Mendelian Genetics Web Exploration

Mendelian Genetics Web Exploration
Website #1: “Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules”
 Go to the website,
Read the Concept page and answer these questions:
1) How many parental genes for each pair are found in every sex cell?
2) What type of parent organism was key in Mendel’s discovery? Describe this parent’s genes.
Watch the Animation and answer these questions:
3) Explain Mendel’s “law of segregation.”
4) In this cross, what percentage of pea plants was each genotype: homozygous dominant,
heterozygous, and homozygous recessive?
5) What percentage of pea plants was each phenotype: green, and yellow?
Read the Bio page and answer these questions:
6) Which two scientists developed the Punnett square?
7) Which other scientific field did Punnett’s work connect with Mendelian genetics?
Click on the Problem link and complete the activity. When you are finished, write down the
phenotypic ratio produced in a dihybrid cross. ____________________________
Website #2: “Guinea Pig Test Cross”
 Go to the website,
Complete the “Exploring Dominance” activity and answer the following questions.
1) Which guinea pig color was dominant? Which was recessive? How do you know?
2) Would it matter whether the black guinea pig is homozygous or heterozygous?
Complete the “Using Punnett Squares” activity and answer the following questions.
3) What ratio of offspring would you predict when crossing two heterozygous guinea pigs?
Was your prediction correct?
4) What ratio of offspring would you predict when crossing a heterozygote and a recessive
guinea pig? Was your prediction correct?
Complete the “Using Test Crosses” activity and answer the following questions.
5) What was the genotype of Unknown 1? How do you know?
6) What was the genotype of Unknown 2? How do you know?
Website #3: “Molecular Genealogy”
 Go to the website,
Watch the videos by clicking the links on the side of the page. Answer the following questions.
The specific video needed to answer each question is not given, but the questions go in order.
1) List the four types of DNA.
2) What percentage of human DNA is identical in every person? What percentage is unique?
3) Describe or explain recombination. Why is it beneficial for organisms?
4) What could you conclude about two people who share many fragments of DNA?
5) Explain the flow of X and Y chromosomal DNA. Which parents does each kind come from?
To which gender of children is each kind given?
6) Which two types of DNA are especially useful for information about our deep genetic
7) What is a haplotype? How are they useful in molecular genealogy?