Instructions (including imperative verbs, sequential words or numbers) Narrative stories (‘Peter Pan’) Story Writing (innovating by changing characters and/or settings) Poetry (Christmas Wishes) Literacy: Letters (letters and postcards from around the world) Descriptive writing (scenes from the Great Fire of London, using adjectives, similes and conjunctions) Narrative stories (‘The Jolly Postman’) Chronological reports (events, using labels, captions, headings and subheadings) Story Writing (developing stories from letters sent in ‘The Jolly postman’) Instructions (including imperative verbs, sequential words or numbers) Reading Comprehension (inference, retrieving information, forming opinions) Literacy: Non-chronological reports (information books about Victorian holidays, seaside resorts, fact files about Victorian holidays) Recounts (varying sentence openings, paragraphing, varying punctuation) Narrative stories (‘Cinderella’) Poetry (Bibity Bobberty rhymes) Postcard writing (format and style) Invitations (Cinderella’s wedding party) Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measurement (Time and length) Geometry (properties of shapes) Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measurement (weight and mass) Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry (position and direction) Statistics (data handling) Science: Living things and their habitats (how plants and animals grow and adapt, according to habitat and varying climate zones) Electricity (electrical safety, mains and batteries, constructing simple circuits) Changing seasons (autumnal changes in nature) Plants (how plants grow, changes in plants according to climate) Computing: E-safety (why you must keep personal information private, recognise ways to stay safe online) Digital literacy (basic keyboard skills for fact file writing, Science: Materials (properties and their uses, investigating fireproof materials) Changing seasons (winter into spring changes in nature) Computing: E-safety (using avatars, how to use Hector) Digital Literacy (creating chronological reports, finding and inserting pictures, researching, PowerPoint presentation on local area) Programming (programming Bee-Bots, converting algorithms into programs, debugging simple programs) Maths: Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measurement (capacity) Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry (properties of shape) Statistics (data handling) Science: Plants (what plants need to grow from seeds and bulbs) Living things and their habitats (microhabitats, lifecycles and food chains) Growing and Changing (plants and animals, how they grow, balanced diet) Computing: E-safety (continual recap on safe use of the internet and what information is reliable) Digital Literacy (classifying animals and sorting using databases, writing poems as a non-running document) RE: Special symbols (familiar logos, national and international Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half internet research, copying, pasting and saving images) Programming (programming Bee-Bots, converting algorithms into programs, debugging simple programs) RE: Christianity (Harvest and Christmas) Judaism (Hanukkah, Sukkot) Geography: Map Work (locating countries, continents and oceans) Locational knowledge (our continent compared to others, similarities and differences between England and Australia/ New Zealand) History: Famous Events (Discovery of Australia, moon landing) Famous People (James Cook, Neil Armstrong) Art: Painting (techniques with watercolour) Weaving (warp and weft) Famous Artists (Turner’s watercolours) Sculpture (Christmas decorations) DT: Design and make (safe place for lost things and trinkets) Music: Charanga (Hands, Feet and Heart) KS1 Christmas Nativity PE: Gym (travelling on floor and apparatus) Dance (Bones4Life) Football (passing, dribbling and controlling the ball) Tag-Rugby (learning to tag, passing, running with the ball and dodging) Hockey (stopping, passing and dribbling the ball) Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half RE: Christianity (Easter; the story, how it is celebrated) Judaism (Esther during Purim) Islam (local Muslim communities, how they celebrate special occasions) Special books and people Geography: Map Work (aerial maps of local area, the journey of a postman in our local area) Local environment (human and physical features) History: Famous Events (The Great Fire of London, The Plague of 1666) Famous People (Samuel Pepys) Art: Printing (on tissue paper to make fire jars) Textiles (tie-dye fire patterns) Drawing (shading and line drawing of famous London landmarks) Famous Designers (Christopher Wren) Famous Artists (Claude Monet’s paintings of London) Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half flags, important symbols within Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam) Special places (places important to us, places of worship, fomous places of worship) Geography: Geographical skills (locating coastal regions within the UK) History: Victorians (Victorian holidays, comparison between then and now) Art: Painting (design and paint a flip flop) Collage (seaside) Textiles (sewing, beach huts) DT: Design and make (own version of Punch and Judy puppets, plus theatre) Music: Charanga (Zootime, Reflect Rewind and Replay) Music: Charanga (Glockenspiel Stage 1, I Wanna Play In A Band) PE: Gym (jumping in different styles with control) Dance (country dancing) Tennis (accurate racket holding, underarm serves, controlling the ball by bouncing) Rounders (rules of the game, hitting, fielding techniques) Athletics (simple running, throwing and jumping activities) 3 Tees cricket (rules of the game, holding a bat, fielding positions, hitting forwards) PE: Gym (balancing on points and patches) Dance (‘chumba’, animal dances with simple patterns and sequences) PSHE: Our Place in the Multicultural World (diversity, ‘small world’ concept) The importance of exercise (healthy living, hydration and DT: Design and make (party dish for Goldilocks’ birthday) Nutrition (considering healthy eating and dietary requirements of others) Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half PSHE: Remembrance (the meaning of poppies) Queen’s Reign Heal the World (poverty, leaders, charities and peacekeeping) Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half 3 Tees cricket (rules of the game, holding a bat, fielding positions, hitting forwards) Netball (passing, pivoting and shooting from standing position) PSHE: Healthy Eating (5 a day, balanced diet) Road Safety (Green Cross Code) Staying Safe (how to stay safe in the local area) Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half hygiene) Changes as we age (our bodies, how have we changed)