On motion of Ms. Lee-Sheng, seconded by Mr. Lagasse, the following ordinance was offered: SUMMARY NO. 24101 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Chapter 40, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson, more particularly amending the zoning classifications of development sites along Metairie Road from Severn Avenue to Estes Street from C-2 General Commercial to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and R-1A Single-Family Residential; and that development sites in the study area be overlaid with CPZ Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone; except development sites zoned C-2 immediately west of North Causeway Boulevard with frontage on Johnson Street and no frontage on Metairie Road; and amending Chapter 25, Article VI, Comprehensive Plan, of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson, more particularly amending the Future Land Use [FLU] map categories in the area along Metairie Road between Severn Avenue and Estes Street, from CMU Community Mixed-Use and LIC Low Intensity Commercial to NMU Neighborhood Mixed-Use. (Council District 5) WHEREAS, Jefferson Parish Council Resolution No. 116308 authorized a zoning and future land use study to consider the reclassification of the described properties from C-2 to the most appropriate zoning district and to amend the Future Land Use designation to most appropriate; and WHEREAS, the existing C-2 zoning is inconsistent with other commercial areas along Metairie Road that are currently zoned C-1, which is more compatible with the roadway’s capacity; and WHEREAS, permitted land uses in C-1 are more compatible with the residential neighborhoods north and east of the study area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department proposes that all properties within the study area, with a few exceptions, be overlaid with CPZ, which will impose enhanced development standards (landscaping, setbacks, buffers, etc.) through site plan review process; and WHEREAS, there are no existing nonconforming land uses operating within the study area and proposed zoning will result in five (5) nonconforming land uses; and WHEREAS, proposed future land use classifications better reflect the character of Metairie Road and are more consistent with existing land uses within the study area; and WHEREAS, Parish Council Resolution No. 122958, adopted June 11, 2014, instituted interim development standards on Metairie Road between Ridgelake Drive and Arlington Drive including pedestrian oriented regulations concerning entrances, setbacks, transparency, and height, among other standards; and WHEREAS, the pedestrian nature of the recently adopted interim development standards is also appropriate along Metairie Road between Severn Avenue and Estes Street due to its traditional development pattern; and WHEREAS, as part of the CPZ, the Planning Department recommends that the interim standards of Resolution No. 122958 also apply to the development sites within the Severn Avenue to Estes Street study area in order to provide consistency and protect and enhance the historic and pedestrian-oriented character of this segment of Metairie Road; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director of this Parish has caused to be duly advertised as prescribed by law, a public hearing in connection with the Zoning and Future Land Use reclassification of said properties; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Advisory Board under Docket No. ASE-5-14 in accordance with law: NOW, THEREFORE, THE JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I. That the zoning classifications of development sites along Metairie Road from Severn Avenue to Estes Street be and are hereby amended and changed from C-2 General Commercial to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and R-1A SingleFamily Residential; and that development sites in the study area are overlaid with CPZ Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone; except development sites zoned C-2 immediately west of North Causeway Boulevard with frontage on Johnson Street and no frontage on Metairie Road; all more clearly shown on a map prepared by the Planning Department titled “Severn Avenue to Estes Street Proposed Zoning Map” dated 6-6-14 which is hereby attached and made part of this ordinance. SECTION II. That the future land use categories of those properties in the area along Metairie Road between Severn Avenue and Estes Street designated CMU Community Mixed-Use and LIC Low Intensity Commercial be and are hereby amended and changed to NMU Neighborhood Mixed-Use; all more clearly shown on a map prepared by the Planning Department titled “Severn Avenue to Estes Street Proposed Future Land Use [FLU] Map” dated 6-6-14 which is hereby attached and made part of this ordinance. SECTION III. That the Planning Director for the Parish of Jefferson, be and is hereby directed, authorized and empowered to make any necessary and appropriate changes and amendments to Chapter 40 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, more particularly the Official Zoning Map thereof, and designating the above-mentioned and described properties as R-1A Single-Family Residential, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial, and CPZ Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone; and those appropriate changes and amendments to Chapter 25 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, more particularly the Official Future Land Use Map, and designating the above mentioned and described properties to NMU Neighborhood Mixed-Use. SECTION IV. That the interim development standards adopted by Jefferson Parish Council Resolution No. 122958 on June 11, 2014, be in effect for the development sites within the Severn Avenue to Estes Street study area boundaries until a public hearing has been held and the Parish Council has taken a yea or nay vote, or until the resolution expires, whichever comes first. SECTION V. That the Parish of Jefferson has not examined or reviewed the title of any portion of land shown, or any restrictive covenants or restrictions placed on said properties, and that the action of the Parish in this matter does not imply (1) that the applicants’ or owners’ title or ownership is valid, (2) that there are or are not any restrictive covenants or other restrictions on said properties, or (3) that any restrictive covenants or restrictions that may be on said properties are enforceable or are not enforceable. This ordinance having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: This ordinance was declared to be adopted on the 27th day of August, 2014, and shall become effective as follows, if signed forthwith by the Parish President, ten (10) days after adoption; thereafter, upon the signature by the Parish President, or, if not signed by the Parish President, upon expiration of the time for ordinances to be considered finally adopted without the signature of the Parish President, as provided in Section 2.07 of the Charter. If vetoed by the Parish President and subsequently approved by the Council, this ordinance shall become effective on the day of such approval. (NO CHANGE) PUB CMU to NMU LIC to NMU