Profile Feedback Bonus This section of the Feedback Report is a ‘bonus’, as the Profile is typically not commented upon nor scored and is used only as a tool for the Examiners review. PROFILE The Organizational ‘Profile’ captures the key influences on how the organization operates and the key challenges it faces. The Profile is considered a ‘snapshot’ that captures the spirit and culture of the organization. PROFILE USES Your Profile is valuable and has many uses including: STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKFORCE ORIENTATION/RE-ORIENTATION INFORMATION FOR CUSTOMERS, STAKEHOLDERS, KEY SUPPLIERS MARKET PLACE INFORMATION / GLOBAL MARKETING PROFILE REVISION The following chart shows what the Examiners found as they reviewed your responses to the Profile questions and looked for linkages in the body of your Self Assessment. Please consider revising and submitting it to us for an Adobe Assessment, which is an in-depth review on gaps and suggested opportunities for improvement. The Adobe Assessment can be conducted at any time and incudes a two hour meeting with QNM and the assigned Senior Examiner to clarify findings and next steps. P.1 Organizational Description P.1a Organizational Environment P.1a(1) What are your organization’s main product offerings? What is the relative importance of each to your success? What mechanisms are used to deliver your products? What are your stated mission, vision, and values,? What are your organization’s core competencies and what is their relationship to your mission? What is your workforce profile? P.1a(1) P.1a(1) P.1a(2) P.1a(2) P.1a(3) Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Profile Feedback Bonus P.1 Organizational Description P.1a Organizational Environment P.1a(3) What recent changes have you experienced in workforce composition or your workforce needs? What are your workforce or employee groups and segments, the educational requirements for these different employee groups and segments, and key drivers that engage them in achieving your mission and vision? What are your organized bargaining units (union representation)? What are your organization’s special health and safety requirements? What are your major facilities, technologies, and equipment? What is the regulatory environment under which you operate? What are the key applicable occupational health and safety regulations; accreditation, certification, or registration requirements; industry standards; and environmental, financial, & product regulations? P.1a(3) P.1a(3) P.1a(3) P.1a(4) P.1a(5) P.1a(5) P.1 Organizational Description (cont'd) P.1b Organizational Relationships P.1b(1) What are your organizational structure and governance system? What are the reporting relationships among your governance board, senior leaders, and parent organization, as appropriate? What are your key market segments, customer / student / patient groups, and/or stakeholder groups, as appropriate? What are their key requirements and expectations for your products, support services, and operations? P.1b(1) P.1b(2) P.1b(2) Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Profile Feedback Bonus P.1 Organizational Description (cont'd) P.1b Organizational Relationships P.1b(2) What are the differences in these requirements and expectations among market segments, customer / student / patient groups, and stakeholder groups? What are your key types of suppliers, partners, and collaborators? What role do they play in your work systems, especially in the production and delivery of your key products and customer / student / patient support services and in enhancing your organization’s competitiveness? What are your organization’s key mechanisms for two-way communication with suppliers, partners, and collaborators? What role, if any, do these organizations play in contributing and implementing innovations in your organization? What are your key supply chain requirements? P.1b(3) P.1b(3) P.1b(3) P.1b(3) P.1b(3) P.2 Organizational Situation P.2a Competitive Environment P.2a(1) What is your competitive position? What are your relative size and growth in your industry or the markets you serve? How many and what types of competitors does you have? What key changes, if any, are affecting your competitive situation, including changes that create opportunities for innovation and collaboration, as appropriate? What key sources of comparative and competitive data are available from within your industry? What key sources of comparative data are available from outside your industry? P.2a(1) P.2a(1) P.2a(2) P.2a(3) P.2a(3) Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Profile Feedback Bonus P.2 Organizational Situation P.2a Competitive Environment P.2a(3) What limitations, if any, affect your ability to obtain or use these data? P.2 Organizational Situation (cont'd) P.2b Strategic Context P.2b What are your key strategic challenges and advantages in the areas of business/ education services/ health care services, operations, societal responsibilities, and workforce? P.2 P.2c P.2c Organizational Situation (cont'd) Performance Improvement System What are the key elements of your performance improvement system, including your processes for evaluation and improvement of key organizational projects and processes? Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results? Described in Profile? Yes / No Were there associated Processes? Were there associated Results?