Monday 14 March 2016 at 6pm - Croydon Schools` Dance Association

Croydon Schools’ Dance Association
Concerts of Dance, Fairfield Halls
Monday 14 March 2016 at 6pm
Tuesday 15 March 2016 at 2pm and 7pm
Dress Rehearsals for the evening performances will take place on the mornings of Monday 14 March and Tuesday 15
March - on the same day as your performance.
Dress rehearsal for the matinee performance will take place during the afternoon of Monday 14 March.
First rehearsals for all performances will take place on the mornings of Monday 29
February 2016 or Thursday 3 March 2016
Your school will be required to attend one first rehearsal and one dress rehearsal in addition to
the performance.
Music for performance:
Please send the best quality music for the performance, which will be forwarded to Carlton, who
does the music for us.
Make sure that the music is clearly marked with:
Your school name
Teacher responsible for the dance and their contact details
Your dance title
The performance date chosen
Any other information (e.g. where to cut, splice or fade music) should be provided on a separate
sheet of paper, attached to your music. If you have any queries relating to music you may wish
to call Roger Lane at Carlton on 020 8689 4208 or 07831558727. Give as much information as
possible to help Roger achieve the accompaniment you want.
Please note if you drop out of the concerts once CSDA has completed the planning on 18 January
2016, your school will be liable to a fine.
Please return the attached form, clearly filled in, together with your music, ASAP and AT THE
VERY LATEST BY TUESDAY 5 January 2016 to:
Barbara Richardson
48 Downlands Road
Surrey CR8 4JE
020 8660 3584 (phone)
If your music and form are late, CSDA may not be able to include your school in
the programme as we foresee many schools wishing to participate.
Return this (with your music) AT THE VERY LATEST BY TUESDAY 5 JANUARY 2016
to: Barbara Richardson, 48 Downlands Road, Purley, Surrey CR8 4JE
Complete this column clearly – the information supplied
will be used to compile the programme
Full name of School:
Teacher in charge/choreographer:
Please help CSDA by giving the following contact
details which will not be published:
Email :
Title of dance:
Costume and Props Ideas:
Title of Music for Dance:
Composer or performer of music:
Length of Dance (in mins and secs):
(4 minutes maximum)
Number of dancers and year group(s):
(14 minimum for evening performances, 24 maximum)
Brief description and/or style of dance:
First Rehearsal Preference:
Mon 29 Feb*
Thu 3 Mar*
Performance Preference:
Mon 14 Mar 6pm*
or Tue 15 Mar 2pm*
or Tue 15 Mar 7pm*
or Any*
*Please circle relevant dates – choose one first rehearsal and one performance preference
We will do our best to meet your preferences, but cannot guarantee to meet
everyone’s wishes in scheduling the concerts.
We will deal with requests on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, so get everything in
early! ‘Either’ or ‘Any’ would be the best options if possible.