Sacred Heart, Leighton Buzzard 5 Beaudesert LU7 1HZ Fr John Danford, Tel: 01525 372321 Deacon Tony Falcon, Tel: 07974 348885 Email: website: rd 3 Sunday of Eastertide, Year B 19th April 2015 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday St Anselm Requiem Wednesday Friday Feria Feria Funeral Exposition & Saturday Mass Mass Mass 6.00pm 9.00am 10.30am Mass Mass SVP Meeting Mass Mass Service Confessions 9.30am 12 noon 8.00pm 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am 11 to 11.30am Stephen McElroy RIP For the Parish Fr Tony Harris’ intention Special Intention Brian McKenna RIP Winifred Barrow RIP Jackie & Neil Bradley RIP Mary O’Connor RIP PRIESTS TRAINING FUND There will be a second collection next weekend for the Priests Training Fund, which goes towards the costs of training students for the priesthood in our Diocese. MoPSALENTEN “DRY-OUT” FOR THE CLERGY Having successfully completed our 40 Lenten liquor-less days, we are now looking to our generous sponsors to pay up! If you have not yet done so, please see me after Mass today – I’ll have the sponsor sheets ready to hand! Many thanks to all who have already contributed – over £800 so far collected for the Missionaries of the Poor. CHURCH BEAUTICIANS ROTA Is there anyone who could volunteer to join the group who keep our church so spotlessly clean? It is not too onerous a task as your turn only comes round once a month. If so, please give Marguerite Pocock a ring on 01525 381991, or speak to Father John. PROCLAIM’15 We have all been asked by Pope Francis to consider ways in which, as Christians, we can “Proclaim the Good News”. You are invited to contribute to the initial discussion to be held on Monday 27th April, at 7.30pm, in our Parish Hall. PASTORAL AREA PILGRIMAGE WALKS: 25th April and 2nd May Pilgrimage Walks:Saturday 25th April - Dunstable to Leighton Buzzard (stopping point at Slapton) and Saturday 2nd May - Leighton Buzzard to Flitwick (stopping point at Eversholt). If you would like to join one of the walks, or sponsor those who are walking on behalf of CAFOD, please see a member of the Justice & Peace Group at the back of church after Mass. FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS’ EVENING There is a meeting for the parents of the children making their First Communion on Thursday 30th April, at 8.00pm, in the Parish Hall. 70’s DISCO NIGHT The Best Disco In Town: Bump and boogie all around, it's the place where hip people meet, hey, hey! On 16thMay from 7.30pm to 11.00pm,the hall converts to Studio 54. Get on down for a trip back to the 70's disco scene. Party, party, party, dance, dance, dance: It's gonna be Chic, you'd be Le Freak to miss it. Bring your own tipples and treats; dress to the era. Tickets on sale after Mass from next weekend at 70's prices, £5 per person. Get ready for a Disco Inferno and some trusty old Glam Rock. JUMBLE SALE Saturday 9thMay 1.30pm - 3.00pm in the Parish Hall. Bags will be given out after masses next weekend, by members of the fundraising team, in anticipation that you will fill them with ladies, men's and children's clothing, soft toys, DVDs, CDs or homeware (no electrical goods or books), to be sold at this event. For further information, or for those that need jumble collected, please contact Eugene or Gillian O'Hara on 01525 379022. Thank you. YOUTH GROUP PICNIC The Sacred Heart Youth Group are having a picnic at Parsons Close after the 10.30am Mass next Sunday, April 26th, leaving church at around 11.30am. Any youth, aged 12-18, come along, bring food and hopefully enjoy the sun! ELECTION HUSTINGS AND VIGIL Election Hustings organised by Leighton Linslade Churches Together - Friday 24th April at 7.30pm at Cedars School. Hear what our local candidates have to say about local, national and international issues. Everyone welcome. Election Vigil - Wednesday 6thMay 8.00pm at Sacred Heart Church. An opportunity as Catholics to consider issues before the election. Everyone welcome. MY DAY BY DAY Copies of the May issue are available on the entrance table, price £1.00. The Sacred Heart Messenger is also available, price £1.25. 100 CLUB NOVEMBER DRAW Congratulations to this month’s lucky winners: No 97: £75 – Mrs Jean Mason No 17: £25 - Mrs Anne Westwood