AP © Human Geography UNIT 5 Unit 5: Agricultural and Rural Land

AP © Human Geography
Unit 5: Agricultural and Rural Land Use
Tuesday Jan. 6th-Feb 4th (19 class days) and 59 pages of reading
During this unit you will also read, “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe and use it for your project. It is at
all local libraries. Any version will do.
Unit Project: 01.30.15
Free Response Test: 02.03.14
Multiple Choice Test: 02.04.14
Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use (13-17% of AP Exam):
A . Development and diffusion of agriculture
1 . Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
2 . Second Agricultural Revolution
3 . Green Revolution
4 . Large-scale commercial agriculture and agribusiness
B . Major agricultural production regions
1 . Agricultural systems associated with major bioclimatic zones
2 . Variations within major zones and effects of markets
3 . Interdependence among regions of food production and consumption
C . Rural land use and settlement patterns
1 . Models of agricultural land use, including von Thünen’s model
2 . Settlement patterns associated with major agriculture types: subsistence, cash cropping, plantation,
mixed farming, monoculture, pastoralism, ranching, forestry, fishing and aquaculture
3 . Land use/land cover change: irrigation, desertification, deforestation, wetland destruction,
conservation efforts to protect or restore natural land cover, and global impacts
4 . Roles of women in agricultural production and farming communities
D . Issues in contemporary commercial agriculture
1 . Biotechnology, including genetically modified organisms (GMO)
2 . Spatial organization of industrial agriculture, including the transition in land use to large-scale
commercial farming and factors affecting the location of processing facilities
3 . Environmental issues: soil degradation, overgrazing, river and aquifer depletion, animal wastes, and
extensive fertilizer and pesticide use
4 . Organic farming, crop rotation, value-added specialty foods, regional appellations, fair trade, and
eat-local-food movements
5 . Global food distribution, malnutrition, and famine
If you learn only seven things in this chapter…
1) Many of the world’s crop products are dictated by the climate of the region where they are grown.
2) There were three agricultural revolutions that changed history. The First Agricultural revolution was the
transition from hunting and gathering to planting and sustaining. The Second Agricultural revolution increased
the productivity of farming through mechanization and access to market areas through better transportation.
The Third Agricultural revolution involves the genetic engineering of products as well as the increased use of
fertilizers for crops and antibiotics in animal products.
3) Von Thunen’s model focuses on transportation. The distance and the weight of crops as well as the distance
to market affect which ones are grown.
4) There are two primary methods of farming in the world. Subsistence farming involves producing agricultural
products for use by the farm family. Commercial farming involves the sale of agricultural products off the farm.
5) Many of the settlement patterns in the United States have been based on the agricultural possibilities of the
6) Modern agriculture is becoming more industrialized and more specialized than ever. The loss of the family
farm is a direct result of the rise of feedlots and mega-farms used to produce enormous quantities of agricultural
7) To compete with agribusiness in the United States, many farm families are turning to sustainable methods of
production, organic agriculture, and catering to the local food movement.
Animal Domestication
Climatic Regions
Commercial Agriculture
Econmic Geography
Extensive Commercial Agriculture
Extensive Subsitence Agriculture
Extractive Industries
First Agricultural Revolution
Gathering Industries
Genetically Modified Organisms
Green Revolution
Intensive Commercial Agriculture
Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
Koppen Climate Classification System
Livestock Ranching
Long-lot survey System
Luxury Crop
Market (Commercial) Economies
Maximum Sustainable Yield
Mediterranean Agriculture
Metes and Bounds Survey
Nomadic Herding
Organic Agriculture
Planned Economies
Plant Domestication
Plantation Agriculture
Primary Activities
Primary Economic Activities
Quaternary Economic Activities
Quinary Activities
Quinary Economic Activities
Rectangular Suvey System
Root Crops
Second Agricultural Revolution
Secondary Activities
Secondary Economic Activities
Seed Crops
Shifting Cultivation
Slash-and-burn Agriculture
Subsistence Agriculture
Subsistence Economy
Tertiary Activities
Tertiary Economic Activities
Third Agricultural Revolution
Township-and-range system
Tragedy of the Commons
von Thunen Rings
Day 1
Jan. 6
Day 2
Jan. 7
Day 3
Jan. 8
Day 4
Jan. 9
Day 5
Jan. 12
Day 6
Jan. 13
Day 7
Jan. 14
Day 8
Jan. 15
Day 9
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Day 10
Jan. 20
Day 11
Jan. 21
Day 12
Jan. 22
Day 13
Jan. 23
Day 14
Jan. 26
Lecture: Introduction
-Clicker Check
-Vocabulary Quiz
-Notecards Due
Reading, Activities, &
Getis 333-339
Foulberg 349-352
Work on Notecards
Work on Notecards
Getis 339-346
Fouberg 353-360
Work on Notecards
Work on Notecards
Work on Notecards
-Clicker Check
Getis 346-353
Fouberg 360-364
Work on Notecards
Work on Notecards
-Clicker Check
Getis 353-360
Fouberg 354-370
Work on Notecards
Work on Notecards
-Vocabulary Quiz
-Notecards Due
No School
Work on Notecards
-Clicker Check
Fouberg 370-381
Work on Notecards
Study the Caribbean
Work on Notecards
Study the Caribbean
-Clicker Check
Work on Notecards
Study the Caribbean
-Vocab Quiz
Prepare for Test & Work On
Prepare for Test & Work On
Day 15
Jan. 27
Day 16
Jan. 28
Day 17
Jan. 29
Day 18
Jan. 30
Day 19
Feb. 2
-Unit 5 FRQ
Day 20
Feb. 3
Wednesday -Unit 5 MCT
Day 21
Feb. 4
Prepare for Test & Work On
Prepare for Test & Work On
- Unit 5 Project Due
Prepare for Test
Fouberg 382-388
Getis 360-362 (Stop @
Agglomeration Economies)