Title: Appropriate Resource Utilization – Imaging and Medications Regulation COC OMH Accreditation Standard 3.1, Med Solutions Reference: Oncology Imaging Guidelines, Cancer.net (ASCO) Policy Number: Effective Date: Purpose: Appropriate resource utilization incorporated evidence-based guidelines to assist physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging and medication decisions for a specific clinical condition. By employing these guidelines, our clinicians can enhance the quality of care and contribute to the most efficacious use of radiology and pharmaceuticals. Policy: Personnel affected: Physicians, Advanced Practitioners, Nursing, and Medical Assistants It is the policy of XXXXX to use our resources widely and within the recommended guidelines for oncology. Cancer patients tend to require a lot of testing and imaging. It is our goal to reduce this amount to only what is recommended unless absolutely necessary. Procedure: After the order is written and received the Medical Assistants and/or Nursing must obtain prior authorization from the patient’s insurance company prior to scheduling imaging or administering medications. Imaging Minimizing Advanced Imaging for Stage 1 or 2 Prostate Cancer 1. We will not order an endorectal MRI and/or multi-parametric MRI to define low risk disease, this is considered investigational and experimental 2. For patients under active surveillance for disease progression but who have not received any treatment the recommendations are a PSA every 6 months, a digital rectal exam every 12 months, and a repeat prostate biopsy every 12 months 3. MRI of the pelvis should not be used for patients under active surveillance 4. PET shall not be ordered for diagnosis and initial staging Minimizing Advanced Imaging for Stage 1 or 2 Breast Cancer 1. We will not utilize the following tests for staging DCIS or Stage 1 or 2 Breast Cancers CT Scan PET Scan Bone Scan DCIS and Stage 1 or 2 breast cancers have a low risk of having spread outside of th breast and nearby lymph nodes when diagnosed. Research on these tests has shown that they are often falsely positive and expose people to unnecessary radiation and no help to lengthen lives. Medications Treatment guidelines are outlined by Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, based on NCCN recommendations and approval by physician staff. Responsibility and Approval Authority: This policy shall be reviewed by the appropriate committees, managers and staff to whom it is relevant, approved by the Executive Committee of the Board, with final signatory authority of the Medical Director. Version Number: Original Approval Date: Reviewed Date: Prepared by: Approved by: Page 1 of 1