Parent Meeting 07/09/2013 COACHES COMMENTS 74 kids

Parent Meeting
 74 kids attending summer Champs – about 70%
 Huge increase from last year
 Metro meeting on team fundraising on 7/15 – not all teams represented, they will be discussing
guidelines for team fundraising for invitational’s, etc.
Fall Season
 Goal to have fall Active registration by 8/19
 Practice will be begin after labor day
 Open house with all parent committee’s led by Sandy Carruthers, would like a co-chair
o Apparel for sale
o Recruit volunteers
o New parent questions
o Should have a coaches meeting as a draw for parents
Blue vs. Orange meet registration is available, Brian and Kyle considering swimming
Looking to hire a new assistant coach, have a prospect, hope to announce soon
Fall schedule will be posted soon
Only 3 home meets plus midnight madness
Champs may be a week later this winter, same weekend as J.O.
Zones is moved back one week
 Plaques from the league from last season and the season before is on the way, league needs to
move on from any individual plaques that may still be owed to them from 2 -3 seasons ago
APPAREL – Toni Landis
 Orders were slow as t-shirts did not change from last season
 Toni will keep them till Friday in child watch
 We can take cash and checks for shirts, but it requires more work, if apparel wants to take on
the detail work then ok, provide a summary to Corina
 Fall apparel approvals are still outstanding, Kyle will work with Toni to monitor the progress
 Would like to have an order form at Open House for parents to order
 Marketing has our preferred timeline for the season and some design ideas and all apparel
 6:00 awards, 6:30 meet
 National team kids will be the coaches for the Orange v. Blue intersquad meet
 Should last about an hour
 Scoreboard to update throughout the meet
 Caps in team colors on order
 Sign-up genius for volunteers
 No bull pen, older kids will help younger kids
 Fruit juice pops, rice crispy treats, healthy cupcakes
 No rain date – awards and treats in shelter house
 Gift certs for high point winners in each age group - $15
 Coaches gifts - $100 for coaches and $50 for assistant coaches
 Add to the weekly newsletter a reminder about joining the face book page
 Kyle is the approver on face book
 Resend roster
 Inventory is mostly paper products - we have A LOT! We do not need anymore for now.
 Very little food left in inventory
 A few flats of water upstairs, as well as some in bathroom
 1 flat of Gatorade
 Meeting tonight
 Benefit statement for mm - no entries, please get them in, deadline is Friday
 Last year was swim now, sleep later
 In newsletter contact Rob if anyone is interested in being an official
 Current officials email Rob when your certifications is up,
 DQ codes to match the computer would be a nice value add
SPIRIT – Alissa
 Ribbons all distributed
 The Spirit committee is happy to help with fun meet
 Focusing attention on fall season with more spirit focus
 Get older kids more involved with helping younger kids
 Will get some emails out
 Champs awards – Kyle will need some help with distribution
 Kyle also has Polar Bear awards
 Will work on PB board from all meets
 Will keep PB’s updated for fall
 Stickers for PB
 Post PB’s on website
 Idea thrown out to have individual pictures taken
 Not changing style of the suit
 Still learning the role, working with Kyle
 3 accounts
o zones
o safety net $8000
o main account includes registrations and staff salaries and expenses as well as parent
committee meeting – approx. $23.000
 working with Mike to get it all straight
 For champs – we supply our own stop watches – take 5
 Timers should take the watches to the meet manager at end of their shift
 New software and console working well
 Same core team taking lines in and out – event and hear problems, but most hiccups have been
worked out
 Good cleaning in August to be ready for fall
 Looking for a few more people to train
 Starter for indoor meet is fixed and we have a back up that works
 Need an inventory of plungers for both ends of the pool
 Saturday looks good – need officials to split the day
 Sunday – need computer operator – Doug will do it but need more
 Need 1 timer on Sunday
 New chair is Maria Satre
 Kyle will get with her about some ideas
ZONES – Becky
 No report
Brainstorm session to help support new Ward branch team
 Sponsor caps, suits , spirit wear
 Joint team event
 Spit concessions take
 Team/Bowling fundraising event
 Penny war during midnight madness and money goes to ward and we match up to
 Sponsor entry fees
 Like idea of having kids involved
 Kids do a fundraiser with parent committee matching funds
Do a proposal to put in front of committee