ACADEMIC ADVISING SYLLABUS <Department/Division> Minot State University Advisor Name: <First Last Name> Office: <Building, Room> Phone: (701) 858-XXXX Email: <Email Address> Advising Hours: By Appointment Office Hours: <Dates, Times> REQUIRED MATERIALS MSU Undergraduate Catalog, MSU Academic Advising Website, MSU General Education Requirements Worksheet, ADVISING DEFINITION Academic advising is a personalized, interactive, and intentional process in which the advisor helps the student set and achieve academic, career, and personal goals. The advising process will incorporate respect for and engagement with all cultures, people, and points of view. The student will acquire relevant information and services to make responsible decisions consistent with interests, goals, abilities, and degree requirements. The desired result is that the student will feel a connection with the advisor and a sense of guidance, while realizing personal responsibility for exploring options and making decisions. ADVISING MISSION STATEMENT Academic advising at Minot State University is committed to student success and promoting growth and development of all students through life-long learning, engagement, and advancement of knowledge. ADVISING LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR STUDENTS Through the academic advising experiences at Minot State University students will, Develop an educational plan to successfully achieve their academic, career, and personal goals Understand university policies and procedures Determine and utilize the necessary resources and services to support their goals Demonstrate knowledge in using CampusConnection Understand the value of General Education requirements Exhibit an understanding of their degree requirements Select courses each semester to progress toward completing their educational plan Demonstrate the ability to make effective decisions, enhance problem-solving skills, and communicate effectively Understand the relationship between classroom experiences and their academic, career, and personal goals Understand the importance of including experiences outside of the classroom in their educational plan Graduate in a timely manner based on their educational plan DEMONSTRATING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES You and your advisor will work together to measure and document that you have achieved the above academic advising learning outcomes. A variety of advising documents will be completed and placed in your advising file. These documents may include an academic checklist, a completed academic advisement sheet for each semester, a General Education checklist, and other material gathered in advising sessions. ADVISOR & ADVISEE RESPONSIBILITIES: I will… Serve as a student advocate Exhibit a caring attitude Be aware of current university resources and provide students with necessary referrals Be available to students through posted office hours, email, and appointment times Provide guidance to students as they set academic, career, and personal goals Be a responsive listener Understand and communicate curriculum, graduation requirements, and university policies and procedures Assist students in understanding degree requirements Assist students in selecting courses based on individual interests and abilities Monitor progress toward career and educational goals by maintaining accurate and up-to-date advising files Maintain confidentiality of student records Assist students in enhancing decision-making, problem-solving, and communication skills Participate in advisor training sessions to keep informed and current I expect you to… Review and understand university policies and procedures, General Education requirements, graduation requirements, and the MSU Undergraduate Catalog Read MSU email account on a regular basis Learn to access and navigate CampusConnection Be aware of academic dates and deadlines Explore resources to assist in making career and academic decisions Schedule and attend advising appointments Arrive on time for appointments Prepare for advising sessions and bring relevant materials to appointment Bring a list of questions to appointments and ask questions if a topic is not understood Communicate openly with advisor by clarifying personal values, abilities, goals, and needs Be familiar with requirements of selected major(s)/minor(s) and schedule courses in accordance with those requirements Recognize that advising is a shared responsibility; however, students must accept final responsibility for all decisions SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT: <Instructions to schedule an appointment.> REQUEST CHANGE OF ADVISOR: If you wish to request a change of academic advisor, please contact the Student Success Center Administrative Assistant at (701) 858-3362. If you would like to change your Faculty Advisor, please contact the Administrative Assistant from your major department. PROCESS TO CHANGE MAJOR: You can change your major at any time by completing the online Major/Minor Change Form found on the Registrar’s Office website, Upon changing your major, you will be assigned a new Faculty Advisor within your intended field of study. DISABILITY STATEMENT: In coordination with the Disability Support Service, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities (LD, Orthopedic, Hearing, Visual, Speech, Psychological, ADD/ADHD, Health Related & Other). Please visit with your advisor to make necessary arrangements. Accommodations and alternative format print materials (large print, audio, disk or Braille) are available through the Disability Support Service, located on campus in the lower level of Lura Manor (South Entrance), or by calling 701-858-3371 or by e-mail at RECOMMENDED ADVISING RESOURCES TO REVIEW: MSU Advising Website - MSU Registrar’s Office Website - ADDITIONAL RESOURCES RECOMMENDED TO YOU: Academic Support o Tutoring – o Writing Center - Career Services - Counseling Center - Disability Services - ACADEMIC ADVISING CALENDAR: August o Double check course schedule/room assignments in CampusConnection o Classes begin Monday, August 22 after 4pm o Attend Student Workshop – “I’m Here, Now What?” – Thursday, August 25 from 1-1:50pm (Student Center, Westlie Room) o Attend Student Workshop – “I’m Here, Now What?” – Wednesday, August 31 from 1-1:50pm(Student Center, Missouri Room) o Last day to add a full-term course – Wednesday, August 31 September o Be aware of drop/add dates and other deadlines o New students should visit with advisor in Student Success Center to discuss results from the College Student Inventory (CSI) o Returning students should reconnect with your advisor o Let your advisor know how your classes are going o Attend Student Workshop – “Do the “Write” Thing – Strategies for Successful College Writing” – Thursday, September 8 from 1-1:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o Attend Student Workshop – “Read & Write Gold” – Thursday, September 15 from 1-1:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o Attend Student Workshop – “YOGA – Stretch Your Mind Body” – Thursday, September 29 from 11:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) October o Check your earliest Registration Date & Time in CampusConnection o Check CampusConnection for any holds that may prevent registration Take care of holds prior to registration o Meet with advisor to plan for Spring semester o Meet with advisor if you receive midterm deficiencies o Register for Spring classes during assigned registration time - October 25-27 o Spring semester graduation application due to advisor o Spring semester graduation application due to Registrar’s Office o Attend Student Workshop – “Bouncing Back…Skills for Beating Stress” – Thursday, October 20 from 11:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) November o Last day to drop a full-term course - Thursday, November 10 o Attend Student Workshop – “Major Confusion” – Thursday, November 17 from 1-1:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) December o Attend Student Workshop – “Gifts on a Budget (Financial Literacy)” – Thursday, December 8 from 11:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o Finals exams - December 12-16 o Check final grades in CampusConnection January o Welcome back for Spring semester o Double check course schedule/room assignments in CampusConnection o Classes begin Monday, January 9 after 4pm o Last day to add a full-term course - Thursday, January 19 o Attend Student Workshop – “Self Defense” – Thursday, January 19 from 1-1:50pm (Swain Hall, Pedagogy Lab) o Attend Student Workshop – “Top 10 Tips for Terrific Test Taking” – Thursday, January 26 from 11:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o Contact advisor for any questions or concerns about fall semester grades or if you need to change your class schedule o Let your advisor know how your classes are going February o Attend Student Workshop – “Minimize Time…Maximize Your Grades” – Thursday, February 9 from 11:50pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o MSU Scholarship deadline – February 15 o Attend Student Workshop – “Dress For Success” – Thursday, February 23 from 12-12:50pm (Student Center, Beaver Dam) March o Attend Student Workshop – “Resume Clinic ‘Check-Up’” – Thursday, March 1 from 12:30-2:00pm (Student Center, Missouri Room) o Check earliest Registration Date & Time in CampusConnection o Check CampusConnection for any holds that may prevent registration and take care of prior to registration o Meet with advisor to plan for Summer & Fall semesters o o o o o April o May o o o Meet with advisor if you receive midterm deficiencies Fall & Summer semester graduation application due to advisor Fall & Summer semester graduation application due to Registrar’s Office Spring Break - March 12-16 Register for Summer & Fall classes during assigned registration time - March 20-22 Last day to drop a full-term course - Thursday, April 5 Make sure you have registered for Fall classes before leaving campus for the summer Final Exams – May 7-11 Check final grades in CampusConnection rvsd 2/8/16