What is Sam

สื่ อการเรี ยนการสอน
English Classroom
ผลการเรี ยนรู้ที่คาดหวัง
นักเรียนสามารถสื่ อสารเกีย่ วกับ
This is my father.
This is my sister.
This is my mother.
This is me.
My name is Sam.
There are four people in my family.
My father’s name is John.
He is thirty – five years old.
He is a doctor.
My mother’s name is Mary.
She is thirty – two years old.
She is a teacher.
My sister’s name is Jane.
She is ten years old.
She is a student.
My name is Sam.
I am eight years old.
I am a good student.
Answers the Questions
Q: How many people in
Sam’ family?
A: There are four people.
Q: How old is Sam’s father?
A: He is thirty – five
years old.
Q: Is John a doctor?
A: Yes, he is.
Q: What is Sam’ mother?
A: She is a teacher.
Q: How old is Sam’s mother?
A: She is thirty – two
years olds.
Q: How many sisters does
Sam have?
A: He has one sister.
Q: What is her name?
A: Her name is Jane.
Q: Is Jane a nurse?
A: No, she is not.
She is a student.
Q: How many brothers
does Sam have?
A: He is the only boy
in the family.