** Name:______________________ Date: September 5, 2012 Math: We will be learning about place value, to the millions, ordering numbers and rounding….. also working on multiplication, and division…please work on math facts at home.. Reading: We will be reading ‘Lewis and Clark and Me” and doing activities with it. Science: We are learning about investigations and doing many experiments. Social Studies: We are learning about the natural resources of each region of the United States. HOMEWORK FOLDER WENT HOME TUESDAY NIGHT, PLEASE REINFORCE THESE MATH SKILLS AT HOME, AND RETURN THE COMPLETED MATH PACKET EVERY FRIDAY Questions, Comments, or Concerns: Please sign and return on Thursday. Parent Signature: Date: 9-5-12 GO GREEN!! If you would rather get this by e-mail or by looking at the school website please let your child’s teacher know and we will explain to you how it can be done!!! Our e-mails: jcody@usd402.com cshaffer@usd402.com Supplies Needed: ___pencils ___colored pencils ___crayons ___scissors ___glue ___ruler ___expo marker ____$3.00 party money __________pts earned this nine weeks which is _________% of their _________point goal. _________% of comprehension this nine weeks, they should be at 85% comprehension. 50% of goal is Sept. 12 75% of goal is Sept. 27 100% of goal is October 12. ***Student planners will be coming home every night M-Th. All homework will be circled and all finished work crossed off. Please initial AFTER homework is finished. We will not send them home on Fridays. Vocabulary words for the week of 9-10-12 Your child will be responsible for writing their Name, address including their town and their phone number 1. docks 2. migrating 3. scan 4. scent 5. wharf 6.yearned