
NATED National PhD days 2013: Parallel sessions A (cover page)
1. My contribution relates to the following theme(s) (please mark with an X):
__ Language development, text comprehension and literacy
__ Teaching, learning, and subject domains
__ Educational leadership, school reform and education governance
__ Higher education and professional learning
2. Main methods used (please mark with an X):
__ Quantitative
__ Qualitative
__ Mixed
3. Status of my contribution (please mark relevant session with an X):
__ A1: Reading of chapter or article before submission
Work-in-progress which has found its main shape and is to be
submitted / soon to be finished.
No presentation. The paper should be in a state so that you
expect it is possible to read and grasp what you consider to be
the point of the paper. Two appointed discussants will take on
the main job to read and comment. Some time will be left for
others to contribute.
__ A2: Discussion of early draft of text or preliminary analysis
Work-in-progress (unfinished manuscript or part of analysis,
max 10 pages) which still may be altered, reframed and reanalysed.
Give an introduction (15 min) of what your intentions with the
paper are and what you consider to be the point of this particular
paper/analysis. One appointed discussant will start with
comments and suggestions, others will soon join in.
__ A3: Data session
Copy and bring handouts of maximun 2 pages of transcribed
material translated into English. If you want to bring your
videorecordings make sure to bring the selected clips easy to be
found on your own laptop and please check that it works in
Only give a short introduction to the material (max 10 min) then
let the participants in the session engage with the data and with
analytic work: reading the transcripts/watching video a couple of
times and discussing in pairs. Take a round, ask for comments.
__ A4: Research design session
Descriptions of research design planned for the empirical part.
Could also bring models or illustrations of research design to be
discussed. Should be focused and clear, but with the intention to
be further developed and specified.
Short introduction (5 minutes) about research design. One
dedicated reader will prepare questions and comments based on
receiving the material shortly before. Then questions and
discussions among other participants. This session is primarily
planned for new candidates or candidates that need to elaborate
on their research design.
4. I would like the discussion to address the following (please specify):