Biology I Honors 131 Second SEMESTER REVIEW June 2014 CHAPTERS COVERED: C 7,8,9,10,18, 23 & LABS/Dissections TEST DETAILS: Multiple Choice Questions to be answered on Scantron Sheets (1 pt. each) 90 130 Points in Short Answers and Essays In addition to terms be sure to look at drawings and all Multiple Choice and Review Questions for each chapter. The STUDY GUIDE is obviously the other resource available to help prepare you for this examination! WEDNESDAY, June 4, 2014 8:00-10:00 AM Chapter 7 -- Photosynthesis (pp. 106-122) Autotroph Photoautroph Stomata Thylakoids FIG 7.2 photosynthesis light reactions electromagnetic energy photon FIG 7.7A/B ATP chlorophyll carotenoids reaction center Photosystem II Photosystem I chemiosmosis photophosphorylation Calvin Cycle PGA G3P producer mesophyll stroma grana FIG 7.4A/B Balanced Equation FIG 7.5 wavelength photosystem FIG 7.8A NADPH FIG 7.8B photosystems electron transport chain Photosystem I FIG 7.9/7.10B ATP Synthase FIG 7.12 RuBP carbon fixation Chapter 8 – The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance (pp. 124-151) life cycle genome sexual reproduction asexual reproduction Biology I Honors 131 Second Semester Review May 2014 C7-10 , 18 & 23/ Labs/ Dissections AMDG chromosomes binary fission sister chromatids cell cycle interphase cytokinesis prophase anaphase FIGS p. 130-131 cell plate density dependent inhibition cancer cells benign metastasis sarcomas lymphomas homologous chromosomes sex chromosomes diploid cells haploid cells zygote FIGS p. 138-139 crossing over genetic recombination trisomy 21 nondisjunction Page 2 Fr. Steggert. SJ cell division chromatin centromere FIG 8.5 mitosis mitotic phase (M) metaphase telophase cleavage furrow anchorage dependence growth factor cell cycle control tumor malignant carcinomas leukemias somatic cell autosomes locus gametes fertilization meiosis FIG 8.15 chiasma karyotype Down syndrome Chapter 9 – Patterns of Inheritance (pp. 152-179) wild type self fertilization cross F1 generation FIG 9.2D alleles recessive allele heterozygous REVIEW SHEET genotype dihybrid cross FIG 9.5A / 9.6 rule of multiplication cystic fibrosis genetics hybrids P generation F2 generation monohybrid cross dominant allele homozygous Punnett Square phenotype principle of segregation principle of ind. assortment test cross rule of addition achondroplasia Biology I Honors 131 Second Semester Review May 2014 C7-10 , 18 & 23/ Labs/ Dissections AMDG Huntington’s disease chorionic villus sampling fetoscopy ABO blood groups pleiotropy polygenic inheritance recombination frequency sex chromosomes hermaphroditic color blindness Duchenne M. D. FIG 9.11A / 9.12 Page 3 Fr. Steggert. SJ amniocentesis ulta sound incomplete dominance codominance Genetic screening chromosome theory of inheritance monoecious sex-linked gene hemophilia Pedigree Lab FIGS 9.14 / 9.18C Chapter 10 – Molecule Biology of the Gene(pp. 180-207) bacteriophages FIG 10.1A & C sugar-phosphates Cytosine Guanine FIGS 10.2A/B/C DNA polmerase FIG 10.5A/B/C translation codons RNA polymerase terminator tRNA rRNA stop codon mutation mutagenesis lytic cycle prophage retrovirus AIDS molecular biology nucleotide Thymine Adenine double helix FIG 10.3D DNA ligase transcription triplet code FIG 10.8A / 10.9A promoter mRNA anticodon start codon FIG 10.14/10.15 reading frame mutagen lysogenic FIG 10.17 reverse transcriptase HIV // CODE LAB Biology I Honors 131 Second Semester Review May 2014 C7-10 , 18 & 23/ Labs/ Dissections AMDG Page 4 Fr. Steggert. SJ C18 – The Evolution of Animal Diversity (pp. 364-387) Animalia gastrula sponges radial symmetry choanocyte Cnidaria gastrovascular cavity bilateral symmetry posterior ventral flatworms free living tapeworms pseudocoelom roundworms FIG 18.3 B/C/D FIG 18.5D Mollusca mantle Gastropods Cephalopods FIG 18.10A annelid polychaetes Arthropoda molting arachnids millipedes insecta complete metamorphosis endoskeleton Chordata notochord post-anal tail vertebrates invertebrates Earthworm Lab Frog Lab blastula metamorphosis Porifera amoebocytes choanoflagellate medusa Cnidocytes anterior dorsal lateral Platyhelminthes flukes body cavity coelom Nematoda FIG 18.4 FIG 18.9A foot radula Bivalves segmentation Annelida Earthworms leeches exoskeleton horseshoe crab crustaceans centipedes incomplete metamorphosis echinoderms water vascular system nerve cord gill structures chordate tunicates lancelets Crayfish Lab Biology I Honors 131 Second Semester Review May 2014 C7-10 , 18 & 23/ Labs/ Dissections AMDG Chapter 23 – Circulation (pp. 466-483) circulatory system open circulatory system closed circulatory system blood arteries capillaries cardiovascular system atrium ventricle arterioles capillary beds venules single circulation double circulation systemic circuit pulmonary circuit FIGS 23.2A/B/C FIG 23.3A FIG 23.3B pulmonary arteries pulmonary veins aorta superior vena cava inferior vena cava AV valves semilunar valves mitral valve aortic valve pulmonic valve cardiac cycle diastole systole cardiac output heart rate heart murmur SA Node heart attack cardiovascular disease stroke atherosclerosis embolism FIG 23.7C blood pressure FIG 23.8A hypertension FIG 23.10 FIG 23.11B plasma red blood cells RBC white blood cells WBC platelets FIG 23.12 erythrocytes leukocytes phagocytes anemia fibrinogen fibrin multipotent stem cells leukemia Page 5 Fr. Steggert. SJ