
Chapter 14 – Drugs
Questions/Main Ideas
What are the two general
types of Medicines?
Chapter 14, Lesson 1
Drug - A substance other than food that changes the _________________ or function
of the body or mind
Prescription Medicine -Medicines that can be sold only with a __________________
from a physician
Over the counter medicines - Medicines that are _______________________ to be
taken without a written order from a physician
Drug misuse - Taking or using medicines in a way that is not intended
What is Drug Misuse?
1. Using a drug without following the instructions on the _______________
2. Using a drug not ________________________ for you
3. Allowing _______________________________ to use a drug prescribed for you
4. Taking _____________ of the drug than the doctor prescribed
5. Using the drug _________________ than advised by the doctor
Side effect - Any effect of a medicine other than the one ______________________
Tolerance - A condition in which a person’s body becomes used to the effect of a
medicine and needs ___________________________________ amounts of it for it to
be effective
Drug abuse - Intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal
1. Using ____________ drugs
2. Using legal drugs for __________________________ reasons
3. Using a medication for something other than its intended use
Chapter 14, Lesson 2
Marijuana - Dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, called cannabis sativa
THC -The main _____________________________________ in marijuana
Short Term Effects of Marijuana
1. Reduced __________________________ time
2. Reduced coordination
3. Impaired _______________________
4. Increased heart rate
5. Increased ______________________
6. Anxiety
7. _________________ attacks
The harmful effects of Club Drugs include:
Amnesia - Partial or total loss of ___________________________
Rohypnol, commonly called roofie, is a club drug that works by suppressing the central
nervous system.
1. __________________________
2. Colorless
3. Has not ____________________
4. Easily slipped into a person’s drink
5. The unwilling user is unaware of what is happening
6. Causes _____________________________
Ketamine, sometimes called Special K, is an anesthetic used in medical procedures for
humans and animals.
A small amount of Ketamine produces hallucinations, ____________________, and even
respiratory failure.
GBH is a depressant of the central nervous system.
Until 1992, GBH was available as an over-the-counter drug used by bodybuilders to
increase muscle mass and decrease fat.
Anabolic Steroids - Synthetic substances related to the male sex ______________________
Major Side Effects
Liver tumors
High blood pressure
Kidney ______________________________
Severe acne
Steroid use can have a negative effect on your appearance - Steroids can put acne on
your face, make your hair fall out, and stunt your growth.
Steroid use can cause a person to become angry or violent.
Steroid use can cause a hormonal imbalance, which can interfere with the normal
development of teens - When hormone levels are not balanced, boys can grow breasts
and girls can develop mustaches or beards.
Chapter 14, Lesson 3
Narcotics - Specific drugs that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to
relieve ______________________
Opium - Liquid from the poppy plant containing substances that _________________
the body
Euphoria - A feeling of well-being or ___________________
Withdrawal Symptoms - Symptoms that occur after chronic use of a drug is
reduced or stopped
List 5 health effects of
Narcotic Drug Abuse?
Characteristics of Heroin
1. Made of morphine, a narcotic
2. Most often ______________________ or injected intravenously
3. Users develop a psychological and physical dependence
4. Tolerance leads to a need for ___________________________________ doses
5. Quitting is very difficult
6. Quitting results in painful ____________________________________ symptoms
Characteristics of OxyContin
Available through a doctor’s prescription
Controls severe pain in patients with cancer, back pain, or arthritis
Abuse leads to tolerance, which leads to physical addiction
Withdrawal symptoms are similar to other narcotics
Stimulants - Drugs that _____________________________ activity in the human
brain and spinal cord
Amphetamine – A drug that stimulates the central nervous system
Characteristics of Cocaine
Illegal stimulant derived from the _________________________________
Sold as a fine white __________________________
Often mixed with water and injected into the body intravenously
Can also be smoked or snorted up the _______________________
One of the most addictive drugs on the street today
Binge – When a drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly ____________________
Characteristics of Methamphetamine
Highly addictive stimulant drug, affects the central nervous system
Becoming an ________________________________ in the United States
Produced in illegal laboratories
Effects are similar to ________________________________
Also known as “meth”
CNS Depressants - Substances that slow down normal brain function
Chapter 14, Lesson 4
Hallucinogens – Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and senses
1. Hallucinogens affect how a user perceives the passage of time, sees colors,
senses motion, or hears sound.
2. Hallucinogens interfere with a person’s thought process and ability to
Inhalants – Any substance whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to produce mindaltering sensations
1. Abusing inhalants can damage the protective coating that surrounds brain cells,
called myelin. (If the myelin is damaged, nerve cells may not be able to send
messages to other parts of the body)
2. Permanent effects can include an impaired ability to
3. Even a first-time experiment with inhalants can result in death from choking,
suffocation, or ________________________________________.
What is the first step in
getting help for drug abuse?
List and describe 4 symptoms
of Drug Abuse.
List and describe treatment
programs for substance
Chapter 14, Lesson 5
Symptoms of Drug Use
1. ______________________ - A person needs increasingly larger amounts of
drugs to get high.
2. _______________________ - A person feels a strong need, desire, or urge
to use drugs and uses a drug despite negative consequences
3. __________________________ - A person takes more drugs than he or she
meant to,
or uses drugs at a time or place he or she had not planned.
4. ____________________________________ or Withdrawal Symptoms When drug use is stopped, a person may experience withdrawal symptoms
from a physical need for the substance.
(Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, sweating, shakiness, and extreme
anxiety)- The physical process of freeing the body of an addictive substance
Chapter 14, Lesson 6
Drug Free - a characteristic of a person ________________________
illegal drugs or of a place where no illegal drugs are used.
List 5 reasons to be drug free.
14.1 - What is the difference between drug misuse and abuse?
14.2 - Predict what might happen to a person who unknowingly ingests rohypnol while at a club?
14.3 - Give three examples of harmful effects that can result from abusing stimulants.
14.4 - Predict what you would say to a friend who is thinking of abusing inhalants for the first time.
14.5 - Why do you think there are so many different drug treatment options available?