Life Processes Below is a list of important life functions or processes that every organism does. A life process is a function or activity that is essential for an organism to stay alive. All life processes are connected, and if one fails, they usually all fail. Below is a mnemonic device to help you remember the essential life processes. Mrs. Nerg will help you remember! 2) Movement Reproduction 3) Stimulus/response 1) 5) Nutrition - Ingestion Excretion - Digestion and removal of waste 6) Respiration - Gas exchange 7) Growth and repair 4) Directions: 1. In the boxes below take notes on the role of each life process. Movement Stimulus and Response Excretion Reproduction Nutrition Respiration Growth and Repair 2. On the back of this page write and illustrate your own mnemonic device to help you remember what Mrs. Nerg has taught you! Life Processes - KEY Below is a list of important life functions or processes that every organism does. A life process is a function or activity that is essential for an organism to stay alive. All life processes are connected, and if one fails, they usually all fail. Hello!!! I am Mrs. Nerg. 1) Movement 2) Reproduction 3) Stimulus/response 4) Nutrition - Ingestion 5) Excretion - Digestion and removal of waste 6) Respiration - Gas exchange 7) Growth and repair Directions: 1. In the boxes below take notes on the role of each life process. Movement Reproduction Organisms can move parts of its structure. Example: running Produce similar offspring. Stimulus and Response Organisms react to a change in their environment. Excretion Nutrition/Food is processed or digested and waste products are removed. Ex. Breathing out CO2 or going to the bathroom. Growth and Repair Nutrition Organisms need to ingest or make food to provide the materials for growth, repair, and energy. Respiration Organisms exchange gasses to generate energy. Organisms grow and develop into their adult form. 2. On the back of this page write and illustrate your own mnemonic device to help you remember what Mrs. Nerg has taught you!