
April-(1st April to 30th April) -12 Periods
Chapter-Life Processes (Nutrition)
Key concept
What are Life Processes?
a. Autotrophic mode of nutrition
b. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition
iii Autotrophic nutrition in green plants
Photosynthesis –Definition & importance
Photosynthetic pigments
Site of photosynthesis
Raw materials for photosynthesis
Mechanism of photosynthesis
Factors affecting photosynthesis
iv Heterotrophic nutrition
a. Nutrition in Amoeba
b. Nutrition in Human beings
Learning Outcome
 The State that movement of various types can be taken as an
indication of life.
 Interpret that maintenance of life requires nutrition in animals as
well as in plants.
 Discuss that autotrophic nutrition involves the intake of simple
inorganic materials from the environment and using sun to
synthesize complex high energy organic material.
 Distinguish between autotrophic &heterotrophic nutrition
 Interpret that heterotrophic nutrition involves the intake of
complex material prepared by other organisms.
 Explain that in human beings, the food eaten is broken down by
various steps along the alimentary canal and sent to all cells in
the body.
 Develop diagrammatic skills.
Activity-i. To demonstrate that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis.
ii.To demonstrate that light is essential for Photosynthesis.
iii.To demonstrate the action of saliva on starch.
iv.To peel a leaf to show stomata under microscope.
Formative Assessment (10 Marks)
 Class work note book
 Practical manual
 Paper &Pen objective type test
FA-1 (24th April onwards)
Sample Questions
1. What kind of nutrition occurs in Fungi?
2. Which raw material is responsible for reduction of CO2 into
3. Name the cell that regulates the opening & closing of stomata.
4. What kind of nutrition takes place in Pitcher plants?
5. What is the exact function of chlorophyll?
6. In multicellular organisms -------- meet the requirements of all the
7. Why is the leaf boiled in water and alcohol before testing for the
presence of starch?
8. Label the parts shown below by the arrows(figure given).
9. Write the well balanced chemical equation of photosynthesis.
10.Rewrite the terms in correct order---water molecule, oxygen, grana,
Hydrogen, Hydroxyl ions, Photons.
11.Write the full form of NADP & ADP.
12.Give the exact location & function of Thylakoids.
Chapter- Respiration
May- 3 Periods (2nd to 7th May)
June- 3 Periods (15th June to 25th June) extra class
June-2 Periods (27th June to 30th June) school
Key concept
Concept of breathing & cellular respiration
Types of cellular respiration
Exchange of gases in plants
Exchange of gases in aquatic & terrestrial organisms
Respiratory system in human beings
Mechanism of breathing
Exchange of gases in tissues
Learning outcome
Recall the definition of respiration taught in previous class.
Define cellular respiration.
Name the different organs of human respiratory system.
Explain the breathing mechanism.
Distinguish between breathing & respiration.
Translate the respiration exist in plants.
Understand exchange of gases in aquatic organisms.
Analyze that during exchange of gases CO2 &O2 Exhaled
&inhaled respectively.
Draw human respiratory system with proper labeling.
Justify that it is smoking which badly affects the lungs.
Recommend that one should inhale & exhale deeply early
morning to get fresh air to keep healthy lungs.
Activity- i.To demonstrate that we breathe out carbon dioxide.
ii. To study the process of breathing in fishes.
To demonstrate that germinating seeds give out carbon dioxide.
Evaluation Test1. The process of breakdown of glucose takes place in --------part of
the cell.
2. In aerobic respiration Pyruvate breaks into------ and ---------.
3. Energy released during respiration is used to synthesize -----4. ATP is equal to --------Kj/mol.
5. In plants exchange of organisms gases takes place through the
process called-----------6. Aquatic organisms use oxygen from ………..
7. Rate of breathing is faster in ………… organisms.
8. …………Structures present in wind pipe protects it from being
9. After expiration volume of air left in lungs for gaseous exchange is
10.In human body CO2 is mainly transported by…….
11.Schematic diagram of breakdown of 1 mol. Of glucose by various
July-(1st to 30th) -12 Periods
Key concepts
Transportation in Human beings
Blood vascular system
Blood clotting (in brief)
Blood vessels
The human heart
Double circulation
Lymphatic system (in brief)
Transportation of water & materials in plants
Ascent of sap
Transportation of food and other substances
Learning outcome
 Tell that mammalian heart is four chambered
 State that in human beings & other mammals and other vertebrates
transport of materials are carried out by circulatory system.
 Name the types of blood vessels present in the human body
 Explain the structure of heart
 Distinguish between artery, vein & capillary
 Interpret the requirement of ‘Double circulation’ of blood in human body
 Draw a well labeled diagram of internal structure of heart
 Examine the functions of pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery
 Analyse that it is due to platelets the blood in our body clots during any
 Justify the fact that, ventricles can pump blood due to its thick walls
 Learn the importance of Lymph and its functions
 Diagram test-10 Mark
 Cross word puzzle-10 Mark
 Note book checking- 10 Mark
Chapter-Excretory system
18th July to 30thJuly (6 periods) and 3 extra periods
Key concepts
 Introduction
 Excretion in human beings
 Structure and functions of nephron
 Artificial kidney (Haemodialysis)
 Excretion in plants
Learning outcome
name the organs of excretory system learnt in previous class
locate the excretory organs in the body
explain the structure of nephron and urine formation
interpret that deposition of salts in the kidney form kidney
draw well labelled diagram of excretory system and nephron
analyse that one must have healthy food and proper life style
understand that if both kidneys become diseased or damaged
one undergoes kidney transplantation
justify the fact that one must take plenty of water to get rid of
toxic substances from the body
learn the excretory products of plants and the strategy of
Chapter-Nervous System
1ST August to 12th August (14periods)
FA-2 (16th August onwards)
16th August to 14th Sept (12 periods)
Key concepts
Animals-Nervous system
Neuron, synapses, Human brain, reflex action
Co-ordination in plants
Phototropism &Geotropism
Hormones in animals
Learning outcome
Tell the parts of a neuron learnt in previous class
Describe the structure and function of a neuron
Outline the flow of impulses in reflex action
Distinguish between receptors and effectors
Draw a well labeled structure of neuron ,Brain & Reflex
Analyse that it is due to Nervous & muscular tissues human
beings have well controlled body
Justify the cause of movements of muscles due to change in
shapes & their arrangements in cellular proteins
Define tropism
Name types of growth movements and also define them
Examine from the experiment(ppt) shown, the photropism
Classify growth regulators depending upon their functions
Analyse that due to the plant hormones only different types
of changes occur in the plants
 Explain the sudden release of Adrenaline hormone in our
 Imagine that it is due to Nervous and Hormonal control
together the function of control & co-ordination in human
body can be performed
 Discuss the effects of all hormones in our body with their
 Marvel on the mechanism of human body
Project work (Integrated )-10 mark
Diagram -10 Mark
notebook -10 Mark
Classtest-10 Mark
SA-1 (15 th September onwards -80 Marks)
Question paper procured from the BOARD