suggested supply list landscape

Mimosa Elementary School 2015-2016 Suggested Supply List
Kleenex tissues (full-size boxes)
Antibacterial hand sanitizer
Glue sticks
Ziplock bags (snack, sandwich, and gallon size)
Paper towels
Colored pencils (8 basic colors)
Markers (washable)
Dry erase markers
Scissors (blunt end)
Clorox/Lysol wipes
Baby wipes
Hand soap
*The students will share the supplies in the classroom
First Grade
Tissues (2 boxes)
24 glue sticks *
Crayons (3 boxes-24 count) *
#2 Pencils (3 boxes) *
Antibacterial liquid soap (3)
Antibacterial hand sanitizer (3)
Lysol wipes (2)
2 composition notebooks
Expo Dry Erase Markers (12)
1 inch 3 ring binder
Plastic bags (sandwich, snack, quart, gallon)
3 spiral notebooks
Pencil box (hard plastic)
*The students will share the supplies in the classroom
Second Grade
4 boxes Facial tissues*
2 big pink erasers*
12 glue sticks*
1 pair child scissors
Pencil Pouch w/ zipper
1 pack color markers
1 box crayons
Crayon box – hard plastic
3 three-prong, two pocket folders*
2 packs 3x5 index cards*
3 composition books (not spiral)
1 pack colored pencils
Ziplock bags (1 gallon and 1 sandwich size)*
1 Liquid hand soap
2 hand sanitizers*
24 #2 pencils*
2 yellow highlighters*
6 Expo black dry erase markers*
1 container antibacterial wipes
* will be used as shared supplies
**Please keep mechanical pencils and pencil sharpeners at home
Mimosa Elementary School 2015-2016 Suggested Supply List
Third Grade
Pencils (3 large packages)
Crayons, colored pencils and markers
Facial tissue (3 boxes)
Liquid soap or hand sanitizer
3-prong folders with pockets (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green)
Notebook paper (wide ruled-3packages)
6 glue sticks
3 composition books (2 marble and 1 spiral bound)
Baggies: girls- sandwich size /boys-gallon size
Packet of highlighters
2-3 Packet of expo dry erase markers
Wet Wipes (2)
**Please, NO mechanical pencils, pencil sharpeners
Pens, or binders
Fourth Grade
# 2 pencils (3 large boxes)
2 marble composition notebooks (not spiral)
Facial tissues (3 boxes)
4 glue sticks
Crayons (24 count)
Colored Pencils
Notebook paper-2 packages (wide ruled)
EXPO Dry Erase markers (2 packages)
Pencil Pouch (zipper style)
1 spiral notebook
4 3-prong pocket folders (purple, orange, green, yellow preferred)
1 hand sanitizer and/or 1 hand soap
1 box of sandwich-size Ziploc bags (girls)
I box of gallon-size Ziploc bags (boys)
2 black Sharpie markers
Post-It Notes
Clorox Wipes
*No binders or personal pencil sharpeners please.
**Some supplies will be shared by the class.
Fifth Grade
100 #2 pencils / cap erasers
3 packs loose leaf paper
2 folders (with 3 prongs)
5 composition notebooks
10 glue sticks
3 highlighters (assorted colors)
Post-it notes (3-pack)
8 Pack Expo Markers
Colored pencils
Crayola Markers / 1 black sharpie marker
Pencil Pouch or ziplock bag – NO Boxes
Hand sanitizer / soap
4 tissue boxes
Sanitizing wipes (2)
Ziplock bags – 1 Gallon or Quart; 1 sandwich
Graph paper (cm size)
3 large pink erasers
2 Expo spray bottle cleaner
**Some supplies will be shared by the class.
Please NO Trapper Keepers--No personal pencil Sharpeners