Athletic Advising Model Concept

A Supplemental Advising Model
for Advising Student-Athletes
Athletic Academic Success
Counselors serve as “one-stop”
resources for student-athletes,
assisting them with the challenges
they face academically, and
administratively, while monitoring
their assigned students’ progress
through their chosen path of study.
Legacy Leaders (upper-level
students), through their own
experiences, provide advice on study
habits and learning resources, as well
as emotional and social support to
new students, while helping them
navigate the collegiate experience.
New students entering the university,
both 1st-year students and transfer
students with less than 20 credit hours
transferring in.
Faculty advisors function as
“curriculum consultants”, providing
an overview of a outcomes-based
education and the General
Education curriculum through oneon-one sessions. Once each
student’s academic needs have
been determined, a curricular
“pathway” is created, preparing the
student for course registration.
University College and Lifelong
Learning class deans, assistant
deans, and staff compile and analyze
data on student performance and
progress, determining the best
advising strategies and reallocating
advising and tutoring resources as