3-D Model of Earth’s Layers Name ____________________________________________ Due 10/21/13 Grading Rubric CATEGORY Parts of the Earth 5-4 All layers and zones included 3-2 3-5 layers and zones included 1-0 1-2 layers and zones included Spelling All items spelled correctly Most items spelled correctly Few items spelled correctly Labeling All layers and regions labeled accurately Obviously proportional 3-5 layers and 1-2 labeled labeled accurately correctly Somewhat proportional Not proportional 4 distinct colors for layers 3 colors visible for layers 2 or fewer distinct color layers All vocabulary words present and explained in detail All vocabulary words present; most are explained OR Most vocabulary words present and explained All layers include either starting or ending depth (in km) Missing vocabulary words and/or explanations Proportional Use of Color Vocabulary Depths Neat/Pride in work shows All layers include correct starting and ending depth (in km) Neat, pride in work obvious Somewhat neat, with some pride in work Total points Total X 4 X 2 X 2 X 4 X 2 X 2 Layers are limited in starting and/or ending depth; information is not correct Pride in work not obvious X 2 X 2 TOTAL Grade ______ Journey to the Center of Earth Children’s Book Name __________________________________ Due 10/21/13 Grading Rubric CATEGORY Parts of the Earth 5-4 All layers and zones included 3-2 3-5 layers and zones included 1-0 1-2 layers and zones included Spelling All items spelled correctly All vocabulary words present and explained in detail Most items spelled correctly All vocabulary words present; most are explained OR Most vocabulary words present and explained 3 colors visible for layers Few items spelled correctly Missing vocabulary words and/or explanations Story plot is somewhat creative and engaging to the reader; needs more planning Story plot is not well planned; it lacks in creativity and is not engaging At least 3-4 illustrations are present and/or illustrations are somewhat neat, creative, and colorful Most required information is present and/or is somewhat explained with the audience in mind At least 2 illustrations are present and/or they are not neat, creative, or colorful Vocabulary Use of Color Story Plot Illustration s Informative 4 distinct colors for layers Story plot is creative, well planned, and engaging to the reader At least 5 Illustrations are present; they are creative, neat, and colorful All required information is present (rock make-up, density, temperature, etc) and is explained with the audience in mind Total points Total X 4 X 2 X 2 2 or fewer distinct color layers X 2 X 2 X 2 Missing required information and/or it is not explained with the audience in mind X 2 TOTAL Grade ______ Earth’s Layers Foldable Name __________________________________ Due 10/21/13 Grading Rubric CATEGORY Parts of the Earth 5-4 All layers and zones included 3-2 3-5 layers and zones included 1-0 1-2 layers and zones included Spelling All items spelled correctly Most items spelled correctly Few items spelled correctly Vocabulary All vocabulary words present and explained in detail All vocabulary words present; most are explained OR Most vocabulary words present and explained Colors and/or illustrations somewhat enhance the foldable Some facts and details are presented for each layer Missing vocabulary words and/or explanations Use of Color & Illustrations Informative Unique & Neatness Colors and illustrations enhance the foldable Many facts and details presented for each layer to enhance the project Foldable is unique in design and is very neat; pride in work is evident Total points Total X 4 X 2 X 4 Lacking in color and/or illustrations X 4 Little to no facts and details are present for the layers X 4 Foldable lacks in uniqueness or neatness; pride in work is somewhat evident Foldable lacks in uniqueness and neatness; pride in work is not evident X 2 TOTAL Grade ______