Mathletes parent letter - York Region District School Board

Telephone: 905-773-5381
Fax: 905-773-6238
February 3, 2014
Dear Grade 3 and 4 Parents/Guardians;
On Thursday, February 27/14 your child will participate in a one day math event called
“Mathletes”. On this day, students in grades 3 and 4 will complete math activities in an
atmosphere that promotes cooperation, fun and learning. Math, although a major component of
education, rarely has events to support its importance. Mathletes is a way to bring math to the
forefront and show students that not only can it be fun to do, but like other subjects, math is
important enough to warrant a special event to both participate in and celebrate.
On our “Mathletes” day (February 27th) the gymnasium will be divided into four math activity
areas. Students will move through each area working in teams to accurately complete as many
math activities as possible in four timed periods. Activities are tied to the curriculum and consist
of Tangrams, Word Problems, Pentomino Puzzles and Mathcode Challenges. Intermediate
students are trained to act as coaches keeping score and providing support for each team. As
students move through the activities, scores are tabulated. Teams work toward completing as
many questions as possible and the event concludes with ribbons being presented to all students
as they celebrate their accomplishments. The “Mathletes” program has been received with great
excitement in many York Region schools. We look forward to filling our gymnasium with
students having fun working together on math, cheering each other on, and rocking to music as
scores are tallied and efforts are celebrated!
MATHLETES FAMILY NIGHT - GRADE 3-6 – Thursday, February 27/14
As well, all students and parents/guardians of students in grades 3 to 6 are invited to attend a
free Mathletes family edition on this same day (February 27). It is a great way for families to do
and learn math together. Between 5:15-5:55 pm there will be free pizza and drinks for everyone
and then our math program will operate from 6-7:30 pm. There is no limit to the family
members who can attend. A special form for families to indicate their attendance will be
accompanying this letter.
Each student is asked to contribute $5 towards the enriching day program only.
Fundraising monies will be used to subsidize the full cost of the program. Parents
are welcome to visit and join in the fun! Please enclose $5 and sign and return
the form below with child.
Thank you,
Mr. Barton
GRADE 3 and 4 - Thursday, February 27, 2014 - All day
Student: ___________________________________ Teacher: ________________
$5 enclosed
Parent Signature: ____________________________