Fall 2012 E. J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Rutgers University Sustainable Raritan River Regional Environmental Planning Studio: Milltown Floodplain Restoration Raritan River Studio 34:970:510:04 Meeting time: Wednesdays, 1:10-3:50 CSB Room 476 Judy Shaw, Ph.D., AICP, PP jashaw@ejb.rutgers.edu CSB 174 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 9:30-12:00 Mark Gallagher, VP Princeton Hydro mgallagher@princetonhydro.com Office Hours: By arrangement Photo: Judy Shaw, 2012 Academic Integrity Policy All members of our community must be confident that each person's work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain advantage not given to all students is dishonest, whether or not the effort is successful. A violation of academic honesty is a breach of trust, and will result in penalties, including possible suspension or expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or collaboration, consult the course instructors. http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/students.shtml ALL SOURCES OF PHOTOS, WEBSITES, and OTHER REFERENCES must be cited in all work including PowerPoints, Reports and Reviews PHOTOS in this Syllabus used with permission: Dr. George Guo, PE, Rutgers University MAPS courtesy of the Center for Remote Sensing& Spatial Analysis, Rutgers, University The Boro of Milltown invites us to play a lead role in developing a new vision for lands adjacent to the Lawrence Brook. The Sustainable Raritan River Regional Environmental Planning Studio brings together your expertise in planning, communication, graphics, survey research and capitalizes on your work experience to help Milltown develop a restoration plan for the Lawrence Brook, the Mill Pond and the dam area underneath Main Street at Washington Street and the extended region including South Brunswick, East Brunswick, North Brunswick and New Brunswick. The Boro seeks to resolve flooding issues in the area of the Lawrence Brook and the Millpond below the Milltown Redevelopment Site, which is the former home of a Michelin Tire Company facility. Historically, the site has been used since the mid-1800s and more recently warehousing. The site has remnant asphalt roads, parking, storage sites, concrete pads with vegetation along the brook and the Millpond. The Tasks for the Studio include a broad vision that will maximize ecological services in the Boro. They are interested in three outcomes: 1. Reduction of Flood Impacts 2. Design for Floodplain Restoration 3. Relocation of assets currently in the floodplain Our final product will be a vision for the entire extent of the Lawrence Brook through Milltown Boro. This will be presented at Bloustein for a wide audience and again to Milltown Boro Council in an evening presentation. Studio Framing 1. Greenway element - design with Middlesex County - along the Michelin property 2. West - Mill Pond (influences); impacts from upstream to the area long the brook on the west side of Main Street 3. East: study of hydrology and the redesign of the dam;; railroad bridge; lower stream quality 4. Park Design - relocation of the post office and the municipal facilities - shirt factory (CME handling remediation issues) 5. FEMA/federal involvement - Congressman Holt 6. Relocation of the current uses (Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership) on the 1/5 acres next to Boro Hall 7. Extension of streetscape in front of the VFW Hall.... 8. Area parking lots - pervious paving educational session for owners 9. Understanding of area bridges – construction histories and associated stormwater management aspects (including Ryders Lane bridge). This project is part of the Sustainable Raritan River Initiative, promoting coordinated regional planning in all seven counties of the Raritan River Watershed Date Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Class Judy Shaw and Mark Gallagher Deliverables Resumes, Reviews of Sakai materials, DEP regulations Client Meeting in Milltown Maps, pictures, teams and objectives Project – Milltown Engineer, EPA Green Infrastructure Advisors Establish meetings Project Work/Speakers Reports on interviews Project Work TBD Project Work/Speakers First draft report and powerpoint Client Meeting Presentation Project Work/Speakers TBD Project Work TBD Client Meeting Second draft report and powerpoint Project Work TBD Project Work/Final EPA Advisors Meeting TBD Project Work TBD Final session preparation Final Draft report and powerpoint FINAL PRESENTATION Final Report and Powerpoint Grades are based on your overall attendance, participation, and assignments: 75% and on the final Presentation: 25% (combined professor grade and peer grade) Readings will be posted on Sakai throughout the semester and will be primarily drawn from two sources: county and local planning documents and reports; and relevant articles that expand our base knowledge regarding the various project elements. Discussions of readings will be part of each class meeting. Our final product will be a report with maps and next steps. Interim products 1. September 5: a) Creation of Work Teams: Resumes and Skills analysis b) Review of critical information 1) Najarian Reports 2) Omni Report 3) State and Federal Regulation Review. Written summary of rules, footnoted with references and must demonstrate working knowledge of: i. Flood Hazard rules ii. NJDEP Site Remediation Program iii. Harbor Estuary Program iv. Stormwater v. Waterfront Development vi. Wetlands vii. ACE – 404B of the Clean Water Act viii. NJ Landscape Project ix. Threatened and Endangered species Act 4) Funding - Ongoing Start Sakai list of Financial Resources – it will be part of the final report ID sources of money for restoration and recreational development etc. 2. September 12 – initial overview with Milltown Boro a) Mayor, key government leaders and stakeholders with contact information b) Report on Milltown Township (1-2 pages) – size, history, main sources of taxes, industries, parks c) Describe the Milltown decision-making process (1-2 pages) governance structure – type of governance, does it have a planning board, its own planner/engineer or consultant, does it have an environmental commission d) Website: Communication – website; newsletters – exchange of information; how they get information out to the community/Dialog with members on matters of importance to the future of the community e) Summary of county reports as they relate to Milltown f) Summary of local master plan and ordinances as they relate to the Lawrence Brook– address 1) stormwater discharger, 2) recreation and 3) economic development g) Describe the Waterfront (1-2 pages) land uses – what is preserved, what is its current use (preserved, commercial/industrial/residential); who owns it, its size, the number of feet of actual waterfront, photos, conditions, discharges, any physical descriptions (boat launches, bulkheads h) Detailed Maps: in a scale that can be understood and worked on with basics engineering scales; one master map for the bulletin board, then smaller maps at a larger scale. Working knowledge of all physical information: topographical information (3-D), location of all buildings, location of all ancillary facilities, rights of ways, easements, power lines, location of infrastructure, sewer, water, storm drains, electricity cable, and any other physical features that might impact the potential design: boat ramps, bulkheads, and any Corp of Engineering standards 3. Future Class Assignments to be determined (TBD) in response to inputs from clients and information developed by project team (you).