Class Discloser and Policies Miss Thompson 8th Grade Social

Class Discloser and Policies
8th Grade Social Studies
Dear Parents and Students:
Miss Thompson
Room 109
Kingman Middle School
Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies at Kingman Middle School! This year we will be studying United States History,
focusing on Beginnings, Revolution, Constitution, and then the Great Depression through the Modern Era. This is a
survey course, so students will learn a little bit about a lot of United States History. I look forward to working with the
8th graders and their families. I believe we will have an exciting year of learning!
Academic Expectations:
Students are expected to be in class each day and be ready to learn. This includes being prepared with the required
materials [pencil, pen, paper, binder (with dividers and a specific section for this class), planner, and assignments].
Students will be graded on in-class assignments, homework, projects, group and individual class participation, tests and
quizzes, and writing assignments. Each assignment will be given a certain amount of points, and each assignment is
weighted appropriately.
A = 100%-90%
B = 89%-80%
C = 79%-70%
D = 69%-60%
F = Below 60%
Late assignments will be accepted with a 10% deduction each day it is late. Late assignments five or more class periods
late will only be worth half-credit (50%). Absent students and those who made prior arrangements with Miss Thompson
may turn in late assignments without a penalty, as far as they are turned in a timely manner (one day for each day
Parents and students are encouraged to check grades weekly on ParentVue and StudentVue. If any mistake is ever
noticed, please contact me immediately.
Extra credit will only be offered on rare occasions and will be available to all students. I am unable to arrange a special
extra-credit assignment for any single student in order to allow them to bring up their grade. Because of this strict
policy, it is extremely important that all students complete all of their regular assignments.
Behavioral Expectations:
In my classroom, I strive to have a safe environment that is conducive to learning. To accomplish this, I expect each
student to abide by the “Three R’s:”
1. You have the RIGHT to learn; I have the Right to teach.
2. You need to take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions and your learning.
3. You must RESPECT yourself, other students, Miss Thompson, and the school.
Cell phones, Ipods, etc… are not to be in class, or should be turned off and out of sight. Students will receive a warning,
but the phone and/or device will be confiscated if it continues to be a problem (parents will be able to pick up the
All students are expected to follow the rules provided in the student planner.
Materials Needed:
 One three ring binder with eight dividers (this may be used for all of your classes, just make sure you have a
social studies section inside)
 College ruled loose leaf notebook paper
 Highlighters
 Composition book
The textbook we will be using this school year is called The American Journey by Glencoe. Each student will be assigned
a textbook to use at home for readings, homework, and studying. Textbooks are to be returned at the end of the school
year (or upon withdrawal) in good condition. Any textbook checked out and not returned in good condition will be
subject to a $75 bill.
Students may also access the textbook online through a link on our school website: All students will
be given an online access code that they may use to access the textbook online.
IF YOU NEED EXTRA HELP with an assignment or project, or have a question or concern, please feel free to contact me
via room 109, email at, or call me at KMS at 928-753-3588. I will do my best to respond to email
in a timely manner during working school hours.
Class Discloser and Policies
8th Grade Social Studies
Miss Thompson
Room 109
Kingman Middle School
Students and Parents:
Please fill out the form below and return to Miss Thompson, room 109, by Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Thank you!!!
Full Student Name:________________________________________________________________________
Parent of guardian (where you live):__________________________________________________________
Please feel free to write any information you would like me to know about your child:
KUSD #20 is moving toward a policy of using more technology in the classroom. In Social Studies, we often watch
historical movies. The movies may be documentaries depicting a specific event in history, or they may be historical
fiction. In 8th Grade, we will watch videos about the Holocaust, various wars and the Civil Rights Movement. Students
should write in planners when a video is planned; please feel free to contact me if you are concerned about the content
of any video shown. Please sign this permission form for your student to view these types of movies in class. If you have
any issue with a movie, your student can study the subject separately in the library with an alternative assignment.
*My son/daughter_________________________ has permission to view movies in class, as they pertain to
Social Studies ______________________________
Parent Signature
Please sign below that your student has permission to take a textbook out of the classroom and that you and your
student take responsibility for the condition of that book. The books can be kept at home, and do not need to be
brought to class each day. They need to be returned upon the student leaving KMS for the 2013-2014 school year. Any
textbook checked out and not returned in good condition at the end of the school year (or upon withdrawal) will be
subject to a $75 bill.
Parent Signature
Student Signature
*If you and your family do not wish to take the responsibility for ta textbook, the student is STILL responsible for any
readings and homework from class. Students have online access to the textbook. There is a link on our school website: All students will receive an online access code that they may use to access the textbook online.
*Please sign below if you would like your student to NOT be issued a textbook, but acknowledge that he/she will then
access the text online.
Parent Signature
Student Signature