Course Standard NDT103 Radiographic Testing Method II Course Description In this course students will master the competencies associated with Radiographic Testing at Level II. This course adheres to the standards developed by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). Laboratory work will parallel lecture materials from the classroom. Hours Credit 3 Prerequisite/Core requisite: NDT102 Radiographic Testing Method I Course Guide Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate basic radiographic principles Competencies Review of Basic Radiographic Principles Identify interaction of radiation with matter Identify exposure calculations Identify geometric exposure principles Identify radiographic-image quality parameters Demonstrate basic radiographic principles using aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate darkroom facilities, and techniques, and processing Competencies Darkroom Facilities, Techniques and Processing Identify facilities and equipment Identify automatic film processor versus manual processing Identify safe lights Identify viewer lights Identify loading bench Identify miscellaneous equipment Identify film loading 4.22.09 Identify general rules for handling unprocessed film Identify types of film packaging Identify cassette loading techniques for sheet and roll Identify protection or radiographic film in storage Identify processing of film – manual Identify developer and replenishment Identify stop bath Identify fixer and replenishment Identify washing Identify prevention of water spots Identify drying Identify automatic film processing Identify film filing and storage Identify retention-life measurements Identify long-term storage Identify filing and separation techniques Identify unsatisfactory radiographs – causes and cures Identify high film density Identify insufficient film density Identify high contrast Identify low contrast Identify poor definition Identify fog Identify light leaks Identify artifacts Identify film density Identify step-wedge comparison film Identify densitometers Demonstrate darkroom facilities, and techniques, and processing Outcomes: The student will be able to describe indications, discontinuities and defects Competencies Indications, Discontinuities and Defects Identify indications Identify discontinuities including: inherent, processing, and service Identify defects Describe indications, discontinuities and defects Outcomes: The student will be able to describe manufacturing processes and associated discontinuities Competencies Manufacturing Processes and Associated Discontinuities Identify casting processes and associated discontinuities Identify ingots, blooms and billets 4.22.09 Identify sand casting Identify centrifugal casting Identify investment casting Identify wrought processes and associated discontinuities Identify forgings Identify rolled products Identify extruded products Identify welding processes and associated discontinuities Identify submerged arc welding (SAW) Identify shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) Identify gas metal arc welding (GMAW) Identify flux corded arc welding (FCAW) Identify gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) Identify resistance welding Identify special welding processes – electron beam, electoslag, electro gas, etc. Describe manufacturing processes and associated discontinuities Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate radiological safety principles using aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Radiological Safety Principles Review Identify controlling personnel exposure Identify time, distance, shielding concepts Identify ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) concept Identify radiation-detection equipment Identify exposure-device operating characteristics Demonstrate radiological safety principles using aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to demonstrate radiographic viewing techniques with aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Radiographic Viewing Identify film-illuminator requirements Identify background lighting Identify multiple-composite viewing Identify penetrameter placement Identify personnel dark adaptation and visual acuity Identify film identification Identify location markers Identify film-density measurement Identify film artifacts Demonstrate radiographic viewing techniques using aviation based industry scenarios 4.22.09 Outcomes: The student will be able to utilize application techniques effectively in aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Application Techniques Identify multiple-film techniques Identify thickness variation parameters Identify film speed Identify film latitude Identify enlargement and projection Identify geometrical relationships Identify geometrical unsharpness including: penetrameter sensitivity, sourceto-film distance, and focal-spot size Identify triangulation methods for discontinuity location Identify localized magnification Identify film handling techniques Utilize application techniques effectively Outcomes: The student will be able to evaluate castings effectively in aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Evaluation of Castings Identify casting method review Identify casting discontinuities Identify origin and typical orientation of discontinuities Identify radiographic appearance Identify casting codes/standards – applicable acceptance criteria Identity reference radiographs Evaluate castings effectively using aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to evaluate weldments effectively in aviation based industry scenarios Competencies Evaluation of Weldments Identify welding method review Identify welding discontinuities Identify origin and typical orientation of discontinuities Identify radiographic appearance Identify welding codes/standards – applicable acceptance criteria Identity reference radiographs Evaluate weldments effectively using aviation based industry scenarios Outcomes: The student will be able to describe standards, codes and procedures for radiography Competencies Standards, Codes and Procedures for Radiography Identify ASTM E94/E142 4.22.09 Identify acceptable radiographic techniques and setups Identify applicable employer procedures Identify procedure for radiograph parameter verification Identify radiographic reports Describe standards, codes and procedures for radiography Outcomes: The student will be able to apply all appropriate safety processes and procedures Safety Competencies Identify safety processes associated with liquid Radiographic Testing Method II Apply safety processed associated with liquid Radiographic Testing Method II Outcomes: The student will be able to apply all appropriate NAS410 processes and procedures Competencies NAS410 Aviation Standard Identify how NAS410 affects Radiographic Testing Method II Apply NAS410 standards to Radiographic Testing Method II processes and procedures Suggested Resources List books, and other resources used here Nondestructive Testing Handbook Air Force Technical Order 33B-1-1 Nondestructive Inspection Methods, Basic Theory 4.22.09