Concept Note - Enterprise Europe Network India

Indian Implementation
Indian Funding
Spanish Funding Ministry/Department - Spanish
Implementing Agency
Department of Science & Technology
Government of India
Funding support for India-Spain Programme of Co-operation
on Industrial R&D in Water Technologies and Information &
Communication Technologies
The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India through Global
Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) and CDTI, will jointly fund India-Spain
Industrial R&D projects.
Funding will be available for challenging industry-led R&D projects.
Application period: 12.11.2013 – 15.03.2014
Official Launch of Request for Proposals: November 12th, 2013
Submission Date for Full Application Form / Proposal: March 15th, 2014
Release of Request for Proposals Results: July 15th, 2014
The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India through Global
Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) and CDTI, Spain will jointly implement this
bilateral Industrial Technology, R&D and Innovation Programme and fund industry–led
innovative projects.
The objective of the programme is to stimulate innovative R&D projects that address a
specific market need or challenge, demonstrate high industrial relevance and commercial
potential, and aim to deliver benefit to all participants, and more broadly, to both nations.
Successful projects will be funded by CDTI in Spain and by GITA in India.
Project Collaboration and Funding
Projects shall be led by industry from India and Spain respectively. Multidisciplinary
consortia including MSMEs, end–users/first customers will be preferred. The Indian and
Spainish applicants shall prepare a ‘Joint Application’ including milestones and clearly
defined roles of each partner.
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On the Indian side, financial support in the form of soft loan may be provided to the lead
industry (India Project Lead). Grant may be provided to collaborating R&D/academic
organisations. Collaboration between Industry and research/academic institutes for the
projects is strongly encouraged.
CDTI will fund the Spanish Companies in the awarded projects. CDTI can only provide
funding to Spanish companies subject to budget availability and as per the financing
conditions valid at the time of signature of the financing commitment between CDTI and
the awarded companies. Collaboration with other entities such as research centres,
technological centres, universities, hospitals and other R&D-performing organisations is
permitted under CDTI regulations, but CDTI will not fund them directly, but may finance
them indirectly as external collaborations of the Spanish Companies involved in the
Eligible Technology Sectors
1. Water Technologies - Management of the Water Cycle
Water Resources Management
Use and Consumption of Water
Collection, pumping and water transportation, distribution
Water Supply and Sanitation (Desalinisation, water quality treatment
technologies, treatment and purification of drinking water)
Water and Agriculture, efficient use of water for irrigation in agriculture
Water and Energy Efficiency
Wastewater Treatment
Water recycling and renovation for multiple uses, Biotechnology and
Nanotechnology options for water recovery and renovation. New treatments
(water and energy - harvest energy from the organic material while supplying
clean water)
2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), including:
Future Internet Technologies (novel services and arquitectures, cloud
computing, trustworthy ICT, internet of things, etc..)
Digital Content Technologies
Mobile technologies and services
Smart Cities
ICT as enabling technology in societal challenges such as Energy, Health,
Safety, Education, Transport, etc
Key criteria for selection
The project should be innovative aiming to lead to a new or substantial improvement of
a product, process or service with clear commercial potential
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The project must show balanced effort of R&D activities and resources both in India
and in Spain
Duration of projects will be from 1 to a maximum of 3 years.
The industry partners from India must contribute at-least 50% of their participation cost
in the project with own economic resources. Industry partners from Spain must
contribute at least 30% of their participation cost in the project with own economic
The application will be strengthened by the participation of academic and institutional
researchers as a component of the R&D project
Further information, please contact:
Foreign Technology Action
Directorate of International
CDTI - Spain's National Innovation
Phone: +34 91 581 56 07 (Spain)
+91 11 4129 3000 (India)
Fax: + 34 91 581 55 94
Samrat Ghatak
Programme Manager
Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA)
Tel: +91 11 4577 2027
Fax: +91 11 4577 2014
Download Documents
Doc 1: Request for Proposals 2013: Fact Sheet
Doc 2: Request for Proposals 2013: Terms, Conditions & Guidelines for Applications
Doc 3: CDTI – GITA Bilateral Application Form 2013
Doc 4: Form for Additional Details from the Indian Applicants
Doc 5: Annex 1: Consortium Agreement Model
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