Resident Advisor Job Description - Residential Life

Resident Advisor Job Description
Our Mission
To create an atmosphere within the University of Vermont residential system that facilitates the growth and
development of all students. This includes providing a safe and secure environment that fosters healthy,
inclusive community building among all residents - supporting and emphasizing academic success. We are
committed to and intentional about providing students a range of experiences within their living environment.
Desired outcomes of these experiences include:
The Development of a Sense of Belonging
The Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills
The Development of Critical Thinking Skills
The Ability to Make Ethical Choices
The Assumption of Self Responsibility
The Resident Advisor (RA) is a peer advisor and educator who works with residents to assist them in addressing
needs within the residence hall and the university community. The RA works with students and administrators,
learns to articulate rights and responsibilities for both the individual and the University, and balances his or her
own pressures of academic and personal responsibilities. To support and guide the Resident Advisor,
professional staff members work to create a safe, secure environment that fosters the educational mission of the
University and enhances the personal development of students.
Under the supervision of the Residential Education Team Staff, Resident Advisors will fulfill the general
requirements and responsibilities of the job as outline in the “Resident Advisor Job Description” and in the
“Resident Advisor Employment Agreement.”
Develop reciprocal relationships with residents
Utilize active listening skills and assist residents with individual concerns
Communicate residents’ concerns to support staff and maintain confidentiality
Support students in resolving conflicts
Display sensitivity to all lifestyles
Celebrate diversity
Know and adhere to the University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Housing and Meal Plan
Contract Terms & Conditions
Clarify University policies and procedures for students
Consistently confront violations of University policy
Refer residents to university resources
Encourage residents to get involved with the community on and off campus
Display personal balance of academics, campus involvements, and relationships
Engage in self reflection and identity exploration
Community Facilitator
Foster a community supportive of the Department’s Philosophy Statement on Diversity and the University’s
Common Ground values of Respect, Integrity, Innovation, Openness, Justice, and Responsibility
Encourage residents to take an active role in developing community
Facilitate conversations about the rights and responsibilities of community living
Keep the community informed of complex and university announcements and events
Support Hall Council by attending at least one meeting per month
Support the Inter-Residence Association
Support NRHH
Support and dialogue about residents’ differences in opinions, cultures, and life experiences.
Implement the Community Development Curriculum to offer inclusive programming that meets the needs of the
community and complex
Create learning opportunities in the physical environment
Utilize online resources for responsibly connecting to residents
Actively confront situations of intolerance and bias that result from lack of respect
Crisis Manager
Know and implement appropriate crisis response protocols while on or off duty
Support individuals and communities during and after crises
Provide accurate, timely documentation of crises occurring in the community
Be an available resource to residents at the front desk on a rotating basis
Participate in preparing the halls for opening and closing
Facilitate routine Health & Safety inspections
Report and follow up on maintenance concerns
Submit paperwork accurately and in a timely manner
Act as a representative of the Division of Student & Campus Life and Department of Residential Life supporting
the departmental mission
Access and respond to communication via email and RetNet daily
Team Member
Accessible, available, and visible in the community and complex
Share duty coverage for the complex
Actively participate in weekly staff meetings, in-service sessions, and training activities
Actively participate in discussions and allow others’ voices to be heard
Create and adhere to staff community standards
Provide and receive constructive feedback
Present a positive attitude in carrying out RA responsibilities
Recognize the accomplishments of community members and coworkers
Be supportive of other staff members and their decisions
Other Duties As Assigned