EFC 330 – Field Experience (Lecture/Discussion) Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: ****************************************************************************** 1. Course #/Title: EFC 330/Field Experience Credits: 2 credits 2. Faculty Information: Available from the Office of Field Experiences and individual university supervisors at orientation. 3. Course Description: This course is designed to introduce candidates in the initial stages of professional development to teaching in the classroom and to the Teacher Certification Program. Candidates are expected to observe and assist with practices and procedures in the classroom for a minimum of 60 hours either at the beginning of the school year in an all day experience, or in increments spread throughout the quarter. 4. Course Rationale/Purpose Candidates are to become familiar with the role of the teacher, instructional practices, professional relationships, school community relationships, school culture and climate. They are to assist the cooperating teacher in preparations for the beginning of the school year. When students begin class, they are to observe the teacher in developing and delivering learning activities for a variety of students. 5. Course Pre-Requisites a. 40 hours of Pre-Admission Observation b. EFC 210, 310, and Psych 314 c. Admission to the Teacher Certification Program 6. Course Requirements a. Attend orientation b. 100% attendance in classroom as assigned c. Attend exit seminar d. Complete FE Workbook and submit to LiveText e. Complete and submit log sheet of hours spent in classroom f. Submit signed Cooperating Teacher Comments form FE 1 7. Textbook or Other Recommended Materials for Course a. Field Experience Workbook (available from Office of Field Experiences web page) http://www.cwu.edu/field-experience/field-experience-information-efc-330 b. Log sheet (supervisor will provide) c. Cooperating Teacher Comments form (supervisor will provide or copy from Workbook) 8. Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Alignment Standard V Elements 1.c.i, 1.c.ii CTL Standards 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 PEP Goals 1a, 4.b, 5.a, 5.b, 5.c 9. CTL Standards CTL.1 Evidence of Candidate Learning 1.2 Candidates demonstrate reflective teaching skills. 1.3 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of meeting the needs of diverse learners. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of teaching as a profession. 1.5 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of creating a productive environment. 10. Professional Education Program Goals (1, 4, 5) 1. Teacher candidates will be able to construct, implement, and assess a curriculum that is coherent and aligned with state standards. a. Teacher Candidate Proficiencies i. Possess the reading and writing skills expected of a teacher. ii. Be a reflective practitioner. iii. Have background in aesthetic, creative, critical, mathematical, and scientific reasoning sufficient to integrate them into their instruction. iv. Be able to teach students to effectively communicate by listening, speaking, viewing, and visualizing. 4. Teacher candidates will understand teaching as a profession, including professional and ethical responsibilities, relevant law and policy, and educational foundations. b. Professionalism i. Demonstrate the character traits of respectfulness, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, citizenship, and responsibility. ii. Demonstrate the dispositions and skills of effective educators. iii. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with other educational professionals, students, and their parents. iv. Plan for ongoing professional development. 5. Teacher candidates will participate in and reflect productively on multiple and diverse instructional field experiences. a. Successfully participate in multiple field experiences, progressing through successively more significant teaching and learning activities, culminating in student teaching. b. Engage in multiple field experiences that reflect the diversity found in the state of Washington. c. Participate in different forms of field experience including observation, interaction, application, and reflection. FE 2 11. Learner Outcomes The learner outcomes for EFC 330 are in alignment with the WAC 181-78A-270 (1.c). Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to: a. Assist in preparing for the beginning of a new instructional year, including the first day of pupil attendance (only if taking in Pre-Fall). b. Participate in selective instructional and student related activities within the assigned school and attend professional meetings. c. Observe and note the professional relationships among administrators, teachers, other Certified and non-certified personnel, students and their parents. d. Observe and note the various classroom management procedures used by classroom teachers. e. Observe and describe the different teaching methods used by classroom teachers, Including the use of Academic Language and Student Voice. f. Observe and record information about the use of Constructivism in PK-12 classrooms. g. Discuss community resources and services available to the classroom teacher with your cooperating teacher and record the information. h. Note experiences through observation and interaction in a PK-12 setting, including curriculum materials. i. Complete the Classroom Characteristics Form in the FE Workbook. 12. Course Performance Indicators a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 13. Complete a minimum of 60 hours in the classroom. Attend one professional organization meeting. Perform some duties and responsibilities of the teacher. Demonstrate professional disposition, language, and collegiality. Maintain reflective journal. Complete Field Experience Workbook satisfactorily. Receive positive comments from Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor. Course Assessment EFC 330 is assessed through attendance, participation and successful completion of the Field Experience Workbook. 14. Course Grading EFC 330 is graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. 15. ADA Statement Candidates who have special needs or disabilities that may affect their ability to access information and/or material presented in this course are encouraged to contact the instructor or the ADA Compliance Officer at (509) 963-2171 for additional disability related educational accommodations. FE 3 16. LiveText Statement Admission to and continuation in the Professional Education Program requires that you purchase LiveText. The designated assignment for inclusion on LiveText for EFC 330 is the Field Experience Workbook. Should you have questions about how to accomplish this, please visit http://www.cwu.edu/~ectl/lt/student_resources.html (revised 6/6/12) FE 4