The Year 6 team are Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Hilton, Mrs Shute, Mrs Inman and Mrs Lee Aim of our chat We will talk about the following: Year 6 overview Year 6 expectations Helpful reminders Example timetable Literacy Maths IPC – International Primary Curriculum Homework E-Safety – use of the internet Parent consultations Parent helpers Secondary School School Visits Welcome to Year 6 Year 6 Overview September – booklet about the secondary school open evenings sent home with pupils. 7th and 12th November 2013 - Parent Consultations Bikeability Week 8.10.13 – 11.10.13 or 14.10.13-18.10.13 January/February – National Curriculum Test evening for parents. May (12.5.14 – 16.5.14) - National Curriculum Tests Grafham Residential Trip Monday 14th July – Wednesday 16th July 2014. June 16th/17th - Two day induction at IVC 16th June - New Parents Evening at IVC July - Leavers Disco and performance Year 6 Expectations Independence – being prepared for lessons! Responsibility for own actions – follow class behaviour code. Year 6 special responsibilities. Rewards Star cards – house points Praise – class rewards HIP points Time Out A few helpful reminders School uniform - black shoes. PE kit should be in school all week. For colder weather, PE kit should include tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt (other than their school jumper). All items of the PE kit need labelling. PE T-shirts should be in the correct house colour. Bike racks – no specific places available, must wheel bikes down the drive at the end of the school day. Water bottles need to be labelled and kept water tight. No jewellery should be worn except stud earrings and watches. Earrings cannot be worn for PE unless recently pierced in which case they should be taped over. All hair should be tied/pushed back out of eyes for PE and for learning in the classroom. An example timetable Literacy Reading Journals: Children are expected to read/discuss texts 3 times a week to someone at home. Encourage children to read a variety of texts e.g. newspaper articles/leaflets/magazines etc. Please refer to the questions and targets in the Reading Journals. Writing: Themes covered in Autumn term – Fiction genres, developing narrative, poetry, journalistic, argument. Children read through work, edit and improve. New Reading and Homework diaries Maths Units in the Autumn term – four rules, money and real life problems, fractions, decimals and percentages, ratio and proportion, handling data, using a calculator, shape and measures. Mental maths – quick recall of all multiplication and division facts up to 10x10. Application of understanding in word problems/real life situations. International Primary Curriculum IPC overview for this year: Brainwave Fit for Life Fairground Forces Mission to Mars The Tudors Go with the Flow Homework Homework is set on a weekly basis. This alternates between Literacy/other subjects and Maths (e.g. one week Literacy/other subjects, next week maths). Homework should be presented to the same standard as class work – black pen (not biro), sharp pencil, ruler. We expect homework to be completed by the Wednesday/Thursday after it is set. If a child gets all homework in on time they receive a homework certificate at the end of each term. PLEASE REMEMBER READING and sign Journals. E-Safety Children are expected to use the internet responsibly and safely. E-Safety is discussed with the children and they are made of aware of the potential dangers of the internet, mobile phones, e-mail, instant messaging (msn), social networking sites Starz – the children have a Starz account which they can access from home. Parents Consultations Consultations are scheduled for: Autumn (November) Spring To make an appointment, sign up initially in the hall and then on the list outside the classroom. It is important that we see all parents. If you have any queries or concerns please don’t feel you have to wait until parents consultations. Parent Helpers If you would like to help in school, please speak to your child’s class teacher. The School Office will complete a DBS check first. Secondary School Open days/evenings (IVC Monday 8th October) A letter will be sent with your child’s unique number to apply online for their secondary place. Tell the school that you have done this using the return slip. SCHOOL VISITS Grafham Water - 14th – 16th July 2014