Of Mice and Men: Reading Strategies for Bilingual Learners



This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals

EAL Nexus resource

Of Mice and Men: part one

Different ways of reading ‘Of Mice and Men’


Age group:


15 –16

Of Mice and Men

Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes. ©British Council 2015

Source | This resource was originally developed by Sabine Matzak and has been adapted by EAL Nexus.

Character illustrations by Jude de Podesta.

Some ideas of how to read a novel if you are bilingual

Read a translation of the novel

Tip: To check if there is a translation of the novel and if a version is available on the internet, this is what you can do. Since most translations have a very similar title to the English, try to google a translation of the words ‘mice and men’ with the name of the author

‘John Steinbeck’.

Here are some translations of the title:

Czech -




O myších a lidech


Mus og maend (audio book available) Danish –


French –


German –


Italian –


Polish –



– Português

Russian –


Spanish -


Des souris et des hommes



Von Mäusen und Menschen (audio book available)



Uomini e topi

Myszy i ludzie



Ratos e homens

За мишките и хората

De ratones y hombres


De-Ratones-Y-Hombres-pdf) http://4paye.ir/download/118/183/pdf

اه مدآو اه شوم

Read about the novel/film on Wikipedia in your language

Warning: Sometimes there are mistakes in Wikipedia articles.

©British Council 2015

Read a graded reader of the novel

Graded readers are simplified versions of literary works. They are written in English that is easier to understand, but tell the story just as the original. After reading the graded reader, you will find it easier to read the original.

Read an annotated version of the original

Some publishers have editions of novels for learners of English. They come with explanations and vocabulary (sometimes explained in

English, sometimes translated).

Listen to the audio version

The novel is available as an audio book in English and other languages. It will help your pronunciation to listen to it.

Watch the film

You may find a film version with subtitles in your language, especially if you buy the DVD abroad.

Warning: The film is always a bit different from the novel.

Suggestions of how to approach the novel:


Try to find information about the story in your language (e.g. on

Wikipedia). Sometimes you may only find information on the film.


Read a translation or a simplified version of the novel, e.g. Of

Mice and Men: Level (Penguin Readers [Graded Readers]). This helps you understand the plot without having to struggle with the

American slang of the original version.


Watch the film.


Read the original.


Try to get hold of the audio book if you find it easier to listen to a story than to read it or if you want to improve your pronunciation.

©British Council 2015
