Name: __________________________________________________ 9th Grade Portfolio Review Checklist Use this checklist to ensure that you have met all requirements for your 9th Grade Portfolio Review. 1. ACADEMICS: ___ I have FIVE eligible pieces from FIVE different 9th grade classes. Eligible means that I received at least an 80%. Course English Mathematics Science Humanities Microsoft Office Health/PE Project Title Grade Received ___ Eligible piece #1 includes a Phase 3 Reflection typed in the caption section of the Final Portfolio page ___ Eligible piece #2 includes a Phase 3 Reflection typed in the caption section of the Final Portfolio page ___ Eligible piece #3 includes a Phase 3 Reflection typed in the caption section of the Final Portfolio page ___ Eligible piece #4 includes a Phase 3 Reflection typed in the caption section of the Final Portfolio page ___ Eligible piece #5 includes a Phase 3 Reflection typed in the caption section of the Final Portfolio page ___ All FIVE Phase 3 Reflections answer the questions to the four prompts on Page 7 of the Portfolio Requirements Handbook 2. COMMUNITY SERVICE: ___ I have completed ten hours of community service this year ___ All of these hours have been submitted to and verified by the guidance office ___ A three-paragraph reflection is typed in the caption of a relevant image showcasing me performing the service ___ Paragraph 1 details the LOGISTICS ___ Paragraph 2 describes the EXPERIENCE ___ Paragraph 3 explains your INVESTMENT IN CAUSE ___ I have used the guide/organizer on Page 8 of the Portfolio Requirements Handbook to ensure that this reflection has all necessary criteria 3. 9TH GRADE ARTS NIGHT: ___ I have completed a three-paragraph reflection typed in the caption box under a related picture ___ Paragraph 1 describes my reflected event/artwork/performance/course/etc. ___ Paragraph 2 reveals my honest impression about what was accomplished. I have commented on both the process as well as the final product ___ Paragraph 3 states what I have learned from the Arts Night experience (i.e., what I would repeat? What I might change?) 4. ARTS REQUIREMENTS: SEE THE BACK OF THIS HANDOUT FOR ART SPECFIC CHECKLIST Name: __________________________________________________ 9th Grade Culinary Arts Portfolio Checklist ___ I have five pictures documenting my culinary experience this year ___ I have a five-paragraph reflection for my 9th grade year in culinary arts ___ I have used the guide/organizer located on page 9 of the Portfolio Requirements handbook to ensure that this reflection includes all necessary components ___ I have included one recipe (see assignment criteria sheet) ___ I have included a photo of plated food (see assignment criteria sheet) 9th Grade Theatre Arts Portfolio Checklist ___ I have a four-paragraph reflection that describes an acting assignment ___ I have used the guide/organizer located on page 10 of the Portfolio Requirements handbook to ensure that this reflection includes all necessary components ___ I have a theatre critique of a Beacon performance. It is written from the _______________'s perspective (Fill in actor's, technician's or audience member's) ___ I have used the Written Critique Criteria Sheet to complete this critique 9th Grade Visual Arts Portfolio Checklist ___ I have one Art History project ___ I have a four-paragraph reflection that describes this Art History project ___ I have uploaded a photo of my still life ___ I have uploaded my still life sketchbook materials ___ I have a four-paragraph reflection that describes this still life ___ I have used the guide/organizer located on page 11 of the Portfolio Requirements handbook to ensure that these reflections include all necessary components