Animal Biographies

Animal Biographies
Dog is one of Sam’s positive personality traits, representing his chilled and
unfazed state of mind, he is happy.
He lives on the street enjoying the sunshine, happy to be free and to do whatever
he likes, happy to meet strangers on the street and trusting of others.
He visits the neighbors regularly for treats and company but doesn’t have a
permanent owner.
He is relaxed with food and eats anything, carefree, he is a bit fat and old so lays
around a lot.
He is a mongrel with no pedigree, crossed between something small and
something scruffy, but he doesn’t mind what he looks like and is generally
Butterfly is also a positive part of Sam, he is motivating and empowering,
encouraging him to keep going when things are at their worst.
He is delicate and light in the air, gently fluttering here and there, wandering,
Spoilt competitive, selfish and self-righteous, lazy and obstinate.
He thinks he is the most enlightened and looks at others in a generally negative
Stork is Sam’s negative side, Sam has to battle against Stork’s bad influence and
constant attempts to make Sam stop the Camino, Stork is devious and wont give
up until he has tried his worst to stop Sam.