Dean Team Minutes November 19, 2014 9:00 –11:00 a.m. Central Conference Room 1 2 3 Topic Minutes ELT Update JUMC Present (*): Presenter All Bob Bob/Dan Kathie Hunt* Kim Thompson* Bob Francis* Susan Hoyne* Bayta Maring* Samira Pardanani* Dan Fey* Alison Leahy* Ann Garnsey-Harter Terry Taylor* Discussion Postponed. Bob opened the meeting and announced he needs to leave at 10:00 a.m. to meet with Cheryl Roberts and a member of an architect consulting firm in an effort to identify casual learning spaces on our campus. Alison said many offices and classrooms are cold necessitating the use of many space heaters. The VPASA will reinforce this message with Bob Roehl. Terry and Dan are approved to move the Tutoring Center to the Library. They also have SBA approval. There will be Space Usage Change Form online: that will need to be followed. Significant rearrangements of a facility (i.e. VCT proposal) will need to follow the process but it will not necessarily have to go to the full ELT approval. President Roberts has asked us to collect data on our interactions with students between Christmas and New Year’s. This data will be used to help decide if the college will remain open between Christmas and New Year’s in 2015. ELT is considering closing half days on Fridays next Summer. There will be some flexibility for staff (4/10s; 5/8s; use of vacation time). Provide any feedback to Bob. ELT is discussing whether SCC should have a Project Manager for the ctcLink project which has been a recommendation from the pilot schools. People are recommending a budget of $500,000 for the switchover. JUMC asked that Deans email their Senior Associate faculty to become aware of their advising loads. Some may need to sign a FERPA agreement and learn what their responsibilities are. Chris Melton assigns advisees. Kim said it makes more sense that Advising & Counseling assigns advisees. It requires knowing faculty and student interest. Those are faculty and Student Affairs responsibilities (not Registration’s responsibility). Some ESL full-time faculty told Senior Associates they don’t have to do advising because they do placement. Most advising for Int’l is done by Int’l counselors. There is a lot of placement the beginning of the quarter and it is a paid activity. Where does 1 Action Items The VPASA will share info with Bob R. re cold offices and classrooms. Deans will collect data on interactions with students between Christmas and New Year’s. Deans will provide feedback to Bob concerning ½ day Fridays during Summer 2015. Bob recommended we follow up with A & C assigning advisees (versus Registration). Deans will make sure Senior Associates know of their advising responsibilities. Bob said we will follow up on this. Topic Presenter 4 Action Items Bayta 5 Status Wednesday, November 26 Dean Team meeting Dean Team Action Items Faculty Retirement Replacement Data Presentation (Update on President’s Questions) Bob Review Study Abroad Review Samira 6 7 8 9 Discussion their responsibility fall as Senior Associate as well as fulltime faculty wo are paid to do testing, placement etc., but they don’t have a list of advisees the same as other people do who don’t get paid to do it? Bob said let’s follow up on this. Kathie requested clarity on the contract language relative to Senior Associates attending meetings. Action Items Deans discussed at length the memo around professionalism and expectations for faculty and the issues the JUMC brought up. Bob will share another version of it that will be framed around the opportunity to communicate with new faculty. There has been so much change and new faculty this is a perfect time to visit the core expectations of faculty on campus. Bob asked Deans to make sure divisions have a chance to weigh in how to make division meetings more effective. Release Time Update. Bob presented his rubric relative to release time. We will need to reallocate money to fund requests. We need to be aware also that fiscally, we may receive a level of cuts in the future. Deans discussed in detail each request for release time. Bob had to leave the meeting. Deans provided their feedback and recommendations to Bayta. She will update the rubric and forward it on to Bob. More data is needed for Business; hopefully Susan will have an answer for Amgen. Will release time changes be in effect for Spring? CRAG Procedures. Kim, Amy, Kira and Susan are the subcommittee reviewing the CRAG procedures. The subcommittee will have a proposal for a new process by January 1, 2015. 2.0 Passing Subject. Bob is still working with Kira Wennstrom. Advisee Loads for Senior Associate. See #3 above. Professional-Technical Equipment Requests. Deans cancelled the November 26 DT meeting. Bob Postponed. Bob Postponed. Bayta Bayta met with the Math Department about waitlist data. They want to see data for college level Math and Computer Science. Susan said the department is now trying to build CS up. We only do the basics because students go to the UW to take the rest of the course. We can’t find teachers. The Math Department will wait and see how the new Math modules impact the waitlist. Samira shared the Teach Abroad Proposal Review Committee (TAPRC) criteria they use to review Study Abroad proposals in the spring. This committee has done excellent 2 Topic Committee Criteria 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Update on Email Frequency Starfish Retention Solutions CCSSE Update (Standing Item) Competency Based Education (Standing Item) Retention Dean Team Recent Action Items Professional Development for Deans Division Updates (Standing Item) Presenter Ann Discussion work and goes through a thorough vetting process. Samira pointed out a proposal will go to the Deans first and then the Committee. Samira recommended that Deans do not replicate what the TAPRC is already doing. Bob Thompson’s Jamaica program went to the Deans because that is where it previously had been approved and the Study Abroad committee was on hiatus. Deans discussed how the instructional employee’s process should be pulled out as a separate process. There are a lot of questions that need to be asked before the Dean’s signature. To what extent does this course offered at this time fit with the overall curriculum? How does it impact the department? What are the qualifications to teach? If money comes out of a Dean’s budget, the Dean should be involved more – whether the entire proposal goes to the Dean to review, if that is the first gateway, or if the Dean is called to review it with the TAPRC. Perhaps if the TAPRC gets the proposal, then on an ad hoc basis the Deans is called in to review it alongside them. Action Items When a division functions healthily, it won’t be a surprise to the Dean. It would start at the curricular level, division level, etc. By the time it comes to the TAPRC, it is the expectation Study Abroad requests will have been vetted by several levels. Bayta said it sounds like we are moving toward expanding what that letter would include. Essentially an endorsement of the person and the program. Samira will bring this back. Postponed. Kim VP Francis asked Kim to check into this software that pulls information from the advisor data portal. Kim and Bayta will have a conversation with Bob. All of our data will be in a different format in two years due to the ctcLink project. We will have to pay them again to get the data out of the new system. Logically, it does not make any sense to entertain this new software until 2017. Postponed. Ann/Bob Postponed. Bob/Bayta All Postponed. Postponed. All Postponed. All Postponed. 3 Bayta will call her counterpart at Olympic College regarding Starfish Retention Solutions. 18 Topic Good of the Order Presenter Discussion Postponed. Action Items Adjourned 11:00 a.m. 4