Research Division of the Department of Pediatrics The Medical City

Research Division of the Department of Pediatrics
The Medical City
Year End Report for 2013
Head: Dr. Jacqueline Navarro
Resident Coordinator: Dr. Kristine Anne Victorino
Residents' Research Unit
Head: Dr. Jacqueline Navarro
Members: Dr. Cristina Bernardo
Dr. Michelle De Vera
Dr. Josephine Dela Pena
Dr. Miranila Hernandez-Matibag
Dr. Ronnel Matibag
Consultants' Research Unit
Dr. Eva Cutiongco-Dela Paz
Members: Dr. Carina Cruz-Quimbo
Dr.Erlinda Cuisia-Cruz
Dr. Emelita Leh
Dr. Susanna Lim Lopez
Dr. Olympia Malanyaon
Research Publication, Networking, and Presentation Unit
Members: Dr. Cynthia Aguirre
Dr. Charito Corpuz
Dr. Eileen Alikpala-Cuajunco
Dr. Jocelyn Resurreccion
Dr. Teresita Rabanal
Dr. Emily Resurreccion
I. February 2013: Research Division Meeting
Activity: Research Team, Authors and Co-Authors Meeting
Date and Time: Feb 1, 2013 Friday, 3-5 PM
Venue: Conference Room 4th Floor
3:00-3:15 PM Review of Resident Research Accomplishments
3:15-3:30 PM Targets for 2013
3:30-4:00 PM How to publish papers: Dr. Eva Cutiongco-De La Paz
4:00-4:30 PM Discussion: Commitments and Timelines
II. March 2013: Residents’ Research Committee meeting
Agenda: Activities for year 2013, Case Report Contest and Residents’ Research
Date and Time: March 2013, 7pm
Venue: Chelsea, Podium
Dr.Jacqueline Navarro
Dr. Michelle de Vera
Dr. Josephine dela Pena
Dr. Cristina Bernardo
Dr. Miranila Hernandez-Matibag
Dr. Ronnel Matibag
Dr.Kristine Anne Victorino
III. June 2013: Residents Research Unit Meeting
Agenda: Residents’ Research Paper, Case Report Contest, Research Contest,
Publication updates/Plans
Date and Time: June 24,2013, 7:30-9:30pm
Venue: Kimono Ken Restaurant, Rockwell Ortoigas
Jacqueline Navarro
Michelle de Vera
Miranila Hernandez-Matibag
Ronnel Matibag
IV. July 2013: Residents’ Case Report Contest
Date and Time: July 26, 2013, 12nn-4pm
Venue: Conference Rooms 1&2, Podium Building, The Medical City
Cases & Participants:
1. CAN YOU STOMACH IT?: Hypovolemic Shock secondary to Upper GI Bleed
secondary to Duodenal Bulb Ulcer with Arterial Bleed
Presented by Dr. Ma. Victoria dela Paz
2. Forearmed is Forwarned: A Case of Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit in
a 17-year old Pediatric Patient
Presented by Dr. Anna Samantha Imperial
3. The Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1
Presented by Dr. Rianna Leigh R. Salazar
4. Pulmonary Valve Atresia with Single Ventricle
Presented by Dr. Ma.Cecilia Del Carmen
5. The Giant Slayer: A Rare Case of a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm in a 10 year
old Female
Presented by Dr. Kathlene Marie A. Barcelona, Dr. Sheila Quitaleg
6. First Transcatheter Stent Implantation for Coarctation of the Aorta in a Filipino
Pediatric Patient
Presented by Dr. Marco Romulo Manzano
7. Total Colonic Aganglionosis in a Preterm Infant: A Case Report
Presented by Dr. Cathleen Recana-Lu
1st Place- First Transcatheter Stent Implantation for Coarctation of the Aorta in a
Filipino Pediatric Patient- Dr. Marco Romulo Manzano
2nd Place- The Giant Slayer: A Rare Case of a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm in a
10 year old Female - Dr. Kathlene Marie A. Barcelona, Dr. Sheila Quitaleg Total
3rd Place- Aganglionosis in a Preterm Infant: A Case Report- Dr. Cathleen
1st Place- P5,000
2nd Place- P3,000
3rd Place- 2,000
Judges Honorarium: P3,000 each
Board of Judges:
Dr. Berroya
Dr. Luz del Rosario
Dr. Lim-Lopez
V. September 2013: Research Coordinators Meeting with Dr.Troy Gepte
Date & Time: September 5,2013, 2-4pm
Venue: Center for Healthcare Innovation Conference Room
Attendees: Consultants and Resident research coordinators of each department
VI. October 2013: Residents’ Scientific Research Contest
Date and Time: October 4, 2013, 12nn-4pm
Venue: Conference Rooms 1&2, Podium Building, The Medical City
Research Papers & Participants:
Poster Presentation Finalists
1. The Prevalence and Relationship of Constipation among Children Age 1-12
months and Formula Milk Feeding in a Tertiary Hospital
- Charissa Karmel Balandra,MD
2. Outpatient Fluid Management of Dengue Fever
- Cathleen Faye Recana-Lu,MD
3. A Retrospective Study on the relationship between the trend of WBC and
Platelet Count with the morbidity of Dengue Fever
- Ma. Cecilia Corazon Del Carmen,MD
4. Assessment of Renal Function in Children previously diagnosed with Acute
Glomerulonephritis on 2006-2011
- Jocelyn Basbas-Lopez,MD
5. Liquid vs. Frozen form of Oral Rehydrating Solution in treating children with
Acute Gastroenteritis, some signs of dehydration: A randomized trial
- Liz Tamondong,MD
6. White Blood Cell Count in Determining Recovery in Pediatric Patients with
Dengue Fever
-Julie Clarissa Pangilinan,MD
Oral Presentation Finalists
1.Topical Retapamulin Ointment, 1% (Altargo) plus Topical Retinoid 0.025%
Cream, versus Topical Erythromycin 4% Gel plus Topical Retinoid 0.025%
Cream for Mild to Moderate Acne among Adolescents in Purok Ilugin: A
Randomized, Observer-Blinded, Noninferiority Study
- Katrina Isabelle Arguelles-Rey,MD
2. Evaluation of the Use of the Tablet PC in a Philippine High School
- Khlaire Pioquinto,MD
3. A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Insect Repellants against Aedes
- Marco Romulo Manzano,MD
4. Prevalence of Microcytosis in G6PD Deficiency Patients and the Concurrence
of Thalassemia and G6PD Deficiency
- Soraya Sarapuddin,MD
5. Nebulization using Normal Saline Solution or Bronchodilators as adjunct
treatment in children hospitalized with Community Acquired Pneumonia: A
Retrospective Study
- Marie Grace Delizo,MD
6. Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Patients diagnosed of Dengue Shock
Syndrome with Dengue Myocarditis admitted at The Medical City
- Sheila Quitaleg,MD
7. A Randomized Study on the Use of Retapamulin Ointment Compared with
Mupirocin Ointment on the Treatment of Impetigo in Children
-Frances Kaori Togezaki,MD
Board of Judges:
Ma. Cecilia D. Alinea, MD
Maria Luz U. Del Rosario, MD
Erasmo Gonzalo Llanes, MD
1st Place: Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Patients diagnosed of Dengue
Shock Syndrome with Dengue Myocarditis admitted at The Medical City
- Presented by Sheila Quitaleg,MD
2ND PlaceTopical Retapamulin Ointment, 1% (Altargo) plus Topical Retinoid 0.025%
Cream, versus Topical Erythromycin 4% Gel plus Topical Retinoid 0.025%
Cream for Mild to Moderate Acne among Adolescents in Purok Ilugin: A
Randomized, Observer-Blinded, Noninferiority Study
- Presented by Katrina Isabelle Arguelles-Rey,MD
A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Insect Repellants against Aedes Aegypti
-Presented by Marco Romulo Manzano,MD
3rd Place
Evaluation of the Use of the Tablet PC in a Philippine High School
- Presented by Khlaire Pioquinto,MD
Best in Poster:
The Prevalence and Relationship of Constipation among Children Age 1-12
months and Formula Milk Feeding in a Tertiary Hospital
- Presented by Charissa Karmel Balandra,MD
1st Place: P8,000
2nd Place: P6,000 x 2 (winners)
3rd Place: P4,000
Judges Honorarium: P3,000 each x 3 = P9,000
Dr. Celeste Gomez presented her research paper in the American
Academy of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology Poster Presentation on
February 22-26, 2013 at San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.
Dr. Kristine Anne Victorino presented her Research paper in the PPS
Annual Residents Oral Research Presentation on April 17,2013 at the
PICC; She was awarded as second place.
The Research Paper of Dr. Cathleen Recana was included in the
Poster Presentation at the International Conference on Birth Defects
on November 2013 at Cebu City.
29th Annual Research Forum at The Medical City
The following residents are finalists in the research contest which will be held on
December 12, 2013 at The Medical City:
1. Analytical Category: Marco Romulo Manzano
2. Descriptive Category: Sheila Quitaleg, Khlaire Pioquinto
3. Case Report Category: Kathleen Barcelona/Sheila Quitaleg
For Poster Presentation:
Marco Manzano
Khlaire Pioquinto
Shiela QUitaleg/Kathleen Barcelona
Grace Delizo
V. FIRST Residents’ Research Contest
Dr. Marco Manzano won first place in this contest, which was held on November
12, 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.
Third Year Research Papers
The research papers of 9 third year residents and chief resident Dr.Jaymie
Tang will be submitted to PPS on December 15,2013. Research Papers will also
be submitted for PPS Convention-Poster Presentation in the year 2014.
First Year Residents
The first year residents have attended Task 1 to Task 6 in preparation for
their research.
The following are the assigned team leaders for first year residents:
1. Kathlene Barcelona
2. Angelo Catacutan
3. Francesca dela Cruz
4. Victoria dela Paz
5. Ferrie Diza
6. Faida Durante
7. Izaskun Ganao
8. Anna Samantha Imperial
9. Grizell Ledres
10. Jordan Panganiban
11. Christine Pasana
12. Rianna Leigh Salazar
13. Grace Uy
Team Leader
Dr. Bernardo
Dr. dela Pena
Dr.dela Pena
Dr. de Vera
Dr. de Vera
Dr. Miranila Matibag
Dr. Miranila Matibag
Dr. Ronnel Matibag
Dr. Ronnel Matibag
Dr. Navarro
Deadline of Submission for Final Protocol is on December 16, 2013.
Journal Club
There was a total of 9 journal club sessions for the year 2013, which was
held every fourth Wednesday of the month at the Pediatrics office. All first year
and third year residents have presented their journal appraisal from February to
November 2013.
Promotion, publication and utilization of quality, relevant and ethical research that
The Medical City’s pediatric patients, professional staff and communities it serves
engaging the department’s strategic partners who share the department’s vision
and passion.
1. To facilitate the formulation of the research agenda and priority setting for
the department
2. To motivate consultants and residents to do research
3. To provide trainings on research and build the capacity of the department
for research
4. To guide consultants and residents in the conduct of the research
5. To advocate for research publication and utilization
6. To generate funding for research
7. To establish, manage and sustain relationship with research grantors
1. Coordinate with the hospital’s research committee regarding research
2. Provide within the department training to include basic research methods,
evidence based medicine and ethics in research
3. Provide opportunities for consultants and residents to engage in research
related training and activities.
4. Identify potential sources of funding both locally and internationally and
outline processes and requirements for a funding/grant application
5. Identify venues/ journals for publishing research papers and obtaining
requirements for these
6. Identify venue for presentations (e.g. subspecialty format) of research
papers both locally and internationally
1. The first year resident should have a research protocol co-authored by a
pediatric board certified consultant of the TMC. The research topics
should be approved by the Residents’ Research Unit and in compliance
with the research agenda of the department and the hospital and the
priority needs of the country and the Philippine Pediatric Society.
2. The second year resident should conduct, analyze data of his/her
research and present in an appropriate format
3. The third year resident will revise and fine tune written manuscripts for
submission to PPS and international and regional journals.
4. All researches shall be guided by the policies of the Hospital’s Research
Committee as stated in The Medical City Operations and Procedures
Manual No. 17. Likewise they have to comply with the TMC Pediatric
Department Research Policies
5. All researches would be reviewed and approved by the department’s
technical review board (TRB), hospital’s institutional review board (IRB)
and the ethics review board (ERB).
6. Each resident will have consultant co-author/s, one of whom is a member
of the research division.
7. The second year resident must complete the conduction, analysis and
presentation of research before the end of the second year as a
prerequisite for promotion to the 3rd year of residency. The 2nd yesr
resident should have been issued a certificate of participation in the
annual research presentation/ contest
1. The residents will receive training through the Residents’ Research Unit
(See Research Curriculum in Appendix A) and the Hospital’s Research
Committee on the following topics:
a. Research methodology
b. Sample size and statistical analysis
c. Writing scientific paper
d. Evidence-based medicine
e. Meta-analysis
f. Economic Analysis
g. Ethics in Research
2. The research protocol will be drafted in the first year level of training (from
May to December) through the help of the research advisers provided by
the Residents’ Research Unit and their co-authors. This will be done
through a four-part research workshop tackling the different components
of the research protocol.
3. Once protocols are made, they are submitted to the department of
pediatrics’ technical review board (TRB) and the Hospital’s Institutional
and Ethics Review Board (ERB).
4. The resident with their respective co-authors will present the research
protocol to the Hospital’s Institutional and Ethical Review Board if
5. If funding would be requested, a grant application would be submitted to
the hospital’s research committee
6. The conduct of research would be done from January to July of the
second year level. The data analysis and paper writing would be done on
August and September and presented in appropriate fora on October
7. The revised written paper would be submitted to the Research Division for
review by the Research Publications Unit. The author together with the
Research Publications Unit would assist the researcher in finding the
appropriate venue/journal for its publication or the appropriate
subspecialty forum where it could be presented.
8. The co-authors are to sign the completed written research paper before
submission to PPS as part of the pediatric diplomate exam requirement.
Research is evaluated through several ways:
1. Through the department’s TRB, hospital’s IRB and ERB using the
research proposal checklist (Table 1) and the evaluation used for judging
papers (Table 2 and Table 3).
2. If for publication then the research is submitted to appropriate journals as
guided by journal requirements for authors.
Prepared by: Kristine Anne Victorino, MD