March 25, 2015 - Shoreline Community College

Dean Team Minutes
March 25, 2015
9:00 –11:00 a.m.
Central Conference Room
Present (*):
Kathie Hunt*
Kim Thompson*
Bob Francis*
Susan Hoyne*
Bayta Maring*
Samira Pardanani*
Dan Fey*
Cathy Otto*
Ann Garnsey-Harter*
Terry Taylor*
Guest: Cheryl Roberts
Success Stories
 There will be additional Shoreline Scholars. The number is going up from 50
to 56.
 Simon Walker, a former SCC student, is now the editor-in-chief of Jackson
School Journal at the UW. He dropped out of high school, got his GED,
started in the Auto program and decided it was not for him. He then came to
the Honors Program which he credits with turning his life around.
 One of our students decided to go to Australia to finish her degree and all of
her Science courses transferred. Another one of our students got an
internship at John Hopkins.
 Our All-Washington Academic Team students are going to Olympia
tomorrow for their award.
 The Nursing program graduated 47 new nurses. The Nursing Assistant
Certified program graduated six.
 The large mosaic snail you see in the park strip by Aurora and 185th Street
was created by one of our students.
 The recent visit with the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Robert Blake was a
well participated and successful event. The Ambassador was touched and
very impressed with Shoreline.
Enrollment Review
Shoreline Scholars. Bob handed out cards that will be sent to the high schools for
Shoreline Scholars and a sheet of talking points. If there is a rush of people a call may
go out to Deans for assistance. The focus now has been up to registration. Once they
are enrolled we will focus on generating a cohort feeling and ensuring these students
are moving toward success. The group discussed potential problems that could occur
with “first come first served” registration process. From a diversity lens it has a
culling process already built into it. We will have a better answer after we see who is
not in the room after the first year.
Enrollment Review. Each Dean presented data relative to their Spring enrollments.
The purpose of the discussion is to figure out in each area how we can improve Spring
Action Items
Shoreline Scholars will be
a standing agenda item.
Bob will talk to Stuart
about payment within 5
days and the waitlist
enrollment to meet 96% of our target. Social Science is seeing a drop in Liberal Arts.
Capacity will be raised for ECON 201. Humanities’ numbers are down mostly in
transfer. Waitlists (WL) are high for classes International Students want. We need to
create transition classes specific to Int’l students transitioning into the mainstream.
How can we go about recruiting instructors? Classes need to be developed in other
areas that do not require ENGL 101. Susan pointed out the first person on a WL can
hold up others from moving. Some fiscal policies and some Enrollment Services
changes have made things difficult, i.e. must pay within 5 days.
PE has a big drop in enrollment. Before a class is cancelled, Bob will assist doing a
financial analysis. Dan explained we are down 22% in Worker Retraining. All
colleges in the state are down and they are reaching out to find more students who
qualify for it. The State realizes this is huge problem and will open up the
unemployment category to include a stop gap in employment. People with a low wage
job to meet basic needs can come into Worker Retraining as well.
Short term issues: Music 100 section, raise cap in ECON 201, WRT changing
eligibility. We are addressing capacity of CMST but not for SQ; similar capacity issue
with Drama for ESL students, Math, Nutrition.
Long term issues: Need additional classes with no ENGL 101 prerequisite required;
waitlist structural issue; payment within 5 days is a barrier to FTEs. Often students
are dropped for nonpayment then they add a class again and do not get counted for the
10th day. Kim said in the first few days to the extent we take time with students who
encounter barriers we can pick up enrollment there.
The most important step is developing bridge classes for heavily impacted areas. We
will continue recruiting faculty (Computer Science, Math).
Dean Team aSAP
Review Process
ELT Update
Action Items
(Standing Item)
Deans will discuss the 44 aSAPs in their areas. The aSAPs not in our area we not
discuss but will rate. If you have questions to want to ask someone, go ahead and ask,
but to keep the transparency, copy all Deans and have it pasted in the notes. Just email
everybody and keep it transparent.
CRAG Procedures: Kira Wennstrom is currently working on a draft. Susan and Kim
will bring information to a future meeting.
IE Summer Schedule: Kim will continue to seek information from the domestic
Dean Team Charter and name change: Postponed.
Contract Bargaining Negotiations: Bob encouraged the group to identify potential
Action Items
issues to be shared with the IBB negotiating team. It was noted that the team has not
yet been formed.
Action Items
ARC Reports
The recent ARC reports to the Board went smoothly. Our efforts about consistent
formatting were well received. Bob emphasized the BOT read the ARC reports word
for word.
Bob will talk to the
Federation about changes
requested for the ARC
President Roberts said we have great faculty going through the pipeline and we have a
Board who takes this seriously.
Same structure and feel to all the reports.
Non-classroom faculty ARCs are challenged to increase observations.
The Board wants to see progression.
Cheryl explained it is easy for the Board to pick out comments from students, but they
do not see them “inside anything.” There is a missing element. If they do not see
something (a missing element) what else is missing? They know there are
suggestions. They want to know what they did about that and what the results were.
If a suggestion was made in the first year, they want to see that in the second year.
They are not seeing the progression. They did query the ARC Chairs and got that
information, but it should be in the report. Where there are a consistent number of
student comments, the President and the Board can see them, but there are no
comments from the Administrators or ARC Chairs. That is a red light. What else are
we missing? Also, how is the candidate improving themselves? The summary sheet
needs to be sharper, and then they can go back into the document and see it should be
a crosswalk.
Bob said to rely on bullet points. Don’t write a 3-page summary. The more we can
bullet point and be succinct focusing on strengths and weaknesses, the better.
A Dean said a faculty can go on and on about their Professional Development and it is
his or her own dialogue. If you ask them to cut that down, then you lose the voice of
the faculty member. Cheryl responded she thinks you can do both. If you had a
summary sheet that talks about it then the faculty can go on and on in an attachment.
We could add both. Again, the Board wants something they can go back and verify.
They want a summary what they are going to experience, and then they can go back
into the report and verify it. Are they on a projective to continue Professional
Development once they are tenured? The work is you are getting a faculty member
ready for prime time and you are documenting that.
Cheryl said we are giving you the feedback, but Deans can come up with the structure.
She would like to bring it back to the Board. Deans can come up with a template for
the structure for what you are presenting and let them see what it is going to look like.
That way we are really clear. The Board wants standardization from you to make it
easier for them to appreciate your good work and rigor that goes on. They had to hunt
it out to see if there was continuous improvement.
Bob showed an example of a summary the Board liked because it had bold headings
that gave it structure. Some of the introductions looked more like letters of
recommendation opposed to evidence there has been professional growth. It should be
evidence based and less narrative. The work is really the mentoring of a faculty
member. Give evidence of it. Tell us what you can do and what are the results of it.
ARC Chairs will be given more time to present to the Board of Trustees in the future.
The President and the BOT don’t know all the faces. It would be great to have a photo
of the faculty.
The last piece that needs boosting is when faculty get tenured, what are they going to
do next? They are now taking leadership in the life of the college, and how will they
continue that? They have to embrace that role at the college. Cheryl wants to
celebrate this rite of passage into the life of the college. She would like to go to their
classroom and acknowledge them as tenured. Please think about putting a committee
of faculty together to find out what they would like the ceremony to look like.
Extended Days
IBB Issues
Transitional Classes
for ESL Students
JUMC Updates
Hybrid Room
Kerry will send out the annual Extended Day Request form to Deans.
Deans will bring a list of exceptions to the Hybrid Room Management Guidelines for
Spring at the next meeting.
(Standing Item)
Deans will provide a list of
exceptions to the Hybrid
Room Management
Guidelines at the next
Data Presentation
(Update on
Competency Based
Education (Standing
Division Updates
(Standing Item)
Good of the order
Susan shared materials she received from Virginia Western. A calendar illustrates
steps in a program similar to what President Roberts is starting; they are trying to
reach students with a more diverse background and are lowering entrance grades from
students in high school; the first floor of their Library is the busy area with tutoring
services, learning centers, academic success coaching, etc. The second floor is the
quiet area with books. Susan has a copy of their Prior Learning Assessment guide.
Adjourned 11:06 a.m.