Yoga Study Guide
Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It is an ancient science that has been passed down through many centuries from teacher to student. Yoga practice focuses on uniting the body, mind, and spirit, to develop a state of total well-being.
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning to yoke or unite.
Hatha Yoga: The type of yoga which came out of a deep respect and interest in the well being of the body, which was considered a sacred vessel for the soul. Hatha
Yoga uses postures and breathing techniques to help bring the body into a state of health and well being so that the more subtle spiritual elements of the mind may freely emerge. Hatha Yoga refers to the physical branch of yoga and the term includes all the styles of yoga. Hatha yoga is the type of yoga studied in dance class.
Types of Yoga:
Ashtanga Yoga- is a dynamic form which includes intense connected series of yoga.
Bhakti Yoga- promotes security with the now and promotes a desire to live a rewarding unfolding life which is enjoyed wholeheartedly.
Hatha Yoga- emphasizes relaxation and reflection. It comes from the two Sanscrit words “ha”(sun-warm) and “tha”(moon-reflect).
Karma Yoga- emphasizes selfless action and service to others.
Kundalini Yoga- focuses on energy flow.
Kripalu Yoga- is a specific school of yoga.
Mantra Yoga- incorporates chanting into the postures. Mantras are sounds and tones of different vibrations.
Raja Yoga- or “royal yoga” uses postures that hold attention and require concentration./ It uses the knowledge of the mind and intellect to attain enlightment.
Basic Yoga Terms:
Asanas- Yoga positions.
Vinyasa- A flow of yoga poses. A steady flow of connected yoga postures linked with breath work. Example, sun salutation
Prana- The energy produced through yoga breathing exercises, energy current.
Chakras- Centers of radiating life force or energy that are located between the base of the spinal column and crown of the head. There are seven chakras that store and release life energy.
Hatha Yoga- Many yoga styles spring from hatha. It is the yoga of physical wellbeing, designed to balance the body, mind, and spirit.
Namaste- This salutation says “the divine in me honors the divine in you”. The expression is used on meeting or parting and usually is accompanied by the gesture of holding the palms together with slight bow. Pronounced NUM-ah-stay
Salutation to the sun-
Purpose- the series of poses which comprise the sun salutation are executed continuously. The Sun Salutation has a complete and total effect on the entire body.
All the plexus of the body are stimulated. Circulatory system is rejuvenated. The pulmonary, nervous system, digestive organs and the large muscle groups are all affected. It affects each section of the spine and all the other joints of the body. It is used in Hatha Yoga as a warm up exercise and for enhancing the cardiovascular system.
Sun Salutation
Step by Step
Mountain Pose: palms together , prayer position
Backbend: arms extended over head, arch back
Forward knee bend: hands on ground beside feet legs straight or slightly bent
Lunge: one leg back(runner’s pose)
Plank: Push up position, feet together, back straight
Cobra: arms next to body, press up, arching back
Downward facing dog: Lift hips into a upside down “V”.
Lunge: step forward into lunge
Forward Knee bend: feet together, hands next to feet legs straight or slightly bent.
Backbend: stretch up, arch back with arms extended overhead.
Mountain Pose: finish in prayer
Basic Yoga Pose
Cat Pose- Purpose- Improves digestion and circulation. Helps manage hypertension, limbers spinal column and relieves tension in the lower back and shoulder area as it improves respiration and strengthens breathing muscles. This is an excellent exercise for relieving tension that lodges in the shoulders, and upper back.
It improves breathing, and stimulates circulation.
Child Pose- Purpose- Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue. Relieves back and neck pain. This pose must be done with caution, if there is any previous injury to the neck or shoulders do not attempt this pose.
Downward Dog- Purpose- This pose relieves stiffness and tension in back, shoulders and legs. Helps to eliminate fatigue and rejuvenates brain cells. Also benefits digestion.
Instructions- Start on all fours. INHALE Keep the palms on the floor then slowly lift the buttock up keeping the arms straight and the back flat. The head should come to be between the arms looking back at the legs. Breathe and hold the position as long as is comfortable. Exhale, come back down to the all fours position.
Upward Facing Dog- Purpose- This pose stretches the muscles in the middle of your shoulders and the nape of the neck, but it also opens the chest and strengthens the whole body. Upward Facing Dog aligns the spine and invigorates the kidneys and nervous system. It stimulates circulation which helps reduce stress.
Instructions- Start on all fours, knees together, hands under each shoulder. Keep your arms straight and chin up. INHALE then EXHALE now thrust your chest forward and lower your buttocks to the floor. Your thighs should come down to the floor. Hips tilted up. Hold. Take several breaths. Look up and slightly back. Feel the shoulder and neck muscles receive a profound stretch. Now take a deep breath and return to your originally position.
Side Angle Pose- Purpose- This pose works the muscles of the arms, legs, back and torso.
Instructions- Step your feet apart about four feet or as far as you can without discomfort to the hips. Keep your feet parallel. Extend your arms out to the sides.
Turn to the left foot our to about a ninety degree angle and the right foot to a 45 degree angle. Keep the arms parallel. INHALE, bend the knee of the left leg. Exhale, descend into the posture by bending the left knee and bringing it over the left ankle.
Place the left hand to the outside or the lateral side of the left foot. Extend the right arm up. Look up towards the right hand. Hold the pose for a minute or so on each side.
Triangle Pose- Purpose- Increases flexibility, tones the nerves in the spine, strengthens the hip joints, The main focus of the pose are the hamstrings which receive a profound stretch.
Instruction- Stand with your feet apart and arms to the side at shoulder level.
INHALE, EXHALE, bend forward and simultaneously twist your torso downward towards the right leg. Grasp your right ankle with your left hand. Hold for several breaths. Then inhale and return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.
The Tree Pose- Purpose- this pose increases sense of balance and brings flexibility to the ankles and knees.
Instruction- Stand erect. Lift your right foot up and fold your leg, placing the right leg across your left thigh, find your balance by staring at some object which is directly in front of you. Now INHALE and lift both arms up from your side and raise them above your head. Press the palms of your hands together and bend your elbows. Your ears and arms should line up. Hold for several breaths then lower your hands and arms slowly. Do the same for the left leg.
Physical Benefits of Yoga:
Increase in physical strength
Develop greater mental clarity
Increase ability to focus
Improve concentration
Yoga Poses- tones the internal organs of the body while toning muscles, keeping muscular structure strong, and improving circulation. When you hold a pose, the circulation of blood bathes a particular area of the body to rejuvenate glands and cells, and calm nerves.
Yoga Practice focuses strongly on the brain and the spinal cord, the two principle centers of the nervous system, While some yoga poses are designed for energizing the body, others are aimed specifically at calming and focusing the mind. Keeping the nerves calm and healthy is very important to maintaining a healthy mind and body. The deep breathing methods and calming poses learned in yoga ease nervous tension and help keep your brain and nervous system working well. At the same time they help calm your emotions and redirect energy into constructive channels.
• Do not eat for at least one hour before practice
Do not chew gum during practice
Keep feet bare to avoid slipping
Cooperate with your body. Never force yourself to where it hurts, but do try each pose.
Be aware of every move you make moving slowly and carefully while you go in and out of a pose.
Always end a session with relaxation.
Pilates was created in the early 1900’s by Joseph Pilates (1880-967). Pilates combines the Eastern philosophies of exercise with the Western methods of exercising. It is often referred to as “Contrology”. Concentration and focus on the muscles being exercised is crucial for effectiveness. Pilates is concerned with
“quality over quantity”. Pilates works the “powerhouse” , which consists of the abdominals, lower back, gluteal muscles, and hips.
Benefits of Pilates
Improve strength, flexibility and balance.
Tone and build long, lean muscles without bulk.
Challenge deep abdominal muscles to support the core.
Engage the mind and enhance body awareness.
Condition efficient patterns of movement making the body less prone to injury.
Reduce stress, relieve tension, boost energy through deep stretching.
Restore postural alignment.
Create a stronger, more flexible spine.
Promote recovery from strain or injury.
Increase joint range of motion.
Improve circulation.
Heighten neuromuscular coordination.
Offer relief from back pain and joint stress.
Correct over-training of muscle groups which can lead to stress and injury.
Enhance mobility, agility and stamina.
Improve the way your body looks and feels.