Dean Team Minutes September 10, 2014 9:00 –11:00 a.m. Central Conference Room 1 2 Topic Minutes International Education Present (*): Presenter All Cynthia Okawara Kathie Hunt Kim Thompson* Bob Francis* Susan Hoyne* Bayta Maring Samira Pardanani Dan Fey* Alison Leahy* Ann Garnsey-Harter Terry Taylor* Guest: Cynthia Okawara Discussion Postponed. The total number of International Students admitted is 444. With a 60 – 70% conversion rate they expect over 300 new students. Once IE learns their intent, they will advise Deans who may have to adjust the schedule. The general trend for Chinese students has changed to Liberal Arts and Education. Cynthia provided Deans with a B452 Class Watchlist, many of which are Humanities classes. Susan said we need more Math teachers. Math faculty should not have extra classes the entire year. Faculty need to broaden their outlook and talk about a Masters in Math or a related field. Physics or Economics faculty can teach pre-college Math. A big issue is finding rooms for ESL. There will be space available in the afternoons. 3 Action Items Bayta Action Items Cynthia will communicate with Kathie about ESL needs. Deans need to know by the 1st week in October any needed liberal arts classes. Bob and Susan will meet with Steve Bogart to engage the Math Department in conversation about hiring Math faculty. Release Time Update. Bob met with Math faculty. He will meet with English, ESL, Music and Social Sciences to discuss release time. Bob intends to have a decision in place to implement Winter Quarter. CRAG Procedures. Susan will chair a subcommittee to propose revisions to the CRAG procedures. Kim and Alison will be part it. Bob will talk to Amy about getting faculty involved. CRAGs that involve clinicals needs to be discussed. Faculty have trouble with students not using SCC email. Students have complained to Chris Melton and Student Leadership that the college sends so much email (mostly out of PIO) that students are not wanting to use SCC email. Opening Week Part-Time Faculty Orientation. The orientation has been set up. Deans will message this information to their faculty. New part-time faculty are required to attend. They will be reimbursed $39/hr. Nursing faculty have been exempted due to their own required orientation. New tenure track faculty are required to attend. Others are invited to attend. Faculty are responsible for the things that will be talked about during the orientation. The only consequence to new part-time faculty not attending is they will not be paid. Eventually this may become a condition of 1 Bob will talk to Amy K. about getting faculty involved in the CRAG subcommittee. Bob will talk to Ann GH and PIO on the negative feedback received about the high number of emails students receive from the College. Topic Presenter Discussion employment. Orientation will include a walk-around so faculty become aware of the physical location of the Library, Student Government, Advising, etc. There is a planned (beta version) website. Orientation will include information on FERPA regulations, Title IX issues, syllabus policy, grading deadlines, officer hours, professionalism, etc. Changes in English and Business Writing. Alison will follow up with Gillian or Kathie Hunt regarding the required changes for Business Writing. Action Items Alison will contact Kathie or Gillian re changes in Business Writing. 2.0 Passing Subject. Tabled. There will be a conversation in the Fall as to what are minimum grades. Bob will talk to the Faculty Senate and Curriculum Cmt about this. EvalKit. Bob announced Amy Kinsel agreed we could take of the “Skip for Now” button. It is a condition as long as students can submit a blank response. Ann wants to schedule a demo of that from a student perspective. 4 Completion Coach Job Description 5 Online Classes that have Face-to-Face Tests 6 Do we have the right courses for students to be able to graduate in 2 years? Do we truly have second year level courses? What is the 7 All WSSSC SEM Workshop. SCC will have a 10 person team attend the WSSSC workshop on Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM). Deans discussed possible faculty attendees: Pam D., Dutch Henry, Daina Smuidrins, Shana Calaway, Steve Bogart, Rosalie Tepper, and Nirmala Savage. Yvonne’s name will be added. Deans reviewed the draft position description for the Associate Dean of Advising and Academic Support and a copy of Science’s Career Navigator position description. With this information, Bob asked Deans to provide their expertise regarding the Completion Coach position description that would report directly to the Associate Dean. The Career Coach will be put through a process to make sure it qualifies as an Administrative Exempt position. Deans provided feedback. Tabled. Bob reminded Deans to talk to faculty about not sending students to the Testing Center for proctored tests. Bob recommended a conversation with Math faculty occur. If they think this is an essential feature, then the Math department has to figure out how to pay for it. Tabled. All Tabled. Bob 2 Ann will give a demonstration of EvalKit. Bob asked Deans to send him names of additional attendees to the WSSSC SEM Workshop on October 10. Dan will draft language he recommended and send it to Bob. Bob will get the final Completion Coach Job Description done in the next 2 days. Kim will call faculty who have sent students to the Testing Center. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topic difference between 100 and 200? Do we address this at division level? MCO level? What courses are in the heart of mornings? What is the enrollment to room capacity? What rooms could be converted to more flexible seating arrangements? What is the Student Faculty ratio at different periods? Briefing on First Year Experience Retention Division Updates (Standing Item) Good of the order Presenter Discussion Bob/Bayta Postponed. Bob Postponed. Bob Postponed. Bayta Postponed. Bob/Bayta All Postponed. Postponed. Action Items Space will be needed in the Advising Center for the Associate Dean of Advising and two new advisors and counselors. That area should be used solely by Advising. Bob will bring the relocation of the Tutoring Center to ELT. Dan requested that the Director of Tutoring report to Kim Thompson’s position. Rae-Ann Barras accepted the temporary Acting Director of Student Life position in the Student Leadership Center until June 2015. Deans talked about the recent OpCom Retreat. Some were surprised they were not given an evaluation tool. Adjourned 11:15 a.m. 3 Dan will provide Bob a briefing about the Director of Tutoring reporting to the Dean of Students. Bob will encourage Stephen Smith to provide an evaluation process for the OpCom retreat.