Church Working Group Meeting: Minutes Date: Thursday 23 April

Church Working Group Meeting: Minutes
Date: Thursday 23 April 2015
Total Attendees: 24 pax
Meeting Opened: 9.10am
Agenda Items:
Welcome / Prayer
Review Minutes and Actions from last meeting
Update on Churches’ Participation in Food Distribution on Efate
Update on Church Tarpaulin Distribution
Information to be shared out through your networks:
a. Shelter key messages now available
6. VCC Cluster Representative Update : 3 minute summary from each cluster
 Intercluster: Douglas Ngwele (HAP report released)
 Education: Job Dalili + Keith Rono (Cluster requests school repair information)
 WASH: Douglas Ngwele + Petersen Michel
 Health: Richard Tatwin + Mansen Roy
 Food security & Agriculture: Annick Stevens
 Logistics: Pastor Thompson Aki + Lee Tabi
 Gender/protection: Elizabeth Emil Mael
 Shelter: Pastor Sandy Ishmael, Kylie Mullins + Arnold Steve
7. Any Other Business
8. Prayer / close
Actions agreed 23 Apr 15:
ACTION: If there is an evaluation process on structures, distribution, response; Churches and VCC need to
be consulted to present their views on improvements on the system for the future, and how to make most of
existing structures and networks.
ACTION: Tuesday next week approx.. 10.30am: VCC will set up a small tent at VCC Office with
refreshments. All church representatives invited to attend. If churches have not received a tarpaulin this is a
time they could collect one. Pastors will collect names and details of churches who have not yet receive
tarpaulins and invite them to this refreshments, or bring names if they cannot attend. Media (television and
newspapers) will be informed to help share information on this. If you are able to confirm numbers to Chair
by phone, tarpaulins can be prepared ready for Tuesday.
ACTION: VCC Working Group members will try to find some way to address overcharging behaviours and
selfish behaviours and attitudes. Will consider releasing information through media.
1. Welcome / Prayer
Welcome to new members.
Reminder of structure of meetings: Tuesdays are church reports, Thursdays are Cluster representative
reports. In order to try to keep to one hour, it is requested that members keep comments and questions on
topic: storian can be conducted outside of meeting.
Prayer: Pastor Thompson Aki
2. Review Minutes and Actions from last meeting
Pastor Uzakna corrected spelling of his name in last minutes.
Question: Is VCC going to Tongoa only?
Yes – other agencies are supporting other islands.
ACTION: VCC will follow-up with NDMO to find out what is happening with food distribution in Efate.
ACTION: VCC will clarify with Municipality, Provincial Office, Shelter Cluster where to register.
ACTION: VCC will clarify VAT exemptions and share information with members via email and at next
VAT exemption update from Pastor Thompson Aki: on Tuesday afternoon Department of Customs and
Inland Revenue gave official notice to all hardware stores updating them on what is covered under VAT
exemption, includes timber and building materials.
Note that South Pacific Hardware responded by allowing VAT exemption, but raising prices on timber and
other materials. Any observations of this should be reported to Government.
Move to accept minutes, Minutes accepted.
3. Update on Churches’ Participation in Food Distribution on Efate
Churches assistance in food distribution came about because there had been complaints that food distribution
was not fair.
36 Church volunteers offered to help in food distribution in Port Vila and Efate. Food needed to be
distributed to over 89,000 people. Food allocation is 2.5kg per one person or child.
Training was scheduled for last Wednesday, but was cancelled because of the many people at NDMO
protesting about tarps.
Church Working Group followed up with World Food Program this week. Food distribution in Vanuatu is
now being coordinated by Department of Local Authorities. It has been delayed, and has not commenced
yet. Volunteers will be contacted when it is due to commence.
If you wish to nominate additional volunteers, please give names to Chair.
Volunteers are assisting out of a desire to help their communities, there are no allowances available.
4. Update on Church Tarpaulin Distribution
Tarps have been distributed to close to 100 churches in Efate and Tongoa. Distribution in Efate and Port Vila
is still ongoing. We are aiming to deliver at least 1-2 tarpaulins to every church in Efate. Total number of
tarpaulins is between 500-700 tarpaulins.
Not all members receiving tarpaulins are attending these meetings.
ACTION: Tuesday next week VCC will set up a small tent at VCC Office with refreshments, and invite all
church representatives to come. To occur after Church Working Group on Tuesday, approximately 10.30am.
If they have not received a tarpaulin this is also a time they could collect one. Pastors will collect names and
details of churches who have not yet receive tarpaulins and invite them to this refreshments, or bring names
if they cannot attend. Media (television and newspapers) will be informed to help share information on this.
If you are able to confirm numbers to Chair by phone, tarpaulins can be prepared ready for Tuesday,
Pastor offers assistance to deliver tarpaulins to Lelepa and Moso.
Chair encourages churches to use the tarps; initial assessments of Port Vila town showed many houses were
not using them, gives impression that they are not needed. May affect future distributions if response
agencies feel that tarps are not useful or needed.
Some churches record that they are using tarpaulins on houses then moving to church for weekend services:
getting range of use from them.
Comment: transparency on distribution process supports future aid relief. Reports are circulating now that
relief supplies are being stolen. If relief supplies are distributed to Pastor and Chief together, it secures the
supplies and they will not be stolen.
Proposal that in future, VCC and Malvatamauri should go to NDMO to offer assistance. Church structure
and chief structure are existing structures. Issues occurring now is because a new distribution structure is
being imposed; it would be more effective to work through existing structures.
ACTION: If there is an evaluation process on structures, distribution, response; Churches and VCC need to
be consulted to present their views on improvements on the system for the future, and how to make most of
existing structures and networks.
5. Information to be shared out through your networks:
a. Shelter key messages now available
Key messages are 2 or 3 key pieces of information shared out from the Clusters. Please pass these messages
on to your church members, display on notice boards, etc.
6. VCC Cluster Representative Update : 3 minute summary from each cluster
 Intercluster: Douglas Ngwele (HAP report released)
Infratructure: making assessments and budgets to submit to Government and World Bank on scale of repairs
that need to be made.
 Education: Keith Rono (Cluster requests school repair information)
Education Cluster has asked:
In Port Vila, more tarpaulins are needed for schools.
Update: Churches have provided 50 large tarpaulins to Save the Children for use on schools.
Next week an SMS message will be sent out via TVL and Digicel telling people to protect school property.
Cluster has asked if churches could supply a list of schools that they will be assisting with repairs.
Gaps: logistics is still an issue.
There is still little monitoring going ahead.
 WASH: Douglas Ngwele + Petersen Michel
WASH = Water, Sanitation and Health.
Estimates that many people still have no access to water: estimated 68% of the rainwater harvesting
catchment structures are broken, 70% of the wells have been contaminated, and piped water systems have
been damaged.
Annick Stevens: Israel have brought in some Mexican engineers, they have a small water purification system
that can 100% clean water – turns mud into clean water.
They are distributing to communities (not individuals).
This system needs to be maintained every day.
This system has been distributed through Tongoa, and training has been given on how to use and maintain
the system.
Pastor Thompson Aki: there is a company in Port Vila who can drill a new well, set up pump, and provide
containers for 40,000 vatu. Pastor Thompson Aki has contact details for this company, will bring to the next
 Food security & Agriculture: Annick Stevens
Food Security has been focusing on seeds as well as distributing food.
Two key questions:
1. How will churches contribute to service delivery to villages?
2. How can we link with churches to distribute services to villages?
Annick noted that the Department of Local Authorities has the Area Secretary network, there is no need to
duplicate. Churches can help by linking to areas within wards.
At the moment Government wants to work with Churches, due to the strength of our networks.
Food distribution numbers provided to meeting from the NDMO SitRep No 22 report (attachment 1).
Distribution for Port Vila is not recorded on this SitRep.
 Logistics: Pastor Thompson Aki
Logistics cluster have been discussing how to distribute food, supplies out to all areas of Vanuatu. It consists
of experts from different government and non-government agencies.
Refer to Logistics distribution report (Attachment 2).
Complaints are coming that some local transport companies have been quoting one price but then charging a
much higher price.
Church Working Group reps condemn this activity: every man of Vanuatu needs to contribute and help to
respond, overcharging is not helping country or acting in the interests of the community.
VCC and churches should raise discussion on character – this is not an opportunity to make money, it is an
opportunity to help your neighbours.
Comment: This behavior is being modelled by our politicians as well.
Comment: VCC Project staff have tried to negotiate with some transport operators, and say that ‘these are
your people that you are disadvantaging’, but there is not much willingness. Suggestion that this issue should
be discussed via media.
In response to Uma, there was much more local people trying to assist, clearing roads, clearing neighbours
yards, sharing their food. Following Pam there has been much less of this: people have been looking after
ACTION: VCC Working Group members will try to find some way to address overcharging behaviours and
selfish attitudes. Will consider releasing information through media.
 Gender/protection: Douglas Ngwele
Reported from NDMO SitRep No 22 (Attachment 1).
Gaps: issues of gender-based violence remain and need to be addressed, but problems are still low.
 Shelter: Pastor Sandy Ishmael, Kylie Mullins + Arnold Steve
Tarps have been distributed to 14,000 households. Caseload (number of tarpaulins to be distributed) has been
increased from 15,000 to 18,000.
Shelter cluster is assessing reports at the moment for Port Vila Urban area to identify gaps.
Church Working Group has already sent our report, it is good that this information will be considered during
the assessment.
 Health (Douglas Ngwele and Pastor Mansen
Diarrhea, influenza, yaws being observed.
Increased risk of outbreak, people encouraged to be observant.
Measles vaccination campaign nationally completed with almost 100% coverage.
TB has been observed.
Response phase is in a ‘transition’ stage – a lot of the medical staff for immediate emergency response have
now returned home; new staff are being deployed from overseas including from Fiji. These will be
specialists, they will provide training to local medical staff to enable long-term medical treatment available
Rebuilding of 15 health centres has been identified as a top priority.
In Tanna, 13 children have been admitted to hospital for treatment for malnutrition. 3,280 mothers of
children under 23 months have received basic Infant, and Young, Child Feeding (IYCF) messaging and
counselling in Sanma and Tafea.
Is there a way to make a request to government for roofing materials for church repairs?
Initial church reports have already been sent through to NDMO, and during the shelter cluster it was
requested that repairs to churches (as evacuation centres and safe shelters) be included in repair plans.
The Humanitarian Action Plan lists ‘building safe houses’ as one of 3 priority Shelter objectives for next 6
The Humanitarian Action Plan (HAP) is a summary plan taken from cluster reports. It targets 188,000
affected people in 23 islands. It will serve as the basis for the finalization of the of the Government plan for
recovery and reconstruction.
For each cluster, there is a summary of the national needs assessment, and an action plan for recovery. Each
action plan is built to achieve 2 or 3 key objectives. A total budget amount is written next to each activity.
Each section finishes with a list of which agencies are working on each island.
The plan covers six months from its publishing through to the end of October 2015, which marks the
beginning of the cyclone season in Vanuatu.
Comment: This plan will take too long to implement. Churches will be repaired in meantime.
Comment: Is it possible for government to allocate money to VCC for use in repairing churches?
Comment: Many of the churches have partnerships with churches in America and Australia, who are willing
to send materials and goods. Can government apply duty exemption to these donations?
Question: Can funds or materials be directed to specific churches?
Next week we are commencing the process for the Small Grants Scheme to repair churches, but this will be
targeted to evacuation centres. Aiming to have funds released in June.
These points and information should be shared with the government to provide a voice on these opinions.
Comment: Funds should not come to VCC, they should come through an agency like Act for Peace, because
VCC is biased and does not always stand up for members.
Comment: VCC should request funds from government for evacuation centres.
Proposal seconded that VCC should request funds from government for evacuation centres.
Comment: Under constitution of VCC, funds that come to VCC is used for VCC only: members only.
Excludes assistance to non-members.
Members include fraternal – include all churches.
Requests should also be lodged for generators.
Government and VCC could also assist in strengthening schools, for use as evacuation centres in next
Membership of VCC
Comment: If churches want VCC to assist more, there is also that need for churches to pay membership fees
and provide resources for VCC to operate.
Request for clarification of VCC membership requirements, fees, responsibilities.
There is some criteria that must be met: size of congregation, established location. But membership is open
to all.
One result of these Church Working Group meetings may be contribution of thoughts to Strategic Plan and
future approach of VCC.
Meeting closed at 11.40
Next meeting: Tuesday 28 April, 9:00am - 10:00am, VCC. Followed by refreshments.
Bring documented reports of any communities or individuals needing relief assistance.
Phone number of Douglas Ngwele if any members have questions: 775 2797 / 540 2382.
Douglas Ngwele
Alex Jacob
Kisito Nambith
Min. Bihu John
Epauto SDA Church
The Father’s House
540 2382
541 6855
540 0323
Russel Tamata
Loleth Worwor
Ps Seula Kalwatman
Ben Tungon
PS Kalonsem
PS Moses Ngwera
PS Thompson Aki
Japheth Tavoa
Raynold Tonny
Freshwind SDA
Eton/PangPang SDA
Liberty and Worship
SDA Ekipe
Baptist Churches of
Churches of Christ
Church of Christ
VCC Agriculture
Bertha Tarileo
Pr Albently Uzakana
Elizabeth Emil
Eileen Boe
Mautoa SDA Church
VCC Volunteer (+
Health cluster rep)
Efate District Ministry
Portoroki SDA Church
Moriah Kingdom
AOG Evangel Temple
SDA Church
Mansen Roy
Pr John D Leeman
PS Philip Morris
Ps Hezekiah Loloi
Joel John
Ps Ericson
Annick Stevens
710 8442
591 4338
774 7514
538 1543
710 4379
776 3613
777 6247
774 4156
778 7942
775 2245
597 6156
595 8378
535 2061
547 2505
774 0267
710 7538