Dear MAX-lab user
The MAX IV Laboratory has the ambition to submit an application for the next round of VR/RFI applications (deadline March 26, 2013) asking for a funding frame that will allow the Laboratory to start a Phase IIa beamline program to supplement the eight already financed (7 KAW & Swedish Univ. + 1
Estonia & Finland). Acquiring such a funding frame in the 2013 round of VR/RFI applications would allow the Laboratory to start designing the new beamlines early 2014 which in turn would mean that the new beamlines will become operational ca. 2017, that is, around 1 ½ year after the first eight MAX IV beamlines.
The proposal will be in line with the criteria set out in the Strategic Plan (submitted to VR, May 2, 2012) that the MAX IV Laboratory should:
Be a facility for all sciences & should widen the user community
Make optimum use of MAX IV
Secure the continuity for existing the MAX-lab community
Incorporate possibilities at other facilities (Swedish High Energy beamline at PETRA III, ESRF,
ESS, …)
It is hoped that this application will provide funding for 1-2 full beamlines and/or a transfer package for beamlines existing at MAX II & III and additional endstations to be put onto the first 7+1 beamlines. A second application for additional funding (Phase IIb) is planned for Spring 2014. Because of the later deadline the Phase IIb application will allow much more comprehensive consultation with the user community via for instance the workshops currently being organized together with and for the users, see .
In view of the short time available, the Phase IIa application will be based on a short-list compiled from the beamlines (or combinations/modifications) of the Strategic Plan . Such a short-list has been produced taking into account a number of different factors – e.g. a number of proposals for beamlines are currently being evaluated in other Scandinavian countries, the need to have a balanced portfolio of beamlines, the above evaluation criteria – and is given below.
We have already asked for input from the University Reference Group (URG). With this letter we want to encourage you to provide any comments you have. We do prefer if your input is channeled via your URG representative, but in case you do not have such a representative or just prefer to provide your input directly we also welcome that. We need the input before February 15, 2013.
Please distribute this letter to anyone you think may be interested in the next phase of beamlines at the
MAX IV Laboratory.
Christoph Quitmann
Jesper Andersen
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Estimated cost
5-25 keV, in vacuum undulator, 0.5-5
m focus
Micro-focus protein crystallography
Scientific scope Life-science, structural biology, macro-molecular structure, medicine, pharmaceuticals
110 MSEK
Strategic plan beamline(s)
SAXS and Hard X-ray Coherent Scattering
5-25 keV, in vacuum undulator, 5-200
m focus
ES1: BioSAXS, high throughput, microfluidics
ES2: Scanning SAXS/WAXS, coherent imaging, hard matter, high q-resolution
Multipurpose small & wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS and WAXS), anomalous & gracing incidence SAXS (ASAXS and GISAXS)
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS)
Scientific scope Soft matter (colloids, polymers, cellulose etc.), life science (proteins in solution), hard condensed matter (alloys, composites), thin films
Dynamics in e.g. colloidal systems, complex liquids, surfaces, gels
Estimated cost 85 MSEK
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Combining: MedMAX and BisoMAX
E max
~40 keV, in vacuum undulator (wiggler?), up to 10 cm wide beam
ES1: Micro-tomography (Near hutch)
ES2: Coherent tomography and phase contrast imaging (Far hutch)
Demands extension outside the normal building
Imaging in 2 &3D, phase-contrast imaging, K-edge subtraction imaging,
Fluorescence and absorption
Imaging coherent diffractive imaging, ptychography, tomographic SAXS
Scientific scope Physiological and morphological characterization of tissue samples and entire organs, micro-localization of toxic elements and tumor-targeting molecules in tissue, in-vivo imaging of small animals
Life science, biological science incl. food, wood and plant science
Estimated cost 150 MSEK (includes building extension)
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Soft X-ray Coherent Imaging and STXM
Estimated cost
0.25 – 2 keV Elliptically Polarizing Undulator
ES1: Coherent Imaging, focus a few
ES2: STXM, focus ~10 nm
Methods Coherent (resonant) imaging, ptychography, X-ray holography,
Scanning Transmission and Emission X-ray Microscopy
Scientific scope Physics, Chemistry, Nano and Materials Science, Bio-science, Soft Matter, Advanced materials, Magnetic materials, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
100 MSEK
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Soft X-ray Beamline Transfer Package
25 – 1000 eV. Linear and elliptically polarizing undulators
Includes up to 4 transferred beamlines and multiple, moveable endstations
Methods SPELEEM, solid and gas-phase photoemission, imaging and coincidence spectroscopy, XAS, XMCD.
Species: RIXS + HP XPS
Scientific scope Nanoscience & -technology, applied physics and material science, surface science, molecular science, catalysis and corrosion, soft matter and sensitive samples, electronic and magnetic structure, semiconductors, Electro & biochemistry, geosciences, biomaterials, liquid samples
Estimated cost 80 MSEK (20 MSEK per beamline, includes developing a system for moving endstations in and out from a beamline)
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Medium hard XAS Beam-line
1-8 keV, elliptically polarizing undulator
ES1: XAS, focus 1-100
ES2: HAXPES (UHV-HV-ambient pressure), focus 10-100
XAS with absorption and emission detection
HAXPES with possibility to go to pressures in the 10-100 mBar region
Scientific scope Environmental science, Soil science and biogeochemistry, Cultural heritage
Physics, Materials Science, Nano-science, Liquids, Corrosion and catalysis,
Estimated cost 100 MSEK
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Endstation from CLIMAX which can be moved between the soft X-ray beamlines at the 3 GeV ring (Veritas, Hippie) and the soft X-ray beamlines at the 1.5 GeV ring.
Electron spectroscopy, ion spectroscopy, imaging spectrometers for ions and electrons, time-resolved methods for coincidence spectroscopies
Scientific scope Physics, Chemistry, Molecular Science, Free Clusters and Nano-particles, Liquid systems, Atmospheric sciences, Biomedical science
Estimated cost 20 MSEK
Strategic plan beamline(s)
5-20 keV, in vacuum undulator
Estimated cost
Imaging, 3D coherent diffractive imaging, absorption spectroscopy, resonant coherent imaging
Scientific scope Catalysis, battery/ fuel cell research, energy materials, nano-structured materials, geo & environmental science
Strategic plan beamline(s)
Endstations removed from the 2011 KAW application
Endstations for: Spin-Arpes (@ARPES), UHV XPS and XAS (@HIPPIE), High energy
ARPES (@VERITAS) and auxiliary equipment (Fluorescence detector, IR and Raman spectrometer, UV/Vis spectrometer) for In-Situ XAS beamline
Estimated cost
Spin-Arpes, XPS and XAS, High Energy Arpes, Fluorescence detector, IR and Raman spectrometer, UV/Vis spectrometer
Scientific scope Surface Science, electronic structure, novel materials, environmental and soil science
60 MSEK in total