On-Campus Recruiting Agreement UAlbany Career Services Student ID# ___________________________________________________________________________ Name (Last, First, MI) ________________________________________________________________ Degree/Major_________________________________________________________________________ Academic Year________________ Graduation Date_____________________________________ Local Telephone Number____________________________________________________________ Email Address_________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Missed Interview Policy Agreement In order for the On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) Program to work effectively, all parties must meet certain obligations. Employers invest substantial time and money in recruitment efforts, so it is extremely important that students treat every interview as a commitment. A missed interview is a very serious concern because it detracts from an employer’s impression of our recruitment program and may take away opportunities from other students. Scheduling an interview time with an employer and not showing up for the interview is considered a “MISSED INTERVIEW.” Each day, “no shows” will be recorded. In the event you miss an interview, but still have additional interviews that were previously scheduled, BE SURE TO ATTEND THOSE INTERVIEWS! But note: you will be blocked from pre-selecting employers and from scheduling future interviews. In order to restore your privileges, you must contact Career Services at 518-437-4900 or career@albany.edu. You must also contact Career Services in the event that you have any conflict that might prevent you from attending an interview. By reading this and signing below, you are indicating that you have attended an On-Campus Recruiting Orientation and/or have read the on-line presentation, that you understand the OCR process, and are accepting responsibility for your actions with Career Services. I understand if I miss an interview, Career Services has the right to withdraw my interviewing privileges. Signature __________________________________________________________ Date___________________________ Updated 8/20/2014