Employer`s Guide - Student Life

employer’s guide
to on campus recruitment
The University of Toronto is where the best and brightest students from Canada and around the world
come to learn, study and grow. If your company is looking for employees with a fresh perspective and
boundless potential, look no further than U of T.
Connect with potential employees
On-campus recruitment is a great way for companies of all sizes to introduce employment opportunities
to U of T students and recent graduates – and it’s just one of many ways to connect with potential
employees on campus.
Opportunities include:
career and job fairs
career education programming
informational interviews
and more
Join the Career Learning Network
Want to connect with more than 80,000 students on our Mississauga, St. George and Scarborough
campuses? Use our Career Learning Network (cln.utoronto.ca) to:
Register your organization
Post job opportunities for free
Schedule information sessions and on-campus interviews
Register for fairs and events
Identify talent by mentoring and hosting students
Posting on the CLN is free and offered year-round. Job postings can be tailored to specific students and
usually live online for 30 days. If you’d like to participate in on-campus recruitment, you must have a
full-time job posted on the CLN.
Take advantage of on-campus sessions
We invite you and your team to come to U of T for an information session. Meet with students and
recent graduates to discuss job opportunities and the application process.
Employer Recruitment and Engagement Coordinators at the Career Centre are happy to work with you
to design a strategy that meets your recruitment needs. There are three types of sessions you can
participate in:
 Information sessions. Interact with a targeted group of students to talk about the application
process, your organization and work culture. Sessions range from one to two hours, depending
on the format.
 Briefing sessions. Talk to selected candidates before their interviews to let them know what to
expect. Sessions range from 30 to 60 minutes.
 Testing sessions. If testing is a part of your recruitment process, combine a testing session with
on-campus interviews. Sessions last from one to three hours and technology may be provided
when requested.
We also offer alternative session formats including office hours, speed networking events, pop-up
booths, contests and more. We can help facilitate student events at your workplace, too!
Interview right on campus
On-campus interviews are a great option for busy students who will be able to meet with you between
classes. We welcome employers who post on our Career Learning Network and are hiring for paid fulltime positions to interview UofT students at our Career Centre for free.
Book interview rooms at the Career Centre that are equipped with tables, chairs, cups and water, clocks,
paper, pens, and Wi-Fi access. Some rooms also have white boards. Interview rooms are located in the
Career Centre at 214 College St. and can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis at least 10
business days in advance.
As an added service, if you collect applications through our Career Learning Network, Career Centre staff
are happy to assist in scheduling interviews with UofT candidates on your behalf.
Get started
To request a session, register as an employer on www.cln.utoronto.ca. Once you’ve logged in, click on
We ask all employers to review our guidelines here: cln.utoronto.ca/register/EmployerGuidelines.htm
Information sessions
Held from September to October and January to February
Book your session early to ensure availability! Once you’ve booked, one of our staff members will
contact you for a consultation and to start the ball rolling. Post your job on the CLN at least two weeks
prior to your event and make sure to mention your event within the job posting. Staff will be on hand
during your session to ensure it goes smoothly, to register students and make introductions.
On-campus interviews
Held from October to November and February to March, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
When posting jobs, we recommend that you collect applications through the CLN so you can easily
schedule interviews with the help of our staff. Once you post your job you are welcome to reserve
interview rooms. We recommend reserving early as space is limited.
We require at least 10 business days notice to schedule interviews and give students time to prepare.
Our staff will be on hand the day of your interviews to ensure everything goes smoothly and to confirm
that all candidates are U of T students.
Remember to book your meeting space a minimum of four weeks before the interviews begin and be
sure to provide students with enough time to prepare. At least one week’s notice is advised.
Marketing & promotions
Provide us with detailed information about the types of students you’d like to meet and we can help you
get the right information to the right people. If you have marketing materials to promote your event, let
us know so we can help you get the message out!
We’ll promote your session on our website, the CLN event calendar, digital screens and with specific
student groups.
Individual sessions cost is $150 (plus HST) and A/V resources can be provided at an additional fee of $25.
Pop-up booths are available for $350 (plus HST).
Interview rooms are complimentary based on availability of space. Questions? Contact us at
Hundreds of employers across all industries come on campus to recruit U of T students (through
recruitment & fairs
Learn more about U of T students:
Learn more about our programs:
Find out about student groups:
University of Toronto - Career Centre: Employer Guide
214 College Street, Toronto, M5T 2Z9