Chapter 4 Assignments Atoms and the Periodic table 7th grade Date Topic Classroom activity 4/11 Fri Introduction to atoms Describe the atom and identify the parts Estimate how small is an atom Introduction to atoms Describe how atomic theory developed and changed Describe the modern model of the atom Organizing the elements Explain hoe Mendeleev discovered the patterns that lead to the periodic table Introduction to atoms/ Atoms movie: Bill Nye Quiz #1 Organization of the Periodic table/ Mendeleev U Organizing the Elements paper Organizing the elements Tell what information about elements is found in the periodic table Explain how elements are created in starts Metals List the physical properties of metals Explain how reactivity of metals changes across periodic table Explain how the elements that follow uranium are produced Chemical properties of Matter Observe and compare the physical and chemical properties of metals Nonmetals Mendeleev autobiography paper Finish paper Structure of the PT / groups/ Periods; Metals: physical and chemical properties Periodic table activity 4/14 Mo 4/15 Tu 4/16 Wed 4/17 Th 4/18 Fri 4/21 Mo Describe the properties of Nonmetals; Tell how metalloids are useful Homework Atomic structure+ Atomic Models &feature=player_detailpage Lab Nonmetals: Physical and chemical properties Periodic table activity 4/22 Tu 4/23 Wed 4/24 Th 4/25 Fri 4/28 Mo 4/28 Tu Radioactive elements Explain how radioactivity was discovered Identify the types of particles and energy that radioactive decay can produce Describe how radioactive isotopes are useful Review Chapter 4 Reinforce the understanding of the concepts in the chapter Test Chapter 4 Element brochure research Apply the knowledge of physical/ chemical properties of elements to identify specific properties of an assigned element Research scientific data Element brochure design Use computer skills to design a brochure of an pre assigned chemical element Element brochure presentations Students will use communication skills to present their findings Quiz #2 Radioactivity/ Radioactive decay Atoms/ Periodic Table/ metals/ non metals/ radioactive elements Test Chapter 4/ Element brochure Support group Finish review packet