Semester review topic 2 (ecosystem) topic 3 (human population


Semester review topic 2 (ecosystem) topic 3 (human population) topic 4 (biodiversity).

5 MC 2 topic 1, 2 topic 3, 1 topic 4

5 blank 2 topic 2, 2 topic 3, 1 topic 4

3 short answer - 1 each topic

1 diagram or data based

Quiz each other, grade, upload moodle

Multiple Choice

1) Autotrophs are

a) consumers

b) producers

c) decomposer

d) secondary consumers

2) Which is not biotic

a) fish

b) eggs

c) water

d) seaweed

3) What is anthropocentric?

a) a human centered world

b) an animal centered world

c) the world revolves around the sun

d) the universe revolves around the world

4) A late expanding population is

a) Low declining population growth, and a birthrate lower than a the death rate

b) Population growth continues to expand at a smaller rate with birth rate dropping and death rate remains low.

c) Low declining population growth, and a death rate higher than birth rate.

d) rapidly expanding growth with high birth and death rates.

5) What is the cause of the 6th mass extinction?

a) Humans

b) virus infestation

c) pollution

d) lack of resources

Fill in the blank

1) The number of births per thousand women of child bearing age per year is called _______


2) It is important to _________ family size if they want to improve in standards of living.

3) ________ is when harmful chemicals are eaten and passed onto the next tropic level.

4) Only _________ of energy (biomass) is passed from one level to the next.

5) A__________species is necessary to keep its environment running. If they _________, it could have a great impact on their ecosystem.

Short Answer

1) Why is carrying capacity so hard to determine for the local human population?

2) What is a weedy species? Are we one?

3) How does the nitrogen cycle work?

explain what is happening in this diagram.

Answers: b,c,a,b, fertility rate, limit/reduce, bioaccumilation, 10%, keystone species, dissapear

Short Answers

1) because we have resources and technology, and these allow humans to increase in the carrying capacity.

2) weedy species are the species that will survive and thrive in the current mass extinction. No one really knows if we're a weedy species.

3) Nitrogen cycle: Lightning has nitrogen, and in order for plants to use it, they need nitrogen fixing bacteria. Animals eat plants, and they eventually die, and decomposers decompose their body leaving ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria creates the ammonia (NH4+) into nitrates

(NO3-) for the plant to use it again.

Lighting has nitrogen, denitrifying bacteria would change the ammonia back to nitrogen (N2),

putting it back in the atmosphere.

Diagram: This system shows a seasonal fluctuation, and plants (producers) have died off before the herbivores. That means that there could be some type of drought that wiped out the producers.
