Syllabus - Pasadena City College

SPEECH 10 ● Interpersonal Communication (Fall 2014)
Department of Speech Communication
CRN 4894
Lecture Hours: Saturday 1:00 – 4:10 p.m., Classroom: Rosemead 103
Instructor: Erika Kennelley
Office: Rosemead 103
Office hour: Saturday 12:15—12: 45 p.m.
E-Mail: (Please allow 24 hours for an e-mail response)
Required Texts & Materials
Adler, R. B., Rosenfeld, L. B., & Proctor II, R. F. (2012). Interplay: the process of interpersonal
communication. (12th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Available at the Pasadena City College Bookstore, and for sale or rent online at,, and other online book sellers.
NOTE: Purchasing a previous edition of the textbook is strongly not advised as information and
examples provided in the text will not run in accordance with the course lectures.
Course Description and Objectives
Catalog Description: Principles and practices in communication and communication theories.
Intrapersonal, interpersonal and small group communication. Nonverbal communication, perceptioninformation processing, attitude change and semantics.
Course Outcomes: Students will be able to appraise the role of the self in communication. Students will
be able to recognize, compare and contrast interpersonal communication concepts. Students will be able
to employ problem solving and conflict management skills. Students will be able to demonstrate active
listening. Speech 01 also satisfies both the CSU and UC’s General Education requirement in Oral
Course Objectives: Upon completion of Speech 10, students will be able to
1. Demonstrate, through class discussion, a knowledge of how he or she interacts with his or her
2. Compare the theories of interpersonal communication to other modes of public speaking.
3. Employ communication concepts in one-on-one and small group communication.
4. Demonstrate problem solving and conflict resolution through role playing.
5. Demonstrate increased perception of verbal and nonverbal messages that are common in the work
world by reporting outside experiences.
6. Analyze ability of fellow students as sender and receiver of verbal and nonverbal messages in written
7. Demonstrate more critical listening ability through small group discussion.
8. Evaluate the intervening variables (semantics, attitudes, etc.) that cause communication breakdowns to
9. Demonstrate methods to ameliorate communication breakdowns through role playing.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance and participation are expected. Although it is unlikely that attendance will be taken in
each class, nor will a specific grade be given for attendance, students should note that attendance and
grades are highly correlated in any class. If you miss class, you will not be allowed to turn in assignments
that were due in class for full credit or make up any quizzes unless yours was a documented excused
absence or other arrangements were made in advance with the instructor’s permission. Except in the very
rare case of last minute emergencies (e.g.: you were hit by a car as you were walking to class and were
taken to the emergency room), you should let your instructor know about any excused absences and make
arrangements for making up any missed work in advance. Work-related absences, work in other classes,
oversleeping, or meetings with other professors are not considered a personal emergency, and are not
All enrolled students must be present to all class sessions during the first two weeks of class in order
to keep his/her seat with exception to the sudden death of an immediate family member (parent,
sibling, grandparent), pre-scheduled medical procedures or court appearances (all of which require
documentation verifying the absence in advance).
Because this class meets once a week, students who leave class during break will be marked as
absent for the entire day and will forfeit all points earned prior to leaving class. That means, for
example, if a student comes to class, takes the quiz, and leaves at break, he or she will receive a zero
on the quiz.
The instructor reserves the right to drop a student after two unexcused absences even if the student
notifies the professor of the absence(s) in advance. If the second unexcused absence occurs after the
deadline for drops, there will be a 20% deduction in the student’s final grade.
Late Work
Unless otherwise announced, all assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are
due. You should NOT expect to be allowed to turn in assignments later in the day for full credit. If you
have problems with a printer, you must e-mail the assignment to me BEFORE class on the day that it is
due if you want to receive credit for the assignment. You will not be allowed to make up quizzes, and
exams unless you have a documented, excused absence.
NOTE: Because of time constraints in the class, no make-up presentations will be allowed, even if
you have a documented personal emergency.
Academic Integrity & Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to produce their own work at all times. Plagiarism in academia is a serious offense
and will not be tolerated. Copying a paper, reciting another student’s paper, taking credit for another
person’s ideas (i.e. not citing sources), and cheating during a quiz or exam will result in zero points for
the assignment, and could result in failing the class and possible expulsion from PCC. In addition,
students who cheat or commit plagiarism will be disciplined as according to PCC policy.
Students are expected to abide by PCC’s Student Code of Conduct, which is available at Students who violate the Student Code of Conduct
will be subject to disciplinary action. At a minimum, a student will be reported to the Department Chair
and/or Dean, and actions will be taken accordingly. Other sanctions may include but are not limited to
removal from class, expulsion, suspension, probation, or other lesser sanctions. Instructors have the right
to remove a student from class if the student is interfering his/her peer’s learning process.
Special Needs Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student with a disability who is registered with the
Disable Student Programs and Services Office and requests needed accommodation. For more
information, please contact the DSP&S Office at (626) 585-7127, or visit Room D 209. DSP&S
guidelines are also available at
Classroom Respect
Students are expected to be respectful toward the instructor and other members of the class and not
engage in behaviors that show disrespect for or distract from others’ learning. This includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
(1) Students are not allowed to use electronic devices or have them on your desk during class unless the
instructor specifically gives permission or requests that you use them for an in-class learning activity.
This includes laptops, mobile phones, iPods, iPads, and other similar devices. Students caught texting in
class will be asked to leave.
(2) Students should come to each class on time, bring all course materials, and be prepared to learn and to
engage in classroom activities.
(3) Students should not interrupt another peer’s presentation. This includes doing homework, conversing,
inappropriate laughter, heckling, or using electronic devices during a presentation. The penalty for using
an electronic device during a peer’s performance will be removal from the class session and the deduction
of an entire letter grade from your presentation (Example: an A- will become a B-). If you are late to class
on a presentation day due to an unforeseen emergency, you should wait in the hallway and enter the
classroom between presentations.
Course Assignments and Grades
The following assignments will be completed by each student.
Quizzes and Exams
Quizzes (10 quizzes @ 5 points each)
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Journal logs (5 @ 10 points each)
Hot Off the Press Faceboard
Cross-cultural examination paper
Conflict management examination paper
In-class assignments (10 @ 5 points each)
Quizzes & Exams: All quizzes will contain short-answer questions. The midterm and final exam will
consist of multiple choice, short-answer, and essay questions. Both quizzes and exams will cover course
lectures and textbook readings.
Journal logs: In each journal log, students will cover one communication topic discussed in class lectures
and/or the textbook. Students will relate the topic to their own personal experiences outside the
classroom, so that they may apply class concepts to everyday encounters and activities. All journal entries
will be kept private, and not read aloud in class, so writing freely and honestly is encouraged. Each
journal log will be handwritten and one page long.
Hot Off the Press Faceboard: Students will make a magazine cover of themselves that reflects their selfidentity and what others might perceive of them. The faceboard will consist of a cover photo, 1-2 main
headline(s), and 3-5 mini headlines. Students can create their own photos and headlines or use old
magazines to cut out key words and phrases. Students will pick 3 of the headlines (main or mini) and on a
separate typed sheet of paper, explain why he/she feels the headline represents him/her. Students will
attach the typed sheet to the back of the faceboard before turning in the assignment. Faceboards can be
letter-size (8.5” x 11”), legal-size (8.5” x 14”), or tabloid-size (11” x 17”), but measurements between
letter-size and tabloid-size such as an 11” x 14” board are acceptable.
Cross-cultural examination paper: Students will interview or interact with an individual or engage with
a group that belongs to a culture that he/she would normally not associate with. The experience will be
described using concepts from Chapter 2 of the textbook. Students will include perceptions of that person
or group prior to the interaction, what the conversation/activity consisted of, what verbal and nonverbal
behaviors were observed, and how his/her own beliefs, attitudes and values may have influenced or
affected the interaction. The required length for the paper is 4 pages, typed in 12 pt., Times New Roman
font, and double-spaced. Each student will give a 3-5 minute presentation to the class about the
experience, which is worth 10% of the grade.
Conflict-management examination paper: Students will describe a past or recent incident in which
he/she experienced interpersonal conflict with an individual or small group of people. Using concepts
from Chapter 11 of the textbook, the student will briefly describe the incident, why it occurred and how it
could have been prevented; what variables influenced or affected the conflict, what style of conflict was
used to come to a resolution, and what conflict style(s) could have also been used to solve the situation
and why. The required length of the paper is 4 pages, typed in 12 pt., Times New Roman font, and
double-spaced. Each student will give a 3-5 minute presentation to the class about the experience.
Presentations, which is worth 10% of the grade.
The following grading scale will be used in the course:
A = 90%-100% (450 – 500 points earned)
B = 80%-89% (400 – 449 points)
C = 70%-79% (350 – 399 points)
D = 60%-69% (300 – 349 points)
F = 0%-59% (0 – 299 points)
Tentative Course Schedule
Topic & Reading
Introduction to class
Ch. 1: Interpersonal Process
Ch. 2: Interpersonal Communication in a Changing
World: Culture and Social Networking
Ch. 3 Communication and the Self
Ch. 4: Perceiving Others
Ch. 5: Language
Ch. 6: Nonverbal Communication
Cross-culture examination presentations
Ch. 7: Listening
Ch. 8: Emotions
Ch. 9: Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships
Ch. 10: Communication Climate.
Ch. 11: Managing Conflict
Ch. 12: Interpersonal Contexts
Conflict management presentations
Assignment Due
Quiz #1
Quiz #2
Journal #1
Quiz #3
Hot Off the Press
Quiz #4
Journal #2
Quiz #5
Cross-culture examination
Quiz #6
Journal #3
Quiz #7
Quiz #8
Journal #4
Quiz #9
Quiz #10
Journal #5
Conflict management
paper due