2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ 1) AKS/CC Objective Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 36a) Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive). 36b) Use intensive/reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves). 37a - use punctuation (commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive/parent hetical elements demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings (CCGPS) (6LA_E2012-40) explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text (CCGPS) (6LA_A2012-6) Friday 39b - use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words (e.g., audience, determine a theme or auditory, audible) central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments (CCGPS) (6LA_A2012-2) analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone (CCGPS) (6LA_A2012-4) a) Lesson Title Pronouns b) Essential Question What are the three types of personal Document1 Punctuation Challenge What is one common use of Figurative Language review Plot structure review Types of conflict review Theme, point of view & tone Greek & Latin prefixes, roots & suffixes What are six types of figurative How are third person and third Why are there so many words with 2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ 36. Standards of Learning pronouns? semicolons? language? person omniscient What are the steps point of view of the plot different? diagram? What are the types of conflict? Greek or latin prefixes? 36a. Use subjective, objective and possessive pronouns correctly 37. Use proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling 3.Describe plot in episodes – how characters change 2.Determine theme – central idea – cite details – objective summarizing 6. In what way does the writer develop point of view 4.Vocabulary – denotative = literal, connotative = feelings, inferences – impact on meaning & tone 39b. Use common Greek or Latin roots to determine meaning Theme, point of view, tone Greek & Latin roots Pre- before Post- after Dis- not, apart Il-/in-/ir-/im- not Dic/dict - say Log - thought 40.Show understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances 37. Content Vocabulary Document1 Personal/subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, intensive/reflexive pronoun Comma, semicolon, colon, period, question mark, simple, compound and complex sentence, declarative, interrogative, Simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, 2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ exclamatory sentence, clause, phrase resolution/denoue ment External conflict: Man vs. man Man vs. nature Man vs. society Internal conflict: Man vs. self 38. Materials/Resources Needed 8 parts of speech Punctuation marks test, white boards, in brown bag. pronouns PPT, pronouns handout, parts of speech table Identifying figurative language wkst #1 projection List of some common Greek and Latin roots Empty plot diagram & short story/poem Jabberwocky Students will identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Vocabulary table for prefixes, roots, suffixes Conflict notes Document1 Cycl – circular (E) -s/-es - plural -ment – act of, result -ness – state of a - Without ante – before anti – against bio – life carn – flesh cent – hundred dec/deca – ten duc/duct – lead ex – out of 2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ STANDARD: What the students must be able to do and by when. 2) Teacher Input: (Model, Background Knowledge etc) SWBAT recognize and use pronouns properly. SWBAT use punctuation properly in simple, compound and complex sentences. SWBAT identify figurative language, parts of a plot and types of conflict. Use 8 parts of speech test to evaluate student readiness. Review results with students. Have students identify weaknesses. Revisit punctuation Review figurative rules language by asking students to name and define. SWBAT identify theme, point of view and tone in literature. List on the board: Ask students for examples of quarter reading assignments and Pass out white books/stories/poe boards and project ms they have read. figurative language Worksheet. Ask students to give examples of subjects in these, such as: War, loneliness, courage Then ask students what the themes were in each of their listed works, Such as: War can bring out the best and the worst in people, or loneliness can help Document1 SWBAT infer word meaning of vocabulary with Greek and Latin roots. Review word list with students. Pass out vocabulary worksheet. 2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ us find out about ourselves, or courage can mean many different things…… 3) Guided Practice: (whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, MONITORED LEARNING & FEEDBACK) Document1 Show and work through pronouns PPT. Have students write answers on white boards. Student will get into groups. Each group will have a bag. A student will pull out four punctuation marks from the bag and Write pronoun create a sentence types on board. using at least two Have each student of them. Other add a pronoun to students in the each type. group will decide whether the punctuation is correct. The teacher will function as a ‘referee’. Students score one point per mark used. One team member will write the answers on the white board. Explain that you are going to ask them to identify figurative language. Tell the students that they will have 15 seconds to decide upon, and record, their answers. Now, have students talk about the tone in each of these works and decide as a group. Write each choice on the board and ask students to explain their decisions. Next, discuss 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd person omniscient point of view. Project and discuss examples of 4 of the types of point of view. Students will choose 18 prefixes, roots and suffixes and complete the worksheet with meanings, their own examples and an illustration. 2013-2014 Week of____Sept 30 – Oct 4_____________ Grade Level __6__ Content_ Language Arts____ 4) Independent Practice: (When you know you know.) Students will complete the pronoun handout. Review answers. 5) Closure/Summarizing* (multiple summaries during lesson) Document1 Punctuation Students will Practice worksheet create a plot diagram for a story or poem (Jabberwocky). Pass out Parts of speech table. Have students complete for pronouns. Students will fill in the conflict cloze notes to use as study guide. What are the three What is one types of personal common use of pronouns? semicolons? How can you identify a metaphor? Pass out ‘Identifying Narrative Perspective’ Students will identify point of view, suggest a possible theme and identify the tone of each passage. How are third person and third person omniscient point of view different? Students will volunteer to act out – no talking - a word with a Greek or Latin root. Other students will try to guess what the word is. Why are there so many words with Greek or Latin roots?