Answer Key for Mid Term Review

APE midterm review 15
There will be 60 multiple choice questions representing 60% of the test from chapters (3,4)
7,8,9 and 18 and 1 FRQ question
There are a couple of math questions you should be able to answer on the spot.
Chapter 7
What is the most critical factor in controlling human population growth?
Decrease births per woman.
What is the total fertility rate?
Number of children per woman.
How to calculate number of people added to a population based on growth rate.
Multiply growth rate by original population size.
Describe the growth of the human population currently in terms of curve shape and
mathematical function.
J curve and exponential.
Review the basic shapes of age structure diagrams.
Pyramid – young rectangular – equal in each age
Developing countries have what shape age structure diagrams?
Why are population growth rates high in developing countries?
children are often an important economic advantage.
What would happen to the growth of a country’s population with a high population growth
rate that quickly reduced its growth rate to 0%?
its population would continue to grow for many years, then level off.
Which developed country has the fastest population growth rate today?
United States
Describe the growth rate of the world’s population
U.S. citizens have a large ecological footprint because of their high consumption of what
Food, lumber, energy, space
Give reasons that the agricultural revolution led to an increase in the human population.
provided humans with a larger food supply, that is more dependable, increased the
carrying capacity of the world, longer lifespan and longer child bearing years.
Review the rule of 70
Divide 70 by rate of increase to find years to double.
Whar are the major factors that influence a country’s impact on the environment
I. Population II. Technology III. Affluence
What percent of the world’s population is urban and what percentage of the world’s
resources do they consume?
50; 75
Approximately what percentage of people in developed countries live in urban areas?
Malthus noted that human populations grow ____ while food supply grows ____.
exponentially; linearly
In general, what is the relationship between life expectancy, child mortality, and affluence
(such as health care, sanitation, potable water, and food)?
Life expectancy is generally directly proportional to affluence, while child mortality
is inversely proportional.
Historically, what has kept the world population out of food deficit.
innovations in agricultural practices
Population size can be estimated using the formula
CBR + Immigration – CDR – Emigration
Worldwide, what is the largest density-dependent cause of death
infectious disease.
Chapter 9
What is a hot spot geologically speaking?
A place where magma rises.
What is the main idea of the theory of plate tectonics
Earth’s lithosphere is divided into plates, which move.
What are the three components of the rock cycle and in what order do they occur?
sedimentary-metamorphic-igneous any order
What is the dominant rock type in the continental crust?
Soils from granite rocks have what characteristic?
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Deposition at the bottom of ocean, stream, lake and compression by overlying
Fossils are found in what rock type?
What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
weathering refers to the breakdown of the rock; erosion refers to the removal of the
rock from its landscape.
What chemical reactions are involved in the creation of acid rain?
sulfur dioxide and water vapor combine to create sulfuric acid
sulfur and oxygen combine to create sulfur dioxide
What are the main causes of erosion?
Wind, water, gravity , burrowing animals
What are function(s) of soil?
filter of water and atmospheric chemical compounds, habitat for organisms, anchor
for plants, location for recycling of organic matter.
Define porosity of soil
how quickly it drains.
A soil that is best for growing most plants has what components?
a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that promotes water drainage and retention.
What Environmental problems are associated with mining?
use of mercury, damage to streams, soil erosion, habitat fragmentation and
Freshwater accounts for what percent of total water in the world?
Earth’s freshwater is found in several forms. Where is the largest percentage?
3/4 is aboveground in ice and glaciers.
Define eutrophic and oligotrophic.
High and low in plant nutrients and dissolved oxygen.
What at the major positive and negative effects of dams?
impediment to fish migration, displacement of people, reduction of fossil fuel use,
reduction of seasonal flooding.
What is the drawback to the distillation method of desalination of water?
High energy required.
What is another method of desalination of large amounts of water?
Reverse osmosis
How many people are estimated to live in regions with a scarcity of water?
1.2 billion.
What is our greatest use of household water in the US
Flushing toilets.
What percent of the world’s population lacks access to safe water?
What is grey water? What can it be used for?
Watering plants and washing cars.
What is an invasive species?
One that is non-local species and spreads rapidly across large areas
What is included in the term biodiversity?
genetic variation, the number of different species adjusted for relative abundance,
variability of habitat
What are ecosystem services and major examples?
Benefits to man from ecosystems, Food, medical products, timber, insect pollination
Define extinction
the last member of a species dying
What is the facility known as the Svalbard Global seed vault designed to preserve:
seed diversity
What would the most severe effect resulting from loss of insect species globally likely be:
decline in food crop pollination
Define endemic, invasive, non-native, alien, exotic species.
Endemic: Species normally in an area, others: those not normally in an area
What aquatic species provides habitats for thousands of others.
Why do alien species often pose a threat to native species?
alien species often have no natural enemies in their new location
What was the Lacey Act designed to do?
inhibit the interstate commerce of illegally harvested species
In the United States, which agency is responsible for monitoring the import of threatened
species as well as administering the Endangered Species Act?
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
If habitat is in need of management to connect separate populations, the best way to
promote gene flow is to implement:
habitat corridors
The sixth mass extinction that many ecologists predict we are currently experiencing is
different from the previous five mass extinctions in that:
humans are present
What group of organisms would most likely be most susceptible to pollution pressure
initiated by humans because of the sensitivity of the group to change?
Chapter 3
What are the main steps of the nitrogen cycle? What is nitrogen used for in living
Chapter 4
How might global warming affect thermohaline circulation?
Why are there large populations of fish along the west coast of most continents?
What is the ITC? What affect does the tilt of the earth have on biomes? What are the
mechanisms and effects of albedo?