NCSDAE National Council of State Directors of Adult Education Jennifer Foster, Chair; Dr. Lennox McLendon, Senior Advisor; Dr. Art Ellison, Policy Chair; Dr. Eugene Sofer, Government Relations Key Changes in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce System: Applies one set of performance measures to core programs listed below Requires one Unified State Plan describing training, employment services, adult education and vocational rehabilitation through a collaborative, comprehensive system Reduces the number of required members on state and local workforce boards o State director of adult education and local adult managers have seats on the boards Strengthens alignment between core programs and labor markets and economic development regions Specifies authorized appropriation levels for each fiscal year 2015-2020 Adds a minimum and maximum funding level to the dislocated worker formula beginning 2016 Training and Employment Services Eliminates the “sequence of services” and merges “core and intensive activities” into a combined “career services.” Emphasizes access to real-world training through on-the-job training, incumbent worker training, customized training, prior learning assessment, pay-for-performance training and industry or sector partnerships and career pathway strategies. Requires 75% of youth funding to support out-of-school youth with 20% prioritized for work-based activities Job Corps Improves the procurement process for center operators Allows DOL to provide technical assistance to centers Improves data collection on operations and finance. Adult Education Strengthens alignment of adult education with postsecondary and workforce activities Strengthens career pathways and integrated education and training Links English Literacy/Civics with integrated education and training Requires specific state leadership activities o Alignment of services with the workforce system o Quality professional development o Technical assistance to local providers o Monitoring and evaluation of local providers Requires that the local adult education plans be reviewed by the local workforce board to ensure alignment State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Sets high expectations for individuals with disabilities with respect to employment Provides youth with disabilities the services and supports necessary to be successful in competitive, integrated employment Hall of the States 444 North Capitol Street, N.W. Suite 422 Washington, DC 20001 phone: 202.624.5250 fax: 202.624.1497 website: