STUDENT RESERVOIR STRIPS – CUT OUT EACH RESERVOIR – ONE STRIP PER 2-3 PERSON GROUP DEPENDING ON CLASS SIZE ATMOSPHERE SURFACE WATER RAIN WATER Lightning strikes – Nitrogen gas is made into a solid by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and travels to the SOIL! You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a LIVE PLANT! You fall into a lake or stream as acid rain containing you so you are now part of SURFACE WATER! Blue-green algae and bacteria change you into a solid bringing you to the SOIL! You travel through the rivers and streams to the OCEAN! You fall on the land as acid rain and become part of the SOIL! Bean plants extract you from the air by their root nodules and bring you to the SOIL! You percolate underground into the GROUNDWATER! You percolate deep underground in the GROUNDWATER! Some nitrogen can get into the water in clouds and then fall as RAIN! © All Rights Reserved. You rain down into the OCEAN! GROUNDWATER SOIL OCEAN You have dissolved in the groundwater as nitrates and now you have worked your way up to the SURFACE WATER (SPRINGS)! You dissolve in the water in the soil as nitrates and filter down by leaching into the GROUNDWATER! LOOK OUT! You have washed as nitrates into the GROUNDWATER! You are dissolved in the groundwater and you are traveling underground as nitrates and you become part of the OCEANS! You dissolve in the soil as nitrates and wash into the SURFACE WATER! You are the perfect kind of nitrogen that plants need to live called nitrates. The root nodules have absorbed you. You are now part of a LIVE PLANT! You are the perfect kind of nitrogen that plants need to live called nitrates. The root nodules have absorbed you. You are now within a LIVE PLANT! Denitrification bacteria have transformed you into nitrogen gas again and now you are part of the ATMOSPHERE! Denitrification bacteria have transformed you into nitrogen gas and now you are part of the ATMOSPHERE! © All Rights Reserved. ANIMAL WASTE DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS Because this live animal ate plants and another live animal ate this live animal, you are now in them and are helping them make protein and amino acids (DNA) – But – the animal you are in has died. Go to DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS! EGADS! Someone just stepped on you. Now you are decomposing and becoming ammonia salts by nitrifying bacteria in the SOIL! You decomposed into ammonia salts because of nitrifying bacteria. You are a nitrate and became part of the SOIL! CONGRATULATIONS! The animal you were in has excreted (pooped) you in its waste. Go to ANIMAL WASTE! A farm supply company has picked you up and made you into ORGANIC fertilizer! Go to FERTILIZER! You decomposed into ammonia salts because of nitrifying bacteria. You are a nitrate and became part of the SURFACE WATER! WHAT’S THAT? YOU ARE FLOATING IN THE WATER. You are dissolving into the SURFACE WATER! You are decomposed into ammonia salts because of nitrifying bacteria and become dissolved in the OCEANS! LIVE ANIMALS FOREST FIRE! The wood you are in burned and you have been released as nitrogen gas back into the ATMOSPHERE! © All Rights Reserved. LIVE PLANT ORGANIC FERTILIZER PEOPLE The plant you are within has died. Go to DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS! You are just the kind of nitrogen that plants need to live called a nitrate. You are now in the LIVE PLANT! You were in the plants or animal this person ate. You are helping this person make protein and amino acids for their DNA. This person used the bathroom in their home and excreted you in their feces where the septic system is not working properly. Go to the GROUNDWATER. An animal has eaten the plant you are in. Go to LIVE ANIMALS! You have become part of the SOIL! Some of this person’s waste is decomposing. Go to SOIL! Some of this person’s waste has made it to the soil and becomes mixed with SURFACE WATER! You dissolve and wash into the SURFACE WATER! © All Rights Reserved.