Resolution - Jefferson Parish Government

On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was offered:
A resolution requesting and authorizing the Planning
Department and the Planning Advisory Board to conduct a
study of the text of Chapter 40 Zoning, more particularly
Article X Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation
District (OMNCD), and Chapter 25, Article VI
Comprehensive Plan of the Code of Ordinances of the
Parish of Jefferson, with the intent of establishing
regulations that address bulk and mass of residential
structures within the OMNCD including but not limited to
floor area ratio, bulk plane, structure height, and lot
coverage; amending procedures for review and exclusion
including requirements for application and site plan submittal
and revision; establishing interim regulations during the
study; and providing for related matters. (Parishwide)
WHEREAS, development regulations that, among other purposes, protect
neighboring properties from inadequate sunlight and air and the mature tree canopy
from damage, enhance the special qualities of the Old Metairie Neighborhood
Conservation District; and
WHEREAS, the OMNCD regulations have been reviewed and revised
periodically to remain up-to-date and relevant; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council,
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:
SECTION 1. That the Planning Department and the Planning Advisory Board are
hereby authorized to conduct a study of the text of Chapter 40 Zoning, more particularly
Article X Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District (OMNCD), and Chapter 25,
Article VI Comprehensive Plan of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson,
with the intent of establishing regulations that address bulk and mass of residential
structures within the OMNCD including but not limited to floor area ratio, bulk plane,
structure height, and lot coverage; amending procedures for review and exclusion
including requirements for application and site plan submittal and revision; establishing
interim regulations during the study; and providing for related matters.
SECTION 2. That an interim zoning regulation is hereby in effect to require the
maximum height permitted for residential structures within the OMNCD to include the
height of any open or enclosed parapet wall, solar panels, skylights, vents, chimneys,
cupolas, turrets, roof mounted equipment, and other similar projections.
SECTION 3. That an interim zoning regulation is hereby in effect to require all
applications for major construction or new development, major addition, major
alteration, or major renovation to include twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inch floor
plans with the use of each room clearly labeled and all dimensions clearly shown on
each required floor plan. Floor plans submitted to the OMC shall contribute solely to the
better understanding of projects within the district and are not subject to approval or
denial by the Commission.
SECTION 4. That interim zoning regulations are hereby in effect that clarify and
supplement existing review procedures for the OMNCD, as follows:
1. If as a result of a public hearing the Old Metairie Commission requires
revisions to a plan or elevation, the applicant shall submit the revised plan or
elevation, including the revision date, to the Planning Department with a letter
in the form of a notarized affidavit listing all revisions shown on the revised
plan or elevation and verifying that no other revisions are shown on the plan
or elevation. The architect, landscape architect, landscape contractor, or
arborist as applicable shall sign this affidavit and include the number of his or
her license to practice in the state of Louisiana. The Planning Department
shall review the revisions for completeness, and upon finding of
completeness shall forward the revised plan or elevation with the updated
report to the Old Metairie Commission for the Chairman’s signature. Revised
plans or elevations for Old Metairie Commission review must be submitted at
least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the OMC public hearing.
2. If, after the Council approves the signed plans and elevations but before the
Department of Inspection and Code Enforcement issues the certification of
completeness for occupancy of the building, the applicant proposes a minor
alteration in accordance with Sec. 40-170(2), then the applicant shall submit
the revised plan or elevation, including the revision date, to the Planning
Department with a letter in the form of a notarized affidavit listing all revisions
shown on the revised plan or elevation and verifying that no other revisions
are shown on the plan or elevation. The architect, landscape architect,
landscape contractor, or arborist as applicable shall sign this affidavit and
include the number of his or her license to practice in the state of Louisiana.
The Planning Department shall review the revisions and forward written
certification of the revisions to the Department of Inspection and Code
Enforcement. The Planning Department shall place notice of any minor
alteration on the next scheduled Old Metairie Commission public hearing
agenda to inform the commission of any changes that have occurred.
SECTION 5. The interim zoning regulations set forth in this resolution are in
accordance with and by the authority of Sec. 33-2.23 and Sec. 40-880 of the Jefferson
Parish Code of Ordinances providing, in pertinent part, that when a zoning or land use
study has been initiated by resolution of the Jefferson Parish Council and pending final
disposition of said amendment, supplement, change, zoning or land use study, a
moratorium on the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy or building permits for
a building, structure or occupancy which would be prohibited by passage of the
proposed amendment shall be in effect for one (1) year, which may be extended by the
Jefferson Parish Council for not longer than one (1), six (6) month period.
SECTION 6. That the Council Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman be
and is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to give full force and
effect to this resolution.
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as
The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the 18th day of April, 2012.