Daisy Special Education Resource Teachers Daisy Special Education Resource Teachers case-manage and instruct identified special education students. These students’ disabilities may include individuals who have specified learning disabilities such as dyslexia, other health impairments, physically disabled, sensory impaired, speech and language difficulties, autism, behavioral difficulties or have a combination of these disabilities. In addition, we also work with individuals who require intervention under the S R B I (Scientific Research Based Interventions) model and students who have 504 plans which require specific academic support. In the area of intervention,the Special Education Resource teachers provide reading support such as explicit phonics instruction, reading comprehension strategies,and oral reading fluency using scientifically researched based programs. We have been actively involved in co- teaching the common core standards in the area of math, reading and writing. Writing intervention is implemented in the resource room as well as in the co- teaching model. In addition we design behavior interventions and monitor progress. Daisy Ingraham is strongly committed to early intervention at the Kindergarten level. Special Education teachers support this intervention by providing extra instruction in the areas of rhyming, sentence segmentation, syllable segmentation, word comparison, onset rime, blending and segmentation or other phonemic skills. These groups (will)change depending on the child’s need. This occurs 2-5 times weekly as a regular education initiative to address early interventions. Children that require continued reinforcement will get further assistance to address needs as a tier two intervention. The Resource Special Education teachers participate in the SRBI process and evaluation through the PPT process. Working in conjunction with other professionals, such as our social worker, speech and language therapists, psychologist, and BCBA (applied behavior analyst) programs are ( jointly) developed. (Through this process we case-manage individual students.) Special Education teachers are also responsible for developing programs and lesson plans and supervise tutors and paraprofessionals. Plans address I.E.P goals and specific skills necessary for children to be successful in a positive,supportive environment. Student progress is monitored consistently. Continuous communication and collaboration with classroom teachers allows children’s programs to be fully implemented. Resource teachers collaborate with the classroom teacher to define appropriate activities/ accommodations for the students in relationship to the curriculum. Being a small school district and school we have availability to have frequent communication with all members of the team. Teachers meet regularly to discuss students formally in an SRBI weekly meeting as a group or individually as often as required. A crucial component of our position is encouraging parent involvement through ongoing communication and collaboration.. Special Ed resource teachers are here to support our parents as well as our students.