JANUARY 2015 Newsletter Hello Everyone and a Happy New Year

Midlands talents in the afternoon. One of the
rallies was taken by Lisa Bigley – which was
greatly enjoyed. She (and other EM
members) then had a series of quick changes
to perform in several items to a paying
audience in the afternoon.
The first item in the show was from the East
Midlands: Ritmo Elastico, choreographed by
mother and daughter team, Jackie Gilman
Hello Everyone and a Happy New Year to you
and Lynne Davis, explored the dynamic
qualities of elastic as apparatus.
I hope you have all had a relaxing Christmas
break and are ready to take on 2015.
Word of this event has spread over the years
and so the audience included many visitors to
Sutton who were not members of the KFA
themselves, but were treated to a whole range
of keep fit demonstrations – including some
by their local classes and performances from
the National Festival of Movement .
This will be my last introduction to your
newsletter as I will be handing over the reins
to Barbara Moffat at the AGM.
I have enjoyed my 2 year term of office,
although, at times it has been challenging and
I would like to thank everyone on the
committee for their dedication, hard work and
support; and I wish Barbara well as she takes
over the Chair.
Our second team from the East Midlands was
the Youth Moves ‘Snapdance’ team produced
by Alison Clarke, who performed a very
modern combination of contemporary and
Ritmo Elastico – required ingenuity to perform
lyrical moves to ‘Disturbia’ by Rhianna.
the intricate patterns with a smaller team.
I would, also, like to thank the members of the
2014/15 demonstration team for their superb Alison's costume design and futuristic eye
make-up, which was applied by her daughter,
performance at the East Mids. AGM in
November. I am so proud of them all. If you Emily, who is also a member of the team,
didn’t manage to get to the EM AGM, you will added to the overall interpretation of the
be able to see it in March, at our own AGM.
Our region is, also hosting the National
Championships on 9/10th May 2015 at the
Albert Hall, Nottingham. So why not spend the
weekend in Nottingham and support your
local teams.
We will be handing over a cheque to the
Warks/Northants Air Ambulance at our
AGM,and will be asking for suggestions for
our 2015/17 charity. Please fill in the enclosed
slip and return it to me.
Lisa Bigley had the opportunity to perform in
her own item, Gran Tango.
Our Regional Skippers wow’d them with their
Anchors’ Aweigh.
I look forward to seeing many of you
throughout 2015.
With best wishes.
For the choreography of her Gran Tango,
Lisa Bigley sought inspiration from stories of
Kathie Lynch (Chair Leics/Northants KFA)
the early years of immigration into Argentina,
where dance was an international language
for communication and courtship and the
And the East Midlands Dem team confirmed
Argentine Tango with its intricate footwork
The report on the Festival of Movement held
that it was a Wonderful Day’, which was
was born.
repeated in the Carnival Parade the following
in Birmingham in July was just too late for our
Summer Newsletter. You will have heard by
now of what an enormous success this was
and how wonderful the Symphony Hall was as
Summer seems so far away now, but cast
an alternative venue to the Albert Hall in
your mind back to July when our Members
The Regional AGM held at the Becket School
enjoyed a Day by the Sea with rallies in the
in Nottingham provided an opportunity for our
Three teams from the East Midlands
morning and another great show of our East
members to get together and catch up on KFA
performed and all three were honoured to be
invited to perform their items again at the KFA
National AGM. More news and photos of both
The morning sessions offered the choice and
these events can be found on the East
variation of movement styles we have come to
Midland website.
expect of our events – Starting with Ruth
Denholm who gave us a fast and funky
session with lots of attitude, then Judy
Stephenson from North West KFA who used
scarves to develop beautiful relationships,
and Frances Dickins who gave us a great
session ending with a touch of humour and a
feather boa. Youth Moves had their own
sessions taken by Alison Clarke and Lisa
Bigley in a separate hall.
have another opportunity at our Leics/
Northants AGM in March.
The afternoon programme of eleven items
also featured the ‘Dotts’ County Team; The
East Mids Dem Team ; East Midlands
Skippers ; Youth Moves, and several class
items including those performed at the Sutton
on Sea Members Day.
All lined up for the Finale.
At the Meeting; Kate Swinscoe, having
completed more than her two years as Chair,
passed on the badge of office to Sue Bennett
who will be caretaker for the next year. She
will continue in the role of Members Liaison
and again made a plea for more people to join
our committees –saying how everyone who
does so says how rewarding it is – and
usually adds: what fun also. So if you have a
skill and little time on your hands, contact any
committee member and step up.
We ended our year with our Christmas Rally
held at the Pastures – which is proving to be a
bit cramped these days. The theme was
‘Nursery Rhymes’ which certainly brought out
the creative side of our members – although it
has to be said that not all costumes proved to
be Keep Fit friendly!
Sue Bennett – our new
Regional Chair , took the
session, and then had to
make the impossible
choice of winner. No, she
couldn’t have five winners
– one only is the rule and
she eventually chose
The RAGM also provides the first opportunity
Joyce whose costume for
to see what used to be called the ‘County
Mary Mary Quite Contrary,
Team’ perform.
included applique flowers,
bells and – of course,
Choreographed this year by Kathie Lynch,
cockle shells all around the hemline. A worthy
our Leics/Northants team moved to the gentle
winner from quite an amazing collection. (go
to the website for pictures of all the costumes)
The afternoon demonstrations gave us
another opportunity to see the three brilliant
performances by East Midlands teams at the
Festival of Movement. Without the distance
and lights of the Symphony Hall auditorium,
we could really appreciate the skill and ability
of our EM friends.
At the time of writing, the charity fund stands
at approximately £1,650.00. But there is still
time for you to help to increase this total. If
you would like to make a donation, however
small, please contact Kathie on 01604 409759
or kml1311@btinternet.com .
The Macular Society supports those with, and
carries out research into, this central vision
impairment. As our nominated national
charity in 2013/14, KFA members raised over
£13,000 for this cause. Thanks to our Leics /
Northants members for their contribution of
£600 to this total.
Now is the time to get your nomination in for
our two member’s awards. We all know those
members who regularly support local events
or perhaps work quietly in the background,
doing those things that make our organisation
such a friendly one. Let us say a big thankyou to them at our AGM.
Remember you can now nominate the same
person for both or either of these Awards.
Nominations can be sent to either
Kathie Lynch or Barbara Moffat
There is so much going on in our Region that
we would need a full size magazine to include
it all. Our Newsletter has to be brief for cost
reasons, so in most cases, photographs and a
full report of all the events included here can
be found on our website – go on, have a look.
Our East Midlands website is designed both
to attract much needed new members and to
give you, our existing members and teachers,
all the news, information, and details of events
in our Region. We have always been good at
We are now coming to the end of our twoyear fundraising efforts on behalf of the Warks ‘spreading the word’ – and most of our new
and Northants Air Ambulance. Thank you to class members come because someone has
Rhythms of the African plains – so much
told them how good and what fun a KFA class
everyone who has contributed to this
loved and frequently visited by Kathie. Called
is. If you belong to the WI, U3A, Mother’s
extremely worthwhile cause.
‘Awakening’ her item captured the beauty of
Union – or any local club – get them to link
sunrise and sunset at its beginning and end. Special thanks must go to Diana Bigley,
their website to ours – and maybe 2015 will
whose coffee mornings and afternoon teas
see a real increase in membership.
always help a great deal to bolster our charity
funds. Also, thank you to Pat Kaye for
We have to minimise the font size on our
compiling our Christmas quiz;- to the
Newsletter to get all the news in – which
teachers who have sold them and to the
makes it a little hard for some to read. If
members who have bought them. The winner
you would like a larger print version of the
will be announced at the AGM in March.
text, please send a stamped addressed
(Also thanks to Kathie for driving this fund
envelope to Pat Heed ,12 Cherry Avenue,
Wellingborough, NN8 4SQ
Those who could not make it to the AGM will raising – Ed).